
As much as everybody's justifiably railing on Chris Pratt for his acting, after watching the new trailer I honestly don't think Anya Taylor-Joy is a very good fit for Peach either. The problem isn't that they're bad actors, it's that they are not voice actors. When I hear Anya's or Chris's voice I don't picture Peach and Mario, I picture two regular adult people who wouldn't stand out in a coffee shop. Which isn't the point of animated movies and voice acting! ESPECIALLY with Mario! This is supposed to be a movie about cartoonish characters in a video game fantasy world saving the day, and their voices should fit with that theme. That's why Charles Martinet's Mario voice works so well, because it makes sense for what Mario is supposed to be. This trend of giving voice acting specific jobs to non-voice actors who have no experience with this kind of work is detrimental to animation and film! It is removing job opportunities from people who have spent their lives learning this craft and handing it over to a celebrity with no experience just because they're famous. The beauty of voice acting and animation in general is how you are completely creating a character. The whole point of voice acting is that you don't point to a character in a film and say, "hey, that's Chris Pratt" the point is that people will point to the charcater and go "oh, new character!" This movie is more and more frustrating to me the more I realize how much it feels like a money grab exclusively because of the casting. The animation, the music, and the effects are all completely perfect for a Mario movie, but so many of the acting choices feel like someone just rifled through a list of "100 most popular celebrities" and chose whoever was vaguely similar to "average white man voice" or "average white woman voice". No matter how popular these people are or how good they are at acting in front of a camera or on stage, they can not voice act.


the fact that Spielbergs original Jurassic Park (the one based off Crichtons novel) is absolutely perfect in every single way with iconic characters and stellar writing plus with the masterful directing that conveys the sheer tension and suspense of jurassic park…….to then see the jurassic world sequels with their dinosaur helicopter clone human genetics or whatever the fuck is going on with Cool Guy chris pratt doing Cool Guy Action Things that just absolutely sucks the life and joy out of the entire universe is a crime against cinema and every time i think about it…..electric chair


Gunn said the first movie was about the mother, the second about the father and the third about the self. And if I think about it, all characters finally come to terms to who they really are or want to be:


• Mantis goes her own way, after following what Ego wanted and then what the Guardians wanted for all these years;

• Drax, that called himself the 'destroyer', finds his place as a 'father', even after his daughter's death;

• Groot: now that he is an adult again, it's pretty clear to us that he's phisically and mentally different from the GOTG1!Groot. He respects and supports everyone's choices in his family and makes us part of it too at the end (→ now we understand him too);

• Nebula, now free from Thanos, is now a leader and helps kids in need like she was as a child, following what she and Gamora talked about at the end of vol 2;

• Gamora learns why her 2018!self found a family between the Guardians, but feels she's different and chooses another path in the end;

• Rocket "ain't no one like me but me" accepts he's not alone in the world anymore and deserves to keep on living. Also, he calls himself "racoon" for the first time without it being a offense for him;

• Peter, always away from his planet, faces his fears and comes back to the Earth, where he lost his mother, and meets his granddad.

I don't like all the choices Gunn made in this movie (about Gamora's arc for example), but GOTG3 made me cry and laught and cry again and I'm happy we finally got to see the ending of this beautiful trilogy.

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