
Something, At Least

@somethingmissingthiswaycomes / somethingmissingthiswaycomes.tumblr.com

Personal blog. I am queer and disabled and a little cat mrow, 20s style. Young adult. Figuring life out. Constantly. Follow my craft account! | I used to try and be safe for minors, but I've stopped putting effort into that. Say this blog is... I dunno, 16+. I don't do DNIs so just be mindful. | I sometimes block people for ableism and suicide baiting no matter the target.

👉🏽 girl help I can’t stop drawing connections between ghetto fabulous fashion and other cultural attire because it gets a bad rep in western aestheticism for being too loud, gaudy, and ostentatious despite keeping the art of adornment alive 👈🏽

like look at them. they are sisters. to me

Ghetto Fabulous is literally the name of the fashion subculture. I’m clawing at the walls in here because people are wondering why I am calling the style ghetto. According to the dictionary definition:

“…denoting or exemplifying an ostentatious or flamboyant lifestyle or style of clothing of a type associated with the hip-hop subculture.”

The fact that the word ghetto itself is a negative connotation is because of the intersection between poverty and racial minorities. But as an art it’s liberating, expressive, and campy even. As someone who was raised to distance myself from it, I love when other people are able to express themselves in the style wholeheartedly.


i cant believe you guys. NOT EVEN ONCE

This is a major public health victory and the result of years of work. I know the in thing on tumblr is to kid around about people being uncool for not having sex or going to the club or whatever but those things don't give you lung cancer or a myriad of other health problems. Cigarettes are bad and the only reason you think they're cool is big tobacco poured astonishing amounts of money into marketing.


When you are alone and have a heart attack. What are you gonna do then?

Take a 2 minute break and read this:

Let's say it's 5:25 pm and you're driving home after an unusually hard day's work.

You are really tired and frustrated. All of a sudden your chest pains. They are starting to radiate in the arm and jaw. It feels like being stabbed in the chest and heart. You're only a few miles away from the nearest hospital or home.

Unfortunately you don't know if you can make it..

Maybe you've taken CPR training, but the person running the course hasn't told you how to help yourself.

How do you survive a heart attack when you're alone when it happens? A person who is feeling weak and whose heart is beating hard has only about 10 seconds before losing consciousness.

1. But you can help yourself by coughing repeatedly and very strongly! Deep breaths before every cough. Coughing should be repeated every second until you arrive at the hospital or until your heart starts to beat normally.

2. Deep breathing gives oxygen to your lungs and coughing movements boost the heart and blood circulation. Heart pressure also helps to restore a normal heartbeat. Here's how cardiac arrest victims can make it to the hospital for the right treatment

3. Cardiologists say if someone gets this message and passes it on to 10 people, we can expect to save at least one life.

4. FOR WOMEN: You should know that women have additional and different symptoms. Rarely have crushing chest pain or pain in the arms. Often have indigestion and tightness across the back at the bra line plus sudden fatigue.


Reblogging this, because it is helpful information, BUT, with a couple of additions and caveats. First, this:

And then this:

And yes, as you get older, these are things you actually start thinking about, and worrying about, so I always try to stay informed.

Important for younger people too!! I was in my 30's, sitting in a waiting room, feeling sorry for myself because I was the youngest person at the cardiologist's. Then a kid who couldn't have been more than 16 walked in....

One of the most dangerous mistakes people make about their health is believing that a health problem doesn't happen to people "their age".


ants are insane. there r like at least 50 species of ants that practice slavery. to me this has so many implications. they already have wildly complex social structures, a division of labor, etc. I'm going nuts if I'm being quite tbh rn. why is everyone not freaking out about this. this raises so many questions for me. is ants committing slavery unethical? my gut answer is yes but ants don't, to our knowledge, think on that level. this has so many implications and I'm kind of losing my mind over it

like sometimes enslaved ants will literally stage revolts to escape slavery and either wipe out the slaver colony or weaken it. and like what else could you call it, they're staging a revolt. I'm becoming more convinced that ants are just little tiny humans

Humans aren’t the only species that have had to deal with the issue of slavery. Some species of ants also abduct the young of others, forcing them into labouring for their new masters. These slave making ants, like Protomagnathus (sic) americanus conduct violent raids on the nests of other species, killing all the adults and larva-napping the brood. When these youngsters mature, they take on the odour of their abductors and become the servants of the enslaving queen. They take over the jobs of maintaining the colony and caring for its larvae even though they are from another species; they even take part in raids themselves. But like all slavetraders, P.americanus faces rebellions.

