Let's step carefully into the dark
Once we're in, I'll remember my way around
Who will I be tonight?
Who will I become tonight?

I'll show you who my sweetheart's never met
Wet teeth, shining eyes glimmering by a fire

Let's drive out to where dust devils are made
By dancing ghosts as they kick up clouds of sand
Where clouds look like mountains, clouds look like mountains

Let me watch those mountains from underneath

And maybe they'll finally float off of me

Damn everything is making me kinda weepy I feel like I’m about to cry all day today




I need a new bed so bad

My dilemma is like: “I should probably wait to move out to get a new bed so that moving will be easier” vs “but when the hell are you actually going to move out. That could literally be years. And your back is killing you”

what should I do

get a new bed and just deal with moving whenever that comes

just wait until moving out even if that could be a while


I should also add that I still sleep in my childhood twin bed and I really want a bigger bed lol



I need a new bed so bad

My dilemma is like: “I should probably wait to move out to get a new bed so that moving will be easier” vs “but when the hell are you actually going to move out. That could literally be years. And your back is killing you”

what should I do

get a new bed and just deal with moving whenever that comes

just wait until moving out even if that could be a while




The way people perceive Arab men is truly disgusting. If you “need proof” Arab men are not barbaric wife beaters, look no further than the Palestinian men who were literally shot by Israel trying to get food for their starving families.

An Iraqi mutual and I were talking the other day about how people will throw in passive aggressive comments like “yeah all Arab men are terrorist wife beating sexually assaulting heathens…….. but they don’t deserve genocide” at us all the time. And it doesn’t even stop there. I’ll tell people I’m ethnically Iraqi and they’ll go “oh lol don’t they stone women over there” do you even hear yourselves. You are racist.



Finally….chimera falin is (99%) REAL. Let’s. Freaking. GO!!!

The convention is next weekend. I hope to have performance video after that too!

Check this tag to see how I made it!

Kids are so funny and cute these toddlers are like, running to the door and saying hi to me. At first one of them just kept saying hi and I didn’t look up bc I thought the kid was just talking to his dad or smth then he kept saying hi so I finally looked up and he waved and said hi and ran away. Then came back and said hi again repeatedly


real life: sorry im just not a social media kind of guy… i wanna live in the moment y’know…. im like really private i like having secrets

on tumblr at 11:41 pm : guess whose period just started while watching fraggle rock season 1 episode 17




GUYS BINGUS HAD BINGLETS????????!?!?!?!?!?



tumblr is the only place that im honest, how do you tell your instagram followers that you just saw a bird that changed your life? they are soulless on that app, they dont give a fuck

Do you guys think oomf will make me something on their new loom



The Palestinian Prisoners’ Club publishes a report with key highlights on Gaza’s prisoners after 270 days of genocide, in light of the release of dozens of prisoners and their testimonies, including Dr. Mohammed Abu Salmiya.

- Thousands of civilians from across Gaza have been abducted during the ground invasio, including dozens of women, children, and medical staff who were notably targeted along with Palestinian hospitals, which were a primary target of the genocide.

- The Club stated that the “incitement against Dr. Mohammad Abu Salmiya following his release is extremely dangerous, providing new evidence that the occupation considers medical teams a central target in the ongoing genocide against our people in Gaza. Systematic arrests of medical personnel have been a prominent policy of the occupation during the war, alongside assassination operations. During the war, Dr. Adnan Al-Bursh was martyred in the occupation’s prisons, and the occupation media revealed the martyrdom of Dr. Iyad Al-Rantisi, noting that no official Palestinian entity has been informed of his martyrdom to date.”

- The IOF continues its enforced disappearance policy, refusing to fully disclose the identities and locations of detainees and refuses Red Cross visits.

- The IOF deliberately withheld the release of Gaza prisoners whose sentences had ended. Some were released yesterday, including prisoners Youssef Maqdad, Nael Al-Najjar, Mohammad Al-Sufi, and Walid Abu Eid. Many Gaza prisoners detained before the war, who served long sentences, lost relatives during the war. For instance, prisoner Youssef Maqdad, who served 22 years, lost his daughter Haya, her husband, and their children during the war. When he was arrested, his daughter Haya was four years old. Similarly, many relatives (including his mother and wife) of prisoner Nael Al-Najjar, who served 20 years, were martyred.

- Testimonies revealed a significant increase in the brutality of the occupation, reflecting unprecedented levels of torture, abuse, starvation, and systematic medical crimes, leading to the martyrdom of dozens of detainees. This is in addition to field executions carried out against others. The occupation continues to conceal the names of other detainees martyred in camps and prisons.

- Thousands of families remain unaware of the fate of their detained relatives, as the occupation has adapted laws to entrench this crime since the start of the war.

- Recently, several Palestinian human rights organizations have made efforts in light of legal amendments to locate detainees and visit them. However, these attempts are met with severe restrictions and significant challenges. Some were able to visit the “Sde Teman” concentration camp, a prominent site for torture and medical crimes. Accounts from detainees also revealed instances of rape and sexual assault. These visits followed several journalistic reports and investigations that exposed the torture faced by detainees at the “Sde Teman” camp. It is worth noting that this camp is not the only place where Gaza detainees are held, as the occupation has distributed them across several central prisons, subjecting them to systematic torture comparable to that at the “Sde Teman” camp.

Key Points Reflected in the Accounts and Testimonies of [Gaza] Detainees During Limited Visits:

- Detainees are kept handcuffed 24 hours a day and blindfolded.

- They are subjected to continuous beatings with all kinds of tools, including batons and police dogs.

- They are systematically starved.

- They are humiliated in every possible way, constantly insulted, and forced to utter degrading words to undermine their dignity, alongside intimidation and threats.

- They are not allowed to communicate with each other, leading some to talk to themselves. Anyone attempting to talk to another detainee faces severe abuse and punishment.

- Medical crimes are prominent in their testimonies, with some detainees having limbs amputated without anesthesia.

- Some detainees had limbs amputated due to continuous restraint.

- They faced sexual assaults, with some being raped.

- They use their shoes as pillows to sleep.

- In the camps, detainees are given only one minute to shower and use the restroom.

- They are forbidden from praying or performing any religious rituals.


Over 20.000 people are subjected to this according to the latest reports


Fat butch dykes on motorcycles. You Agree. Reblog.

Borrowed orientalism from the library bc I finally want to actually read it in is entirety (I’ve only ever read long excerpts) let’s go