@sneez / sneez.tumblr.com

| England | 23 | he/him |
‘Even in winter it shall be green in my heart.’

I am Mohammed Alanqer married from Enas Majed we have 3 children

Amidst the ongoing war in Gaza, we find ourselves as a family trapped between walls of fear and despair. I, Mohammed, a father of three children and a husband to a woman in her eighth month of pregnancy, live in an environment filled with threats and risks.

My technology startup, which I built with dedication and hard work, was destroyed during this war, leading to the loss of our livelihood. My children, Layan, Sarah, and Adam, no longer have the opportunity for education due to the destruction of schools, posing a significant threat to their future.

- "A souvenir photo of my startup company."-

My wife, Enas, lives in constant anxiety due to her advanced pregnancy and the destruction of hospitals in the area. After losing my job and source of income, I find myself in a severe financial crisis, unable to provide for the needs and safety of my family.

- "Me and my wife Enas majed "

Our family home was destroyed due to the war, forcing us to flee and move multiple times, leaving us homeless. Everything has become difficult now; we cannot provide a safe place to live, nor can we afford clean clothes and food for our children. Additionally, our children have been afflicted with diseases such as measles, and our son Adam has been diagnosed with viral hepatitis.

-" layan & sara & adam in the war" -

Our only hope now is to escape from this ongoing hell and find a safe haven for our family. However, this requires exorbitant financial costs, with the coordination fee for crossing borders amounting to $5000 per adult and $2500 per child, a sum I cannot afford alone.

- "My home before the war "-

We urgently appeal for your moral and financial assistance to cover the necessary costs for escaping to a safe environment, where we can build a better future for our children and ensure the safety of our family

Thank you for your attention and support, and we hope you can help us in these difficult circumstances.


Thank you for vetted my campaign on GoFundMe by the help team.
Thank you😊@nabulsi ♥️ link vetted
Thank you😊 @communistchilchuck ♥️ Link vetted

Thank you😊 @fairuzfan ♥️ link vetted

Thank you😊 @sar-soor ♥️ link vetted

Thank you😊 @90-ghost ♥️ link vetted

Thank you to everyone who supported and helped my family by sharing reblog donating 🇵🇸🌺🌹


Director: Werner Herzog Cinematography: Jörg Schmidt-Reitwein


Tumblr is steadily deactivating or shadowbanning Palestinians. Just now I realized @mohammedkhaledalkhaliku has gotten shadowbanned or something similar because I see them on my dash reblogging from me but I do not see them in my notes.

Yesterday I came to know Haneen's blog got deactivated.

The more the days go by, the more I see post after post of Gazan blogs getting deactivated.

Tumblr is slowly but steadily nuking blogs or making it difficult for Palestinians to reach out to bloggers on this site. They are already communicating with us, using the limited data from the esims: so now to harass them in this way-forcing them to make new blogs,making them waste their data, when they are in constant danger of being bombed or of being shelled, when they are hungry and tired, when they have to live in tents under the summer sun...it is simply inhumane.


I have one of those robot vacuums but there's a mirror in the house low enough to the ground that the lidar scanner can see a nonexistent room in the reflection so on the navigation map it's generated I have a room that doesn't exist that I have to forbid the vacuum from entering.


remember when you used to be able to play snake with the… hold on what’s it called

hmm. don’t think i’ll be calling it that. anyways i was gonna say remember when you could play snake with the buffering circle on youtube but. now i have other concerns


I wish the world worked like it did in the stardew valley universe. If I'm strapped for cash I should be able to go grab some blackberries off the nearest roadside bush and go sell them to a grocery store for a quick ten bucks. I should be able to think "huh I wanna go talk to the wizard today" and then I go talk to the wizard in his wizard tower


Do you know why you remember so few of your dreams? Where do the memories go, slipping away in a matter of hours? He takes them. He remembers them. The good and the bad. So you don’t have to. This is his burden to bear.


been reading a lot of haunted/sentient house books in the past couple years, and i've encountered 3 main types of narrative: 1) the house loves you and that's a good thing 2) the house loves you and that's a bad thing and 3) the house hates you and that's a bad thing. this leaves a gap for a potential fourth type of story-- the house hates you and that's a good thing. excited to see if hauntologists delve into this quadrant and what it looks like if they do


I feel like there’s literally no stronger swear word than when a girl in bonnet in a movie says something like, “But Lady Snapplecap says I cannot until I come of age!” and a dude wearing pants tucked into his boots and an open shirt replies, “DAMN Lady Snapplecap!” with the force of 435 F-bombs

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