So, this is not to pick on this writer in particular because a lot of this inherited terminology is very common, but just stop for a moment to think about how much anthropocentrism and projection is happening here, from the very first sentence to all of the terminology: "slavery", "laboring for", "new masters", "slave making", "abductors", "servants", "enslaving queen".

But going back to that first sentence: "Humans aren’t the only species that have had to deal with the issue of slavery" — can you think of why it might be that a particular kind of human especially in the 19th century in the USA and Europe might want to frame things discovered in their biological studies as similar to what people like them were doing to other humans at the same time, and therefore natural or even beyond morality?

Imagine for a moment if Jeffrey Epstein's other career were as a myrmecologist, and he had discovered this behavior but called them "child-trafficking ants"; would that be neutral? Would that be appropriate?

What's being read into the behavior of ants is not really slavery just like ants don't really have castes or a queen. That's all a form of projection and something that actively prevents us from understanding how ant colonies — there's another one of those words — actually function. Both of those posts reference Stanfod biologist Deborah M. Gordon's work, an actual expert in her field (unlike us).

Actually, @cuntmunism, if you're really interested, another actual expert in ant evolution, Ohio State University's Joan M. Herbers, also talked about this subject specifically in 2007.

The fact that the same people who talked about "slave-making ants" talked about "negro ants" being their targets ought to be something of a red flag.


Adults: Following rules is good, not following rules is bad

Little me: Okay :] *follows a rule*

Adults: Oh my god look at this loser. He doesn't know that this rule is Secretly Okay To Not Follow. Dumbass. Let's all laugh at him

little me: *follows all the rules i know about* Adults: Stupid little kid didnt know about the secret rules *apoplectically angry* why the fuck doesnt this kid know the secret rules???


i too have a pressing question: why are straights like this

“I came here to celebrate your loving relationship but actual demonstrations of that love gross me out so please, when you’re kissing your new spouse, remember to always be conscious of the fact that your love for each other is a bit icky and we don’t really want to see it.” 

*goes to a same-gender wedding* umm tag ur PDA

Will there be a drag show?


Change.org - Petition To Hire 1,000,000 People To Put Their Fingers In The Shoot Hole Of Peoples’ Guns So They Can’t Shoot Them

It’s still gonna shoot… And they’re gonna lose a finger

No. The finger blocks the bullet. We can do this

This is a gun we’re talking about. The projectile is fired using an explosion, not by compressed air of a toy gun or the elastic forces of a sling shot. People would be lucky if they only lost their finger.

The finger blocks it

The finger won’t block it - the shaft is only there for keeping the bullet straight, all the propulsion happens behind the bullet. The bullet would rip through the finger, not that many would actually fit without the victim being a child, and beyond.

The bullet would go forward a little and then hit the finger and stop it’s not that hard to understand

People are going to lose their hands. Go watch Mythbusters. They did an episode on this, the hand fucking exploded.


No, the bullet would start to go but stop at the finger. Thats basic physics. Also hands dont explode normally they did something wrong.


Why the dingleknockers would you even consider sticking your finger in the barrel of a loaded gun?? the amount of force propelling the bullet at that close of range would shatter the finger at the very least; this is a petition for 1,000,000 people to loose the use of their hands. If a bullet explodes the back of a persons skull when they shoot it in their mouth it sure as hell will explode a finger.


No the finger would stop it

I’m loving the idiocy of this post.

Ppl with brains: ummm finger go boom…

Others: no bullet stop. U no kno fisics >:V

no the finger would stop it

You guy who think the bullet would stop at the finger have never shot a gun and can volunteer to it their fingers in the barrel of my 9 mil and I’ll I’ll the trigger and see if it will stop the bullet. Dumdasses

the finger would stop it

date of origin: 28th of december, 2015.

These fuckwits are back again? How’s it going, Nine Finger Nasty? About to turn into an Eight Finger Egghead?

@meatswitch @raptorific this is a US based site. US Americans are known for two things- obsession with guns and incredible stupidity. Had this been anyone else, I’d say they’re trying to fuck with us. But with US Americans, about 70% of them are dead serious about mangling their hands trying to stop a bullet.

