

@wordswithkittywitch / wordswithkittywitch.tumblr.com

Classic Whovian, classic lolita, classic example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain. This blog largely contains history, fashion, Doctor Who, and the historical fashions on Doctor Who.

Happy Pride Month, everybody! Once again, I'm going to be taking requests for moodboards until the end of the month. There's just a few changes this time.

  • Unlike pretty much everything else I do, I will be taking requests.
  • You can request as many different things as you want and I will try to do all of them.
  • I may not finish all the requests on the day they were requested, that does not mean that I am ignoring you, that means that I had other things to do that day.
  • I might be able to do more than two in one day, but I'm not going to do any of that "six in one day" nonsense I managed last year; I wasn't able to get any of my actual work done because of it and I still need to eat.
  • You need not be following me to make a request.
  • Please send the requests via askbox, it's easier for me to keep track of them if they're all in one place.
  • While I will do my best to complete any request given, the quality will be higher if I’m familiar with the media. (I tag extensively. If there's a tag for the show on my blog I've seen it.)
  • Some days I might put forth a suggested theme. You don’t need to wait for that theme to come up to make a suggestion, and you can request moodboards that don’t fit the theme. It’s just to give you ideas.
  • Fictional characters only, please. It’s great that celebrities can be more open about being queer now, but one does not engage with a real person the way they do a fictional character.
  • While I will not throw out a request because I do not share the headcanon, I do have a few nOTPs and I would rather not work on those with my limited time. Gender and sexuality headcanons will always be okay, though.
  • I am willing to do shipping posts with characters who are minors, but please, make sure all involved characters are minors. Aging characters up to reduce the age gap is a gray area I'd rather not go into.
  • Since requests are open to people not following me, it’s okay to reblog this post so your followers know they can make requests as well.

personally if I saw a bi woman at pride with her cishet boyfriend I would be very happy to see that she has someone that loves and supports her given that 61% of bisexual women have experienced some form of intimate partner violence


tumblr removed my header which was literally just this image

okay I know we’re only 4,000 notes in but look at the likes-reblogs ratio… it’s almost the same. Staff you done fucked up

12k now, there's a difference in the ratio now but still a close one. Wowsers Staff.

Good lord, staff

Mother of pearl you guys



Oh my god tumblr staff what have you done

I've been ordered by my lord to escort his ladies to Edo. I'm sorry, but without a permit, no lord or his retinue may leave Osaka Castle. It is Lord Ishido's order. You leave me no choice.


@dduane used to do it before we met, and still has the wooden practice weapon.

We've occasionally thought of getting a live-steel repro...

...but there are several hundred reasons why it hasn't happened, all of them Euros.


My sensei back in NY was really insistent that i should do some naginata drills with him when I got into his class, as his first female student. (He refused to teach this art to any of the male students and would only say that it "wasn't right".)

This is how, when a guy tried to mug me late-ish one evening while I was waiting for a bus near Macy's in Manhattan, I was able to keep him away from me for ten minutes or so with the handle of the mop I'd just bought.* ...And at this end of time I can safely confess that it was, well, kinda fun. The poor schmuck literally never knew what hit him/kept hitting him. (All he had was this little knife. I'm laughing now just remembering it.)

Understand, I didn't really want to hurt him badly. And I could have. As a nurse, the flip side of learning how to put hurt people back together is also learning in great detail the many, many ways they can be taken apart or very badly damaged with relatively minimal outlay of force. So I just kept using the mop handle to remind Mugger Guy that (a) he wasn't going to be allowed to get close enough to me to hurt me or take anything of mine, and (b) he had all these vulnerable knees and elbows and shins and things. ...Especially the things.

Finally, when the bus was coming, the guy called me a bunch of terrible names and slunk off in a big hurry. And when the bus was moving again, and the reaction set in, I sat there right behind the driver and shook like a leaf for the next ten minutes or so. But when I had breath to do so again, I couldn't help snickering. Was I sort of cruel to that guy, toying with him like that? Maybe. But he started it.

