
look, okay, these things happen sometimes

@andmaybegayer / andmaybegayer.tumblr.com

Kali's Tumblr | They/Them ’nouns Roughly ¼ original content by weight Extended Post Writer, Engineer, Terrible Computer Nerd, Infrequent Embroiderer. Kalium on Slashnet IRC, kilovoltamp on hachyderm, kva on cohost. Ask box usually open.

Penrose quilt is officially finished! 2022-07-30 to 2023-04-02, all hand sewn by me and my mother.

It would figure that the Einstein would be found like a month before I finished this! Honestly probably for the best, the Einstein has too many concave angles.

We'll embroider patches for it soon but for now we're calling it, it still needs its first wash and I'll probably have to patch up some quilting after that.


my most contradictory opinion is that I do not like being photographed in public but also that photographing someone in public is essentially fine and morally neutral

Anonymous asked:

I really can’t believe they have tumblr in Poland or check or wherever you are

Yeah we do have it but its pretty limited :/ My richer friends can afford buying a few kg of Tumblr from the local Pewex with us dollars whenever they want to but i have to wait for my uncle that lives in germany to bring us a few buckets. they usually last us half a month. we browse tumblr in text only form to make it last longer


Sadly, this is what we’re dealing with in Poland :(


nothing fills you with greater false confidence than managing to wake up early once

"this sleep schedule shit is easy" (← about to learn a lesson straight out of a fucked up traditional fairytale punishment)


any time i have a friend whos talking about a problem the problem is always something about needing thousands of dollars for car repairs. when is it enough when do we call off driving as a failed experiment and relegate all cars to the horror dimension. yes even your aunts little car who she calls a cute nickname and treats like a baby. that is a money sucking killing machine and it needs to be stopped

we need to do to cars what we did to horses. make them a weird hobbyist thing that you keep in a field outside the city and buy various mugs and home decorations about


if u gave lego gears to a baby it would immadietly start constructing a perfect model of a differential but any older than 4 months and they forget how to do it and just chew on the pieces


huh, there's only 5.5 billion unique nontrivially distinct solved sudoku grids! Less than one per person!

What does nontrivially distinct mean in this case?

sudokus solve identically even if you shift, rotate, mirror or apply any combinations of those to the big blocks, since the rows and columns remain the same, and the process of solving them is basically identical, so there's way fewer interesting solved sudokus than there are solved sudokus

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