

@minnnieminmin / minnnieminmin.tumblr.com

mentally unwell autistic person. i also have adhd, dyscalculia, alexithymia

thinking about when jimmy kisses katie and she's like ''wow you've been practicing'' and jimmy says ''yeah chazz has taught me a few things'' and katie just ''....'' and then shrugs

she's probably thinking chazz and jimmy have been sucking face and that's why jimmy is such a good kisser now lmfao


No no you don't understand! I want to watch this show/movie, read this book, listen to this podcast, etc.! But I must be in the right mindset and the exact head space to begin, or I just can't!


Saw a thread on Twitter of "gifts to give a person with ADHD and autism" that was full of stereotypical and quite frankly patronizing items, so here's a list of I (autistic individual) want instead as a gift

  • Money
  • Fourteen billion dollars
  • Free coupon to kill somebody with my teeth
  • Suitcase full of money
  • Cool looking rock
  • Scratching post for me to sink my claws into
  • An albino elephant
  • The head of Jeff Bezos mounted on my wall
  • Uncooked rice
  • A cup full of blood
  • 100k in cash
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