
Breakfast At Ralf's

@ralfmaximus / ralfmaximus.tumblr.com

49% Evil is not half bad

No YouTuber will ever top the phrase "A powerful rat named Charles Entertainment Cheese."

"A California-themed amusement park in the already California-themed California" is also a banger and comes from the same channel.


How quickly we forget "You would have to pay an industrial engineer to create a complex computer simulation of a theme park populated with agents, all with unique preferences, riding attractions of varying capacities in order to compare and contrast wait times, number of rides ridden, and other factors with and without a virtual queue system just to get to the bottom of this incredibly niche curiosity" followed immediately by


I love how Defunctland is like "in order to describe the history of this one specific dark ride, I think I will recount the entire history of dark rides as a whole, starting with the American picnic trend in the 1800s" and I am like "oh YEAH let's have it!!! Gimme that information"


For those that don't know, Kev has also done documentaries on:

  • Searching for the composer of the four-note Disney Channel jingle. (Feature length.)
  • The history of a Star Wars-inspired band that played at Disney one year, HALYX. (Feature length)
  • Queuing theory and Fastpass and why Fastpass sucks. (Feature length)
  • Coney Island and how institutional racism affected the whole area.
  • The bizarre trend of Santa Claus themed amusement parks and how they fizzled out.
  • Muppet Babies

All of these documentaries are legitimately riveting. Even the one on Fastpass of all things.

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