
Sahoni the Re(a)d Wolf

@sahonithereadwolf / sahonithereadwolf.tumblr.com

Frybread-loving punk (ᏣᎳᎩᏱ ᏕᏣᏓᏂᎸᎩ). Writer, Game Designer (done work for Evil Hat, Blaseball, and Myself), Folklore Nerd, A part-time monster. Bi As Hell. {He/Him} Huckleberry Hound is my Uncle. You should play my games: https://bramblewolfgames.itch.io

🐺📚Osiyo! I'm Sahoni 🍓🌕

I'm a Queer, Indigenous (ᏣᎳᎩᏱ ᏕᏣᏓᏂᎸᎩ), and disabled writer (a lot of smaller publications that have since crumbled into internet aether), game designer (previously; Evil Hat, Blaseball, my own stuff), and radio personality (against my will).

Consider me your friendly neighborhood Appalachian monster librarian. Or just a red wolf to keep things simple. Unless you want the full lecture on indigenous folklore. Outside of the aforementioned (mostly analog) game design, writing, and radio; I also enjoy the act of collecting folklore and ways from around the world. I'm into cooking, general outdoorsy stuff, horror, storytelling as an artform, and pop culture ephemera so expect to see a little bit of all of those down here among other thing.

Also been trying to get back into biology.

🐺Check Out My Shop And Important Links Below🐺


I wrote a super gay and super horny story about gay indigenous intimacy and affection. You can listen to it below!

WARNING: very nsfw "Waya, an anxious wolf , celebrates intimately with Yona, his black bear boyfriend after winning 3rd place at the pow-wow’s Traditional Dance competition."

Author's Note: I'm actually super proud of this story because it was the first one in a long time I just enjoyed writing the whole time through. I just wanted to be in this space with them.

I don't tend to write romance. But these two were healing for me in ways I did not expect. I figured some shit out lol


Black Friday is a Creator day on itch, which means all the proceeds go directly to me! Support an Indigenous Game Designer and buy something for game or comics fans in your life all at once.

Consider Exceptionals or the Exceptionals Super Bundle!

🧬Exceptionals🧬 is a game inspired by X-men about and for the spaces marginalized folks make for ourselves as well as the lenses through which we view the mutant metaphor. Make weird high concept powers. Build community. Grab the core book here:

Or go ahead and grab the bundle:


🐺📚Osiyo! I'm Sahoni🍓🌕

I'm a Queer Indigenous (ᏣᎳᎩᏱ ᏕᏣᏓᏂᎸᎩ) writer, game designer, and sometimes radio personality. 🍓🐺🫐 At Bramblewolf Game I look to make stories with impact and systems to support them. Let me help you tell stories Check out my shop in the link below. Find Cool Games Here If you want to find out more about the games I've made, have in development, or other way to support me read below!


Regular Reminder I Have a Patreon

Osiyo, My name is Sahoni and  I'm a queer indigenous (ᏣᎳᎩᏱ ᏕᏣᏓᏂᎸᎩ) game designer and writer! I've worked on countless games, including ones you may have heard of, but did you know I also have a patreon?

https://www.patreon.com/bramblewolfgames (you should check it out) My most popular game right now is Exceptionals, a game inspired by x-men about and for the spaces that marginalized folk make for ourselves as well as the various intersecting ways we engage with the mutant metaphor.

I just dropped 10 community copies btw https://bramblewolfgames.itch.io/exceptionals My current big project is Protect The Sacred (wip), a game where you play a group of pulp adventurers with folklore-based power and explore otherworldly dungeons in order to preserve, protect, and reclaim magic and monsters as living culture.

Here are just some of the goals and projects I have planned over the next 12 months and  I'm a lot further along with these than I was when I wrote this.

My goal with Patreon is to break 100 bucks a month (I'm hovering around 60). This would allow me to do many quality of life and professional things. I could: Save up for cover and interior art, get myself a wardrobe for professional settings, save up for a travel laptop, get an editor, and upgrade my editing software The Pie-in-the-sky dream is to get enough money to be able to travel to cons and network professionally. The in space dream is to be able to make hard copies of my game. Protect the Sacred looks to be a 300+ page full-sized rpg and I want to meet the expectations of that. I may be one guy working away at a massive project, but I have proved I can do it and can't wait to do that again. There is nothing  better to me in this world than being able to make something that invites and allows other folks to be a creative. I want to do that until I die. Just will be a bit easier with a bit of help. Please reblog if you can.


🐺📚Osiyo! I'm Sahoni 🍓🌕

I'm a Queer, Indigenous (ᏣᎳᎩᏱ ᏕᏣᏓᏂᎸᎩ), and disabled writer, game designer, and radio personality. Consider me your friendly neighborhood Appalachian monster librarian. Or just a red wolf to keep things simple.

Outside of the aforementioned (mostly analog) game design, writing, and radio; I also enjoy the act of collecting folklore and ways from around the world. I'm into cooking, general outdoorsy stuff, horror, storytelling as an artform, and pop culture ephemera so expect to see a little bit of all of those down here among other thing. Also been trying to get back into biology.

🐺Check Out My Shop And Important Links Below🐺 📚Check Out My Shop 📝Support Future Development 🍓Leave Me A Tip

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