
Bruce Wayne's Belfry

@spoopy-action-at-distance / spoopy-action-at-distance.tumblr.com

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these tags are so incredible

[Image ID 1]

A screenshot of a post from the vexillologycirclejerk subreddit. OP is boltzmannman.

The title is "trans flag but gender is fluid and the fluid density is determined by color saturation an the mixture had been left to sit for a few hours".

The body is a picture of the trans flag, arranged by colour saturation - a single white stripe at the top, a double width pink stripe and a double width blue stripe at the bottom .

[End image ID 1]

[Image ID 2]

Tumblr tags reading "they emulsified my fucking gender fluid (sad face)" and "the gender fluid has fallen out of gender suspension / get the gender blender"

[End image ID 2]


Sometimes a creative outlet is a fun little hobby and sometimes it's a lifelong affliction. Like I crochet because making little woven animals sparks joy and I'm a writer whether I like it or not because I'm tormented by visions

Me crocheting: I made a duck ! ^_^

Me writing: pacing around talking to myself compelled by forces beyond my comprehension


I really don't understand the logic behind kellogg's cornflakes as a method of anti-masturbation like if i was forced to eat bland boring corn flakes I'd be itching to jerk off like I'd be wanking it the moment they let me go

If they like pumped it full of LSD and meth or maybe opium then maybe I'd understand the logic more


People jerk off because something in their lives has excited their passions. You're only itching to wank because you keep eating exciting things. If you eat bland stuff you'll calm down and stop being so desperate to jerk it. Then you can focus on more important things like praying to Jesus and making money and such

Hmm gonna try this tonight

Nooooo don't hahaha I was joking please don't become Christian you need to keep gooning. For women

its tonight! time to try it!

I got these little cups of cornflakes from the store ($0, 100% coupon (shoplifting)) but i know tony the tiger is a dirty revisionist so to preserve kellogg's dream, i washed all the cornflakes in the sink first

Wow this sucks

jacked off instead 👍


"No one remembered my birthday-" Well, but did YOU tell anyone it was coming up and you wanted to celebrate it with them?

"I wish someone would see through it when I tell people I'm fine-" Well, but have YOU considered not lying when people ask you how you're doing?

"I am so resentful of my friend because they keep doing this thing that really bothers me-" Well, but have YOU directly communicated that the thing is bothering you?

"I am burning out because my friend keeps expecting me to help them with serious struggles-" Well, but have YOU tried to establish the boundaries you need to feel okay?

"No one ever asks me about this thing I really care about-" Well, but have YOU brought it up yourself?

"I miss my friend but they haven't texted me-" Well, but have YOU been reaching out to them?

Sometimes people are mean, uncaring assholes, in which case you get to be mad. But sometimes you just need to communicate better. Try communication before you assume someone doesn't care!


Having someone who knows you on such a deep level that they see past your mask, or sense you need a check in is such a deep satisfying fantasy. It's up there with living in a cottagecore farm, or buying all your friends houses when you win the lottery. But you have to make peace with the fact that this is also a fantasy. It is unfair to expect people to "just know" when to respect your boundaries or to push them.

Being cared for is not a fantasy. But you have to let people know you need it. And you have to understand that sometimes they will let you down. Just like you totally could live in a cute farm, but you still have to shovel shit, and the crops sometimes die anyway. Or maybe you win the lottery, but you still have to manage your money and learn real estate law.

The fantasy isn't the caring, the fantasy is not having to do the work. And it sucks. It's embarrassing. But like the meme says, it's not rotten if it's YOU. So do it for yourself.

"The fantasy isn't the caring, the fantasy is not having to do the work"! Thank you for that addition. Because it's not a naive expectation to want someone to care to treat you right. But it requires communication and mutual effort to actually get there

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