
Happy Pride Month, everybody! Once again, I’m going to be taking requests for moodboards until the end of the month. There’s just a few changes this time.

  • Unlike pretty much everything else I do, I will be taking requests.
  • You can request as many different things as you want and I will try to do all of them.
  • I may not finish all the requests on the day they were requested, that does not mean that I am ignoring you, that means that I had other things to do that day.
  • I might be able to do more than two in one day, but I’m not going to do any of that “six in one day” nonsense I managed last year; I wasn’t able to get any of my actual work done because of it and I still need to eat.
  • You need not be following me to make a request.
  • Please send the requests via askbox, it’s easier for me to keep track of them if they’re all in one place.
  • While I will do my best to complete any request given, the quality will be higher if I’m familiar with the media. (I tag extensively. If there’s a tag for the show on my blog I’ve seen it.)
  • Some days I might put forth a suggested theme. You don’t need to wait for that theme to come up to make a suggestion, and you can request moodboards that don’t fit the theme. It’s just to give you ideas.
  • Fictional characters only, please. It’s great that celebrities can be more open about being queer now, but one does not engage with a real person the way they do a fictional character.
  • While I will not throw out a request because I do not share the headcanon, I do have a few nOTPs and I would rather not work on those with my limited time. Gender and sexuality headcanons will always be okay, though.
  • I am willing to do shipping posts with characters who are minors, but please, make sure all involved characters are minors. Aging characters up to reduce the age gap is a gray area I’d rather not go into.
  • Since requests are open to people not following me, it’s okay to reblog this post so your followers know they can make requests as well.

3 weeks ago 7 notes
pride month moodboards,



Tell me the plot of one of the games you played as a child. With friends, or dolls, or action figures, or whatever.

Having realised I posted this several months ago and didn’t offer any of my own.

One Christmas, my parents got me the Playmobile Peacock Palace playset and almost all of the separate figurines from that line. It was amazing. I kept the Peacock Palace up in my room for years, playing out various adventures of the royal family. My favourite character was Princess Lilac, (I named all of the royal children after flowers: Princess Daffodil, Princess Rose, Princess Lilac, and Prince Chrysanthemum) who slept in the room with a balcony on top of the palace. She would go out into the forest (the floor of my bedroom, since the palace took up the entire table) and consort with the unicorn and a wood nymph with neon green hair named Willowy. The unicorn had a waterfall she blessed by dipping her horn into it, and any animals that drank from the waterfall could talk. Willowy stopped any humans from drinking the water, because it erased their memories. Except for when she realised they were in a time loop, and that the queen mother was also her granddaughter Princess Lilac, and if the humans found out that they were the same three generations being born again and again, that Willowy would lose the closest she could come to having prince Chrysanthemum become immortal like her and she’d never see him again. Which is kind of a fucked up thing to keep from your boyfriend, it occurs to me as an adult, especially since most of the time I was playing in the part of the time loop where the prince was a child.

I think the reason why it is when I play Sims Medieval I make everything I can pastel lavender is because I’m still yearning for the Peacock Palace.

10 hours ago 17 notes
my childhood,








Owen Harper

Oliver Harper

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So sad they put Oliver against a TV character so he’ll probably never win. He was such an amazing character and his story line was really moving. If only they hadn’t killed him off and kept him going I suspect he’d be more popular.

Go vote for him anyway: the poll is a whole week so maybe we can turn it around.

Less than a day left and Oliver is just short of 25% of the votes. Come on; we’ve gotta get him at least that much. He deserves far more.

Everyone vote Oliver. He’s a sweetheart who deserves better than falling off in round one.

10 hours ago 25 notes





apparently someone in Edinburgh has been updating the street signs for pride

[ID: A street sign with a white background and dark letters on a building. The sign’s raised letters spell ‘BROUGHAM PLACE’ but certain letters were strategically painted white so the sign now reads 'BRO I AM ACE’. /End ID]

12 hours ago 15,789 notes
me when someone starts hitting on me,




hi, ummm. this is awkward. haha. yeah um do you think you could push your boulder up somewhere else? like a different hill? because this one’s kind of already taken. yeah it’s the one i’ve decided to die on, so.

yeah thanks. um and if you see that woman who sometimes comes running up here could you tell her that i’m- yeah the one who makes all those deals with god. yeah. could you tell her this is the hill i’m dying on and she needs to find a different one? fuck hang on i can see those two kids with that pail of water again give me a second-

12 hours ago 104,751 notes




Aw man I sure do love *looks at smudged writing on hand* Proncis Zoldo

Well done! I think this is the nicest piece you’ve posted to this blog.

12 hours ago 7 notes


14 hours ago 986 notes




Steak (via Instagram)

14 hours ago 3,949 notes
food, gods I'm hungry,


15 hours ago 1,584 notes




Who is the hottest vintage sci fi/fantasy man? (Round 4)

Danny John-Jules (left)

Bruce Campbell (right)

Danny John-Jules (Red Dwarf)- If you’re playing a highly evolved cat, you need to have both grace and attitude. Actor-singer-dancer Danny has both in spades which is why he’s played The Cat in “Red Dwarf” for 36 years and counting. The whole point of Cat’s character is that he’s a cat in human form, utterly convinced that he’s the centre of the universe. He does develop over the course of the show but never loses sight of his raison d'etre - to look good and be cool at all times. His outfits are unfailingly great and as he says when asked to justify his existence: “I have given pleasure to the world because I have such a beautiful arse!”

Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead films)- his lantern jaw and goofy charm have captivated me

Additional propaganda:

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15 hours ago 114 notes
I don't see how this is a contest, Bruce Campbell is many things but handsome is not one of them,





whitby abbey, where dracula arrived in england

That’s not ominous at all.

15 hours ago 15,896 notes