
1.5M ratings
277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna

thinking about when jimmy kisses katie and she’s like “wow you’ve been practicing” and jimmy says “yeah chazz has taught me a few things” and katie just “….” and then shrugs

she’s probably thinking chazz and jimmy have been sucking face and that’s why jimmy is such a good kisser now lmfao

blades of glory jimmy macelroy chazz michael michaels and the way she shrugs and goes back to kissing him ummm poly?? jimmy being shared by katie and chazz is the only way also for pride month i think everyone should watch this movie


Blades of Glory is like if the cartoonishly stereotypical fanon bastardizations of every popular m/m ship were their actual personalities. "skating's little orphan awesome" and "an ice-devouring sex tornado" team up to try and win the gold in pairs figure skating because they got banned from singles for beating the shit out of each other on the podium when they tied

this movie fucks forget yuri on ice. blades of glory is the original ice skating gays

my autism and rsd make it so i have to constantly make sure that my online tone of voice is always light and casual filled with emojies, lol/lmao and lots of exclamation points and only full stops when necessarily

i’m trying to make sure you understand that i’m not angry or upset!!

actuallyautistic autism rsd adhd rsd actuallyadhd listen if i didn't feel self conscious using ''xD'' i would be using it a lot my lols/lmaos are basically xD at this point