I’ve had four years to think about it and now I think the finger would stop it

I just tested it with my buddy. It stops the bullet

….Mythbusters WELDED A METAL SPIKE into the barrel of a gun to obstruct it, something heaps stronger than a human finger (and sealed the barrel better with the filler metal used to fuse the metal spike into place and prevent the explosive gases from escaping) but even that didn’t stop the bullet from doing damage.

It’s because they didn’t use a finger like I did

String identified: Cag.g - tt T ,, T t T g T t ’ G T Ca’t t T t’ t ga t… A t’ ga a g . T g c t t. ca t T a g ’ tag at. T ct g a , t c a a t g t atc c a g t. c t t t g. T g c t T g ’t c t - t at t g t t tagt, a t a t t. T t tg t g, t tat a acta t tt t ct g a c, a . T t g a a tt a t t t g a t t’ t tat a t ta a gg t t a. G atc tt. T a t, t a cg . , t t tat t g t t at t g. Tat ac c. A a t a t tg g. t gc c tcg g t a a a g?? t at c g t t at tat c ag att t g at t at; t a tt ,, t t t a. a t t ac a t t t t t t a a g. t g t t ’ g t c t t. t a: g g … t: t t. c >: t g t t g t t t t at t g a t a g a ca t t t t g t a a ’ ’ t tgg a t t t t. a t g t t at g: t c, . T ct a ac aga? ’ t gg, g at? At t t t a gt g gga? @attc @atc t a a t. Aca a t tg- t g a c tt. a t a , ’ a t’ tg t c t . t t Aca, at % t a a at agg t a tg t t a t. ’ a a t t at t a t t g t t t tt t t . t t t t ….tt A TA t t a a g t tct t, tg a tg ta a a g (a a t a tt t t ta t t ta t ac a t t ga cag) t tat ’t t t t g aag. t’ ca t ’t a g

Closest match: Aporophyla nigra genome assembly, chromosome: 12 Common name: Black rustic

The fuck’s going on here? You’d rip your hand apart you fucks

no the finger would stop it


Top surgery comics one and two! I'm $1k closer to the operation!!! The gfm is right here, thank you for reading and happy pride month!


Thank you everyone who's donated and shared this! Top surgery is really going to be a reality for me!!! I'm beyond elated 😭 I cant express my gratitude enough!!! Thank you thank you thank you




I’m gonna be honest I do not care if a trans boy teen is annoying and has horrible taste in music y’all are just mean.

I’d rather hang around with Karkat who listens to Cavetown than someone who is mean.

I’m gonna be honest I do not care if a trans girl teen is annoying and makes cringy jokes y’all are just mean.

I’d rather hang around Bridget who likes to make Blahaj jokes than someone who is mean.

I’m gonna be honest I do not care if a nonbinary teen is annoying and dresses weird y’all are just mean.

I’d rather hang around with Bug who is scene than someone who is mean


The situation is getting more serious, please help. My children wish for a happy life, nothing more. They want to play like the .children of the world


this fundraiser is vetted. please don't let it get lost despite the blog being gone. tumblr keeps deleting palestinians' accounts.


Interesting that the anon is asking about syscourse after you've stated you do not/literally cannot™️ care about it anymore.....

lol jk there will always be people asking about syscourse


But don't you know that if I don't give an incredibly bold and nuanced take about syscourse, my DID card is gonna get revoked🥺 (/sarcasm)

I had strong feelings about syscourse talking points when I hung out with people who got immense satisfaction from putting others in their place. Nowadays I watch that iceberg of Hot Takes pass and just think...damn, glad I don't actually have to waste energy caring about that anymore.


I saw this adorable cross stitch art at the second hand store. On close inspection it looks unfinished but I had assumed it was an artistic choice. Not sure if it’s intentional or not but either way it’s adorable and it reminds me of my baby boy dia so I got it

I don't think that's technically cross stitch. It's beautiful embroidery for sure, though. 👀 So cute so cute so cute.


god I just. love ruthlessness as a character trait so much. sexy sexy sexy

this one. absolutely in love with this definition. give me a character who thinks like this and I’ll love them to pieces

Katherine Applegate is fucking hardcore, man.


This would be the K.A. Applegate who wrote Animorphs, so, um, yeah, "hardcore" would absolutely be a fair assessment.

/understatement of the century

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