
Nothing Can Change How You Make Me Come Alive

“What, erm,” Wille swallowed, “what is our situation?”

Simon smiled wider.

“I mean, you said boyfriend before. But I don’t know if that was just an expression. Or if you said it without thinking, and like you said, things have moved really fast and I don’t want to pressure you or”

“Wille,” Simon squeezed his fingers, “relax. You’re my boyfriend.”


“Yes. I’ve already decided.”

“Good,” Wille snuggled closer, “I hate making decisions.”

Sleepovers, borrowed clothes, and a tiny bit of avoidance…

Read chapter 7 here

Or start from the beginning


so loaded, eye low ~ ch 4


So, you’ve been avoiding me for the past two months,” Simon hissed, voice venomous. “Is this some kind of game to you? Or did that night really mean nothing?”

Wille fell onto his back foot, jarred by Simon’s words. “What? No! No, it’s not a fucking game. Are you kidding me? That night was everything!”

or, Wille and Simon try to work things out.

read now on ao3 (E, 4/4).


Fools in a Fable (Part ¼)

Link: ao3 (will eventually be rated E)


Simon, a journalist at a left-wing magazine, eagerly accepts the chance of a lifetime to write a scathingly honest piece about the newly crowned King Wilhelm, who has a history shrouded in lewd private school parties, hard drugs, and gay allegations. His plans, however, go to shit when he realizes that Wilhelm is nothing like he expected.


so loaded, eye low ~ ch 3


Kronprinsen,” Simon greeted, tone low and tense and slightly mocking. The way he used that word now was nothing like when they’d first met in that bathroom at the Met.

“Simon,” he responded quietly, keeping his gaze straight ahead. “I think we’re rather past titles, don’t you?”

“Oh,” Simon practically scoffed, his voice still lowered in a dark whisper, “are we? I wouldn’t have guessed that, seeing the past two weeks you’ve been acting like we’re strangers.”

or, Wille and Simon keep running into and then away from each other.

read now on ao3 (E, ¾).