Meanwhile, the practice naginata is really good for knocking down apples from the Bramley-grafted tree in the paddock next door. :) (Better than Peter's spear, actually, which is extremely sharp and tends to cut/poke holes in the fruit, impairing its keeping qualities.)

*The head came off and was in a separate bag. Just as well, as doing the drill moves with the mophead in place would have been at best rather inelegant.


when i see people express sentiments like this, my thought is pretty much “who exactly are you trying to prove a point to?” the democrats? if trump gets elected, they’re going to be completely sidelined if not worse and will be entirely focused on trying to get back in power and i can tell you they will NOT be moving further left. netanyahu? it’s a BETTER outcome for him if trump wins since trump is SIGNIFICANTLY more pro-israel than biden has ever been. the people in gaza? they need a ceasefire which has been rejected by both the israel and the hamas sides multiple times and a trump win WILL NOT make that a stronger possibility.


While this tweet feels suspiciously like psyops, this kind of perspective is growing more and more common. It comes from the belief that it is more important to punish sinners for their crimes than it is to care for the innocent.

It is there in the voices who want Israel to burn more than they want Palestinians to have their freedom. Who want to attack public figures for using politically incorrect words more than they want to help people that those words describe. Who want Biden to lose the presidency more than they want safety and freedom for Americans (or Palestinians).

It is not, ultimately, an effective perspective. Punishments are far less of a deterrent than people think they are. Protesters know they may be arrested, maybe even beaten or shot, but they protest anyway. Criminals are well aware of the justice system, and yet crime persists. If someone genuinely believes that they must do something, then the threat of punishment does very little.

But more importantly, punishment is not justice. Sometimes punishment can help to bring about justice, but that does not make them the same thing.

Voting out Biden will not create justice. At its absolute best, it would punish Biden. But it would also punish millions of other people who are vulnerable and in need of our assistance.

Rather than taking the action that best punishes the perpetrators, we must try to find the paths that best support the victims. Sometimes, if we're lucky, the same action will do both.

This is not one of those times.


In the 2000 election, a bunch of people wanted to send a message. They wanted to send the message that the environment was important and climate change was real and the US needed to do something about it.

So they voted third party for Ralph Nader and the Green Party.

They cost the Democrats the election. So instead of noted environmentalist and climate change activist Al Gore, we got George W. Bush.

But they sent a message right? They made a stand for their cause right? Surely it helped their cause, right?

It ENDED the Green party single-handedly as well as Ralph Nadar's career, because they were blamed for splitting the vote and getting a moron nepo-baby oilman into power.

Bush was able to stall for eight years on even admitting climate change existed, while making tons of money for his friends in the oil industry. AND he started two decades of wars that are still ongoing to this day. Literally millions died.

Next time it might be birth control rights. It might be nuclear war.

The genocide? Will escalate. More will happen in other parts of the world. Maybe here, who fucking knows.

I voted for Nader in 2000. It was my first Presidential election vote. It was my friends who went into warzones at the order of the man who took office as a result.

Your elders are SCREAMING at you to please learn from history.


If Biden loses, Trump will win and help genocide the Palestinians.


Living liver donation feels like an exploitable glitch in the human body. Like, you have one liver, and if it fails you die. But, you can take another person's liver, cut it in half, put half of that liver into the second person, and both halves of the liver will grow back into full livers. Like, chop-chop, switchy-switch, wait a few months and both people have fully working livers.


when the clock is at :45 it’s like. oh i have a whole quarter of the hour left i have so much time this is great and then it hits :47 and you’re like it’s basically :50 which is basically the top of the hour and all my time is wasted forever and ever

1:45 -> oh neat there's 15 minutes left

1:47 -> yeah no it's 2pm


[ID 1: a tweet by k 𓃕 /@/how_do_i_pdf, reading

Fitted sheet being taken out of the dryer like "I have a secret :)" and the secret is your wet laundry wound up in it

ID 2: a screenshot of a reblog by @/mossunion, reading:

you can tell the average age on this site has been steadily increasing because posts like this wouldn't get this many notes in 2017


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