
All the people are fake

@allthefakepeople / allthefakepeople.tumblr.com

but i like you and that is not fake |  my name's amelia but you can call me miels | she/her |  26

Alright folks I've decided to put all my writing in one place.

ao3 username: allofthestarz (all my writing will be posted there)

First off you can make requests HERE and I will be happy to fill it.



wille is dragged into a game of spin the bottle

ft: a meddling felice, maddie, and sara, a pining wille, and an oblivious simon

Rated: T

Word count: 3k

They weren’t back together, that was very clear. In fact they weren’t even really friends again. Their interactions plagued by memories of bare skin in white sheets and kisses that felt like home.

aka love is stored in clementines

Rated: T

Word count: 1.5k

Wille stared at the door of the music room and tried to gain the courage to enter. He already knew he was late as it was and he knew the second he opened the door, there was no going back.

Aka Wille’s feelings before, during, and after he decided to join the Hillerska choir

Rated: T

Word count: 3K


Multi-Chapter Fics


Meet Simon. Simon, who is an animal-lover. Simon who works at his local shelter with his best friends Ayub and Rosh. Simon who loves what he does and takes pride in making the shelter a safe space. Simon, who wants to take care of his family while also juggling college classes, his job at the shelter, and his tentative music career. Simon who can’t afford any distractions right now and definitely is not looking for a relationship after his last few disastrous attempts.

Enter Wille. Wille who just wants to get through college without too many problems, Wille who only really has three true friends in his life, Erik, Felice and Maddie, anyone else who says otherwise is lying. Wille who got into a minor fight, the details of why aren’t important. Wille who has a semi famous family and whose face is now plastered across magazines labeling him as “jealous” and “violent” and “attention-seeking” and all these other labels that don’t represent him at all. Wille whose mother sends him to work at an animal shelter to “clean up his image”. Wille whose life begins to change the second his eyes fall on Simon.

Status: Complete

Chapter Count: 7/7

Word Count: 42K


When Wilhelm transfers to Hillerska, he and Simon become fast friends. There’s only one tiny problem… Wille’s fallen completely head over heels for the guy.

For the sake of their friendship, and ensuring Wilhelm’s heart doesn’t break in two, he keeps his feelings to a secret. Something Simon makes it incredibly difficult to do when he’s frequently teasing Wille in that charming way he does. Sometimes Wille would like to shut him up… with his mouth. It’s a shame they’re just friends.

Aka the 5 times Simon told Wille “Make me” and the 1 time Wille did just that.

Chapter Count: 6/6

Status: Complete

Word Count (so far): 18K




Over the years, Jade has just gotten used to the overwhelming feeling of being in love with her best friend. Never in a million years did she ever think all of her feelings would come spewing out of her in the middle of the Wildwood, after finding out she was a Bonereaver.

AKA Jade and Kit actually get to kiss in episode 5

Rating: T

Word Count: 9K>

Cowriter: @theanarik


“Hey, come dance with me. That guy’s been staring at you for like 20 minutes, and it seems like he’s gonna approach.”

The voice comes from her left, closer than she would have liked, and Jade is brought out of her thoughts. She turns her head to see Kit Tanthalos standing there, looking impatient.

Rating: T

Word Count: 10K

beta: @aro-of-artemis Description:

On their journey home, the group encounters a creature that threatens their lives. Kit puts herself in danger to keep everyone else safe, But now, when the danger has passed, Jade is acting weird.

Rating: T

Word Count: 3.5k


For as long as they’ve shared a dream of making great music, Kit always figured it would just be Jade-and-Kit, best friends for life, a package deal. When their manager Thraxus “Relaxus” Boorman politely suggests (demands) that they add some new talent to their band, suddenly that dream includes Graydon Hastur and Muffin Girl Elora Danan.

After their lesbian cover of “You Belong With Me” goes viral, it feels like the whole world is invested in Kit and Jade’s personal lives, identities, and the definitely-fictional romance between them (and between the rest of the band, too). And despite the near-constant scrutiny and endless fan theorizing, it feels like no one sees what’s really going on with Kit anymore. 

Not even Jade.

Or: the band AU that turned into a multimedia behemoth inspired by 2014 band mega-fandoms, Kristen Stewart groupies, the notion of Kit in leather pants, and the question, “How can we make this whole situation even worse for Kit Tanthalos?”

Or: what happened after someone jokingly said “Kit and the Situations would be an iconic band name”.

Chapters: 6/10

Word Count: 191K

Status: On-going

i will continue to update this post as i write more

thank you for all the support and love on my work thus-far!


People fail to understand the degree of insane bloodthirst and dehumanization taught to 'israelis' like the one in front of this image. She genuinely sees the woman in the back as vermin and finds fun in tormenting her. This is a core tenet of their culture. They will humiliate Palestinians in whichever way they can on any given day ranging from petty to lethal. Their textbooks have caricatures. They draw unibrows on themselves and dream about Disneyland in Gaza on TikTok. They make fun of dead babies by comparing them to food.

This photo is 'israel'. There is no peaceful conversation with people whose heart's desire is to do this. There is no peace or dignity while the occupation lasts.


you should be able to call into work if you get a story idea. like i’m really sorry i can’t come in today im going to need 72 hours off to cope with my visions of This Guy


really fun duo you have there. mind if i add arbitrary roles to their relationship dynamic so i can write one of them as an overprotective caretaker and the other as a naive helpless baby?

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