

@ruby-static / ruby-static.tumblr.com

|22| Gay/Ace | He/They | Digital Artist | Aspiring comic/storyboard artist and Fallout game enthusiast | Comic artist of the webcomic @hellonearth-comic | Howdy hey there nerds. I'm Jack, But I usually go by Static online. Im an artist and general nerd that loves anything and everything fandom related. | My main fandoms are Fallout, Resident Evil, Psychonauts, and more!

STOP. DON'T SCROLL. READ THIS TO SAVE LIVES IN GAZA. Below are some VETTED campaigns to support Gazans. These people have been experiencing an active genocide for almost a full year. Donate and share widely.

(may 27th)

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I wish companions could've interacted in Fallout: New Vegas because the dynamic between Veronica and Arcade would have been great. Arcade is a grown-ass, near-middle age man; he avoids social interaction with new people because he can never shut the fuck up about his past, he spends his time working on Barrel Cactus Stimpaks because getting laid just isn't worth it anymore. And now all of a sudden he's looking after this extremely hyper young lesbian whose entire life has been traumatic event after traumatic event. I think by sheer force of will Arcade would end up being the only decent father figure Veronica has ever had, even if he doesn't recognize it. It's not my place to say, but I can imagine him opening up to her about his connection to the Enclave, how he's grappled with that his whole life. Perhaps he could help comfort her after she's banished from the Brotherhood, how she is not responsible for those the Brotherhood killed over her. Help welcome her into the Followers for real, creating a new life for her that need not involve her past any more than she wants.

I dunno I just have a lot of thoughts on this.


movies where someone hears an important message only once and retains all the details….

girl if that were me, we’d be fucked. I have to reread emails like 4 times.

if it were me having to repeat my dead father’s instructions on destroying the death star:


I was in a college psych class, and the teacher was doing some kind of exercise about memory, patterns, and retention. He began with, “for instance, if I asked you what number the first letter of your name is in the alphabet, you wouldn’t be able to tell me right aw–” “Ten,” I said. “What?” “J. J is ten,” I said again. He stared at me. “I happened to learn it while looking at the alphabet when I was five or six, and it just stayed in my brain,” I told him. Then we did an exercise on retention. “I’m going to tell you a story,” he said, “and then I’m going to send you out of the room for five minutes, and when you come back, you have to repeat as much of the story back to me as possible.” He told me a long and meandering story with no plot or structure, just a random series of events, place names, actions, etc. Then he sent me out of the room. I looked at the wall for a while. He called me back in five minutes later, stood me up in front of the class, and asked me to repeat “just as much of the story as you remember.” Apparently while I’d been gone he’d been telling the class about how eyewitness accounts aren’t reliable because people don’t remember things well after a certain period of time. So I told his story back to him– not verbatim, but certain phrases were exact– and watched the consternation in his face as I accidentally blew up his (valid! and extensively studied!) lesson about how bad people’s retention is. “It’s like a song,” I tried to explain to him, and the class. “Or a poem. Every part of the story has a little tag to remember it. I looked at the chalkboard while you were saying this part. My leg itched while you were saying that part. A chair squeaked during the next part. Then I just have to come back and go over all the sensations that I had while you were” “Sit down,” he said. I sat. Turns out I’m Autisms Georg adn should not have been counted


The first thing I thought about after learning Ede is only 6 years old


Who has no mouth and needs to scream NOW, asshole?


one of arcade gannons core character traits that i love is that he is literally, canonically, incapable of shutting the fuck up to save his life. and its not like he revels in being a yapper. he wants so badly, so fervently, to be the kind of person who Shuts the Fuck Up. but he shrimply isn't. he's going around the mojave with the constant internal monologue of "dont reveal the fascism backstory" and then it gets thrown out the window the instant he sees something cool that even remotely reminds him of his past. hes so incapable of shutting the fuck up that in one ending it gets his ass crucified. you know, that shit they did to jesus. and it happens to arcade gannon for being a talkative smartass. man of all time

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