

@bunjywunjy / bunjywunjy.tumblr.com

I'm Bunjy (they/them), part-time internet goldfish and full-time goofball. I answer biology asks under the #Cursed Biology series tag. feel free to send a bio request but BEWARE THE MONKEY'S PAW. I'm the owner of Wexter the Extreme Chompin' T-Rex, and I post updates about her in the #wexter tag. see #TAGGING SYSTEM REF for a list of my current tags. This blog is SFW.

Oh god what have I done.

Fishfolk tend to varying degrees of off-putting in the sagaverse—same as everything else, really—and I tried to explore a design that made some anatomical sense while retaining the distinguishing features of a mermaid in a technical sense. It's got arms, see.


More art of my albatross griffins. I’m happier with their design. I CAN’T believe I gave them plain ol’ canine/seal looking teeth before, when spine covered penguin mouths are RIGHT THERE. It makes more sense to me design wise and looks better.

I decided to call them ✨Kymagryphs✨, giant scrounges of the skies over a new endless sea. Careful not to leave your catch out on deck when sailing.


Compilation of people holding things that shouldn't be held, please add more if you have any


@is-the-snake-video-cute looks like a coral snake (blunt nose) but double checking- is it ?

That's indeed a coral snake, good ID!!

This thread is full of the luckiest people on the planet, I think. Also goes to show just how calm even venomous snakes are - coral snakes rarely bite unless you're actively harassing them - and how important it is to make sure your ID as non-venomous is 1000% certain before picking up any wild snake.


good morning morning, it's a bright new saturday and I have SO MUCH laundry to do, so time to sell some dragons! this week sees the return of starry night aethers, welcome home cheetah imperials, my first nest in a LONG time of old world spirals (their parents are some of my og dragons!) and, of course, FATHOMS. (more to come later in the sale!) find them all on my For Sale tab HERE and take one or several home today!


[ID: Boxed shaped clay sculpture of a Przewalski's horse. The horse's body is painted onto the box in the style of palaeolithic cave art, and the front half from the shoulders is realistic and three-dimensional, fully emerging at the end of the box. The horse is in a walking pose with the front left leg raised and the head tilted slightly sideways. Each photo shows a different angle. End ID]

Yeah, happy with this. Will be remaking it at some point, hopefully with less issues. I'll have to give it a coat of gloss as this clay is not hardy and needs protection.


If you had to design a bovine for an environment they don't exist in naturally, like the arctic circle, what would you like them to look like and where would you place em?


fun fact! yakutian cattle already live in the arctic circle!!! theyre completely covered with fur--even their udders are furry--to keep them nice and and toasty in the sakha republic, siberia!

the sakha republic is in red on this map! the arctic circle goes through the top of it :3

however... if i was designing them... id make them fluffier. more fur. More


I came across this in a book I'm currently reading and it's really stuck in my mind and I wanted to share

'Sheep in Wolf's clothing' by Judith Duffey 1986

I don't know if anyone on here is going to be interested I'm this piece or anything but I wanted to share as it struck me an an amazing piece of textile art


The "I just pretended I belong here and no one has noticed so far that I'm not supposed to be here" fics are hysterical to me. If someone pretended to be my cousin and showed up in my house they would absolutely get my inattentive ass.

Reblog if this would work on you (definitely would for me! I don't even know how many great aunts and uncles I have much less their names, except for the really atrocious ones like the guy who stole from the cemetery)

I forgot to elaborate on the Uncle who stole from the cemetery. For reference, he stole ground from the cemetery.

I don't mean he like, dug holes and took dirt out for gardening or witchcraft.

I mean that he took down the cemetery fence and reinstalled it further into the cemetery, and then he plowed and planted corn in his new extra space. Because he owned the field in the next plot over and he thought that space was going to waste without any corn in it.

And people weren't quite sure but wasn't the cemetery larger, before? It seemed that it was. Did the field next door get larger? Outrageous, you can't just casually ask someone if they moved the fence and planted corn in the cemetery property line if you're not certain, you'd sound nuts.

And by the time anyone confronted him about this, well... What are you going to do? Unplant the corn? Where's the property line? He certainly doesn't know. Is the volunteer cemetery board going to send out a surveyor?

My Uncle said there weren't any bodies there. Well. Technically he said, "no one was using that space anyway," and I want that to mean there were no bodies there. But who knows! Now no one, my Uncle has passed away and the crime rate is probably down quite a bit. I hope the organizations that were suing him throughout my childhood got whatever they needed back from his estate. That man could steal anything. He stole water by the bucket. I mean this literally. If it wasn't nailed down, it was going home with him. If it was nailed down, he had a claw hammer to take it and the nail home.


@bunjywunjy you leave this in the TAGS???


oh yeah, this is actually one of the tamer stories about my great-grandad. he stars in a LOT of family stories that got passed down- this is the same guy who ambushed the town drunk with a friend and buried him face-up a couple of feet deep in one of his fields with a stovepipe over his face so he could breathe, and just. left him there for 24 hours. they went back with shovels the next day and dug him back out, dude never drank again, supposedly

And now you left this in the tags! I think it provides some much-needed context.

Also, I wish I could have met your great-granddad too.

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