
Bite The Hand🖤

@transmechanicus / transmechanicus.tumblr.com

Erika, 26🎉, she/her, PhD student, cosplayer on occasion. Ave Omnissiah

Anyway for those of you not enmeshed with tumblr’s transgender mycelial network, or otherwise on its periphery, basically every damn day of pride month another couple trans bloggers have gotten wiped, regardless of blog content, following, blog age, anything, and it shows no sign of slowing. In general it seems to be hitting transfems more liberally, but transmasc and nonbinary friends of mine have also been wiped for their steadfast solidarity or Just Cause. There’s also been an uptick in posts being almost immediately marked mature by community tags for no discernible reason beyond “Posting While Trans”. This is a time to stick together like goddamn epoxy resin. Vocally defend and support each other. Block and ignore any wretched cunt spreading callouts or stirring up shit. Make sure you have a way to talk to your friends beyond this site. Don’t buy badges, don’t blaze, cold shoulder the fuck out of mod blogs, and give voice to your discontent.

Bite the hand🖤


Honestly if there's ONE thing I wish I could get all queer people to understand is that if you're in a situation where you know everyone would treat you differently, especially to the point of it putting your life in danger, if they found out you're queer, you aren't experiencing privilege, you're in a hostage situation.

Like sorry experiencing "passing privilege" is actually just being trapped in a room with a bloodthirsty t-rex and having people tell you that you should be thankful because thier vision is based on movement and you can just stand still. It's not a privilege to be erased, to have to lie to everyone around you to stay safe-ish, to have to closet yourself because you know even a single step out of line could be the end of your entire world.

None of us should have to be thankful to stand in front of a loaded gun while the person holding it goes "haha, don't worry, I only use this on faggots, and you're not a fag....right?" Like this is not a net good and it has almost nothing in common with actually being part of a privileged group.

Anyway, Happy Pride, let's leave this shit behind.


They ain’t lie 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️

Black artists literally engineered the techniques and basic song structure of electronic music, not to mention some of the very hardware/tech. You wouldn’t have dub without reggae, nor electro without Detroit and Chicago House. Artist like Skrillex, Diplo, and Calvin Harris are only popular because of how they mimic and “remix” traditionally Black genres and styles for white audiences. The erasure is ridiculous.


im d class personnel at the scp foundation but im fine every time because they always put me in the control group

whenever they send a guy to be tortured to death by the creepy demonic old man they send me to talk to a normal old man. to make sure its not the placebo effect


Hello, I started following your blog several years ago when I saw the cool tech priest with the trans flag behind it. Since then I'm always happy to see your posts on my dash. Thanks for being cool!

Also your selfies are cute!


Oh it’s been AGES since the trans flag Skitarii Vanguard, nothin but respect for a veteran o7 Appreciate the compliment, i hope you have a great day! :D 🖤


the idea of tumblr being dead is so funny to me because it’s the only social media where i actually feel like other people are online at the same time

when i scroll through most other social media i feel like im just seeing ghosts.. posts from the past week instead of the past minute. i can actually watch people log on and off here and it feels like it matters

Anonymous asked:

Hi I just wanted to ask a question regarding the mass termination of trans bloggers. Are we certain its due to tumblr or is it possibly also because transphobes have been abusing the flagging system? Given tumblr operates on a skeleton crew, automation would be privileged. I just wanted your opinion in this since if its the latter most of us can try to do something about individual users. Tumblr clearly has shown it doesn't care after all and there's little that can be done at the moment I think. Thank you for your time ^^

My opinion, based on the known factors of openly transphobic uppermost management, an opaque moderation system with little to no mechanism for appeal (or even explaining why someone is banned in many cases), and the activities coordinated and random of transphobic users, is that tumblr as a site is not built to protect trans people.

If your blog being overpoliced for TOS violations, mass-reporting by transphobes, or the personal spite of a staff member all manifest in the same smug email, it doesn’t practically matter which was responsible on an individual level because they’re all working together to scour trans people from this site. The system is fundamentally broken and it’s being exploited from the top down and bottom up to pick off every transgender person who ends up with enough visibility to be a target.

If you see transphobic users by all means report and block, but i don’t expect any satisfactory recourse to come from working within tumblr’s neglected and easily weaponized moderation systems.

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