
Sahoni the Re(a)d Wolf

@sahonithereadwolf / sahonithereadwolf.tumblr.com

Frybread-loving punk (ᏣᎳᎩᏱ ᏕᏣᏓᏂᎸᎩ). Writer, Game Designer (done work for Evil Hat, Blaseball, and Myself), Folklore Nerd, A part-time monster. Bi As Hell. {He/Him} Huckleberry Hound is my Uncle. You should play my games: https://bramblewolfgames.itch.io

🐺📚Osiyo! I'm Sahoni 🍓🌕

I'm a Queer, Indigenous (ᏣᎳᎩᏱ ᏕᏣᏓᏂᎸᎩ), and disabled writer (a lot of smaller publications that have since crumbled into internet aether), game designer (previously; Evil Hat, Blaseball, my own stuff), and radio personality (against my will).

Consider me your friendly neighborhood Appalachian monster librarian. Or just a red wolf to keep things simple. Unless you want the full lecture on indigenous folklore. Outside of the aforementioned (mostly analog) game design, writing, and radio; I also enjoy the act of collecting folklore and ways from around the world. I'm into cooking, general outdoorsy stuff, horror, storytelling as an artform, and pop culture ephemera so expect to see a little bit of all of those down here among other thing.

Also been trying to get back into biology.

🐺Check Out My Shop And Important Links Below🐺


This post has gotten big enough that people are tagging fictional characters in it. Please dont derail. This post is about baby Fievel the little white dog


For every major white youtuber that claims my nation with no connections to scape their way out of having to answer for indigenous racism, I will commission Hbomerguy to make a 3 hour video essay that ends that mans entire existence. The countdown begins now.

Claiming your Cherokee because of a family myth when you have no connections or lived experiences so you can "I can't be racist" your way out of examining your actions is in and of itself, the actions of a racist shithead.


For every major white youtuber that claims my nation with no connections to scape their way out of having to answer for indigenous racism, I will commission Hbomerguy to make a 3 hour video essay that ends that mans entire existence. The countdown begins now.

Brazil’s government has begun removing thousands of non-Indigenous people from two native territories in a move that will affect thousands who live in the heart of the Amazon rainforest. The Brazilian intelligence agency ABIN said in a statement that the goal was to return the Apyterewa and Trincheira Bacaja lands in Para state to the original peoples. ... “The presence of strangers on Indigenous land threatens the integrity of the Indigenous [people] and causes other damages, such as the destruction of forests,” the agency said in its statement. It added that about 1,600 families lived illegally in that region with some involved in illegal activities such as cattle raising and gold mining. “They also destroy native vegetation.” ... Brazil’s President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva has begun rebuilding environment protection agencies and created eight protected areas for Indigenous people. Soon after the beginning of his administration, his government expelled thousands of goldminers from the massive Yanomami Indigenous territory in the northern state of Roraima. State and federal authorities this year also dislodged landgrabbers from the Alto Rio Guama territory. They threatened forcible expulsion of those settlers failing to leave, and pledged to eliminate access roads and irregular installations. Nearly all of the illegal residents departed voluntarily.

she really saw the Charli xcx album doing well in the UK and is just trying to rig the charts which is actually insane. I never want to see someone call Taylor Swift a feminist again. This is legitimately insane and she should be embarrassed. The fact that it’s a geo locked UK exclusive cements how deliberately pathetic this is, she genuinely hates seeing other women succeed.

Tags stolen from @10001gecs hope you don't mind but your explanation helped me a lot so I'm leaving it here to help more people understand what's going on.

all of this is extremely annoying, and Swift working the charts like this is petty and irritating. but Charli xcx had the funniest possible response to this, which was to rerelease brat but with 3 extra songs on it so it's a different album

this is great because now I can listen to brat another ten billion times

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