
AU where Simon is a successful streamer. Linda visits him at his apartment once and finds his fridge empty. It’s the last straw, she can’t see her boy not feed himself well enough anymore. Since Simon is making good enough money for it, she forces him to hire a private chef so that he can at least have some good home cooked meal a few times a week. Simon doesn’t want to, but Linda is Linda so he ends up agreeing. However, he lets her choose who it will be because he doesn’t want to deal with it.

Linda interviews a few people and settles on this nice young man (if she thinks he might be Simon’s type, and she would love for him to have someone else in his life… well that’s no one’s business but her own). Enter Wilhelm, Simon’s new private chef, who comes in a few times a week to make him lunch and dinner. What starts as awkward nods every time Simon comes out of his streaming room forgetting a stunning man will be standing in his kitchen turns into small talk at the kitchen counter, watching the way Wilhelm works the dough of whatever he is making for Simon this time around. It later turns into Simon inviting Wille to eat with him, because it sucks a bit to eat all those fancy meals by himself. They become friends after that, blurring the lines between working relationship and friendship, which on a late night after a good meal… turns into more than that.

Wille stops being Simon’s private chef after that, but that’s alright because his new boyfriend turns out to be quite the cook. Linda is forever smug her plan worked. She hadn’t meant to find Simon a boyfriend, but when she saw Wille she knew she should take the chance.


There’s something about Wille’s first thought about Simon’s singing being that he was singing straight from his heart, and then the last two times Simon sings in the last episode are for Wille’s birthday song and the Hillis new song, two songs that were written straight from Simon’s heart. Two songs that were written about and for Wille.


young royals au where felice drags wille to a pride parade when he's still questioning things and is mainly there to support felice.

enter simon, who is there with rosh and ayub, and who catches wille's attention from his "very hot and sexy shirt" to the glitter on his face and eyeliner. also the eye-catching curls. simon looks up and catches where wille is staring at him, very obviously checks out wille back, and then winks. wille's face flames and simon's eyes almost seem to sparkle in response.

felice, who catches this interaction, grabs wille's hand and drags him over to where simon stands with his friends. wille stands awkwardly next to felice as she introduces them but simon barely takes his eyes off wille to introduce his own friends. they decide to walk together for a while, felice stepping up with ayub and rosh and not so subtly pushing wille towards simon.

they walk next to each other for a while not exchanging too many words, but there pinks brush and wille, in a moment of bravery, reaches his pinky out and links it with simon's. they start chatting and can't help be charmed by the other, wille still taking in all the sights of the parade, they get separated from their other friends but don't seem to mind. the more time they spend talking the more they drift closer and closer until simon drags wille off to the side somewhere and can't help it when he brings their mouth's together. wille's world implodes and explodes at the same time and he wraps his arms around simon's waist.

too soon (or maybe hours later who's keeping track) simon feels his phone buzzing and pulls back to see his friends are calling him letting him know they want to leave. simon mournfully gives wille one more lingering kiss, taking his phone from wille's back pocket and putting his number in before backing away and leaving wille leant up against the wall, breathless and stary-eyed. not even 5 minutes later he gets a text

simon 💜 sorry i had to run, would love to see you again

yeah wille can safely say he's definitely queer.


Wille and Simon live in neighboring flats, and they get up to little flirty banter in the hallway and the stairway, and they even run into each other at the homey Italian restaurant across the street and share a massive bowl of spaghetti, about which Simon waxes poetic. It almost feels like a date, and Simon is eager to keep the momentum up, suggests to Wille that they have dinner at one of their apartments soon. Wille agrees, but then he's just always busy, turning Simon down over text or begging off with sideways glances Simon can't interpret. After one of these encounters, Simon stomps over to Wille's apartment, ready to demand an explanation - if Wille's not interested, he should just say that and they can try to be friends! But Wille opens the door wearing an apron, flour everywhere, and a frazzled expression, and Simon's annoyance melts into easy laughter. And Wille admits he's spent the last two weeks trying to perfect homemade spaghetti so he could serve it to Simon for a proper dinner date. ♥️🍝


Love too big for a love song (I'll be writing about you for the rest of my life)

It took Simon a second to register her words and understand their meaning. He looked over at Wilhelm who seemed confused as well. So, Simon had heard her right. “We’re what?” “You’re sharing a room,” Freja replied as they all stepped into the elevator. Before Simon had time to overthink what it meant, she added, “a suite.” “What? Why?” Simon asked. He knew all about the ‘keeping him safe’ and ‘making sure nothing bad happened’ but he hadn’t thought it went as far as making him and Wilhelm share a room. “Just making sure you can’t sneak out without Wilhelm knowing about it,” his manager replied. Wilhelm was silent next to them, just listening to the conversation. “Who would I even sneak out to see in Brisbane? It’s not like I know anyone here,” Simon pointed out.

Read chapter 4 here. Or start from the beginning.

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