
Breakfast At Ralf's

@ralfmaximus / ralfmaximus.tumblr.com

49% Evil is not half bad

hello may we please see the frog or perhaps the website? (if you don’t want to share that’s totally okay) thank you for the story!!


Alas, this occurred in 1995 and the company is long gone.

The demo was actually conducted using his laptop browser opening his site off-line; no webserver involved. Just a collection of pages stored on his drive C: that frog-guy created using notepad.exe, an impressive feat at the time. Once he onboarded we let him host his frog menagerie on the corporate LAN but I don't think we ever gave it public access.

Our project manager (also at the interview) nabbed the computer-frog instantly and I haven't spoken with anybody from that organization since 1998, so... yeah.

If I had the froggy I'd show y'all. And yes, it’s all true.

(If you’re wondering what the heck this is about, it’s about this.)


Since the Ceramic Frog thing has regained traction and I’m getting asks, here ya go.


my talented wife painted a magnificent mural of me dead in a field being picked over by vultures on every wall in our bedroom


Every Republican voter and every Democratic voter knows Biden is the better man.

Republicans know Trump derives satisfaction from power over others, not service to others.

Trump's dark and toxic behavior is a result of a lifetime of seeing what he believes he can get away with.

We all know this.


"Celebrity" for this poll is somebody famous in national or international media. Not necessarily USAmerican centric. Music, film, TV, streaming, politics, sports. Astronauts. Big business. Influencers count I GUESS (ugh) if they're turbofamous.

"Know" means a personal relationship. Not somebody you met at a con or bumped into at the store. You have their contact info in your phone, you visit & hang out sometimes. Or maybe you hate them. You are mortal enemies. That counts too.

Neighbors you rarely see and/or never interact with do not count.

Bonus points if you share intimate details here. But only if they're okay with that (unless you're enemies in which case go ham).

Superextrabonus points if you out your celebrity pal. But only if they are cool with that.



The Supreme Court has decided to transform the very nature of The State this week and only a clear-eyed and massive movement can reverse what's coming....

I stopped reading How Democracies Die and just pay attention to the news to see an example first hand. The Supreme Court of the United States- bringing us fascism since 1981!


This just in: SCOTUS has ruled anything a president wants to do is perfectly legal so long as it's printed on white house letterhead.

AI search platform Perplexity is launching a new feature called Pages that will generate a customizable webpage based on user prompts. The new feature feels like a one-stop shop for making a school report since Perplexity does the research and writing for you. Pages taps Perplexity’s AI search models to find information and then creates what I can loosely call a research presentation that can be published and shared with others. In a blog post, Perplexity says it designed Pages to help educators, researchers, and “hobbyists” share their knowledge.

Oh look, new plagiarism machine just dropped.

Users type a prompt into a box and the LLM generates searchable, google-optimized webpages ready to post. Now anybody can be a published expert on anything!

What could possibly go wrong?

Oh, and update: it's apparently a scam or at least very shady, in that it's scraping paywalled content without consent. Which is making paywalled sites very angry.


^^This. But also, the goal posts for artificial intelligence keep moving, and that's a GOOD thing.

Early computer scientists thought that if they could teach a computer to beat a human at chess, that would mean it was as smart as a person. Alan Turing wrote some of the first chess programs in the 1950s but never lived to see a computer play a human and win.

But then that happened in the 1970s and people decided no, natural language conversation (the "Turing test") was the real way to prove a computer had human intelligence. When a computer could bamboozle somebody into thinking maybe it was a real person at the other end of the terminal, THAT would be the day computers were as smart as people.

But chatbots have been a thing since the 1960s (Eliza) and were mostly perfected by the 1990s. By the 2020s LLMs have made chatbots as realistic and boring as some real humans.

But LLMs are not AI. Which we currently define as having the ability to reason and grasp concepts the same way a human does; to solve any problem, not just (badly) answer questions about hotel room availability.

When we achieve that, the goal posts will move again.

Which is to be expected.


as a knitter, you start to notice how rare it is for characters in tv shows and movies to knit correctly. from worst to best, it ranges from:

- laughably incorrect, just flinging yarn around

- knitting the most basic scarf incredibly slowly because the actor Learned How To Do It For The Role

- old lady actresses casually knitting an intricate lace pattern while doing a monologue

- gromit from wallace and gromit

1. that’s a garter stitch, which you can clearly see despite it being made of clay

2. they took the time to animate a modified continental style of knitting, including showing how his working yarn is wrapped around his pinky, and that he’s flicking with his index on his right hand

3. he only has four fingers and yet this is better than the vast majority of knitting on tv


About 10 years ago I watched a video of a guy who bought a 50 pound bag of monkey chow with the intent of making it his sole diet for one month because it 'has all the nutrients needed for a primate' and upon taking his first bite of kibble (which took an alarming amount of effort) remarked, "wow monkeys must have strong jaws".

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