
Space Lizard

@lizardsfromspace / lizardsfromspace.tumblr.com

Ellen. She/her. Cryptids, lights & the night. I am a freak. I have hands and I have feet, and if you saw me you'd faint, you'd be petrified, mummified, turned into stone or a pillar of salt.

My Sideblogs of Note


Fearsome: My monster of the week horror series about a trans teen werewolf, her pack, her friend the chupacabra, and her pet enemy Gef the talking Mongoose. Inspired by 90s horror like Scream and The Craft, and books like Animorphs. Updates Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Mysteries of the Unknown: Paranormal aesthetic blog, especially focused on the 90s show Sightings

Is It Correct?: Factchecking blog, sporadically updated whenever something annoys me enough


Actually Queer: Blog profiling canonical LGBT characters in media. Primarily updated 2012-2013, with a brief flurry of activity in 2017. Partially abandoned bc LGBT characters became more common (and Tumblr users hyping up straight characters as if they were canonically queer became less common), but mainly bc I ran out of shows I had watched myself & submissions were relatively rare

Obsessive Fanboys: Another blog mainly updated in 2012, this one mocked the fanboyish reactions in the comments of Rotten Tomatoes reviews. Why did this one end? Simple: Rotten Tomatoes (wisely) removed its comment section, and the four hour rant videos that took its place aren't as pithy to dunk on. But hey, it's an archive of its era

Space Lizard's Den: A creepy story blog from 2018/2019, before I just started posting them to main.


It's sad at the end of May seeing people reblog the "here it comes!" Pride logos post. You didn't notice that brands have decided it is no longer safe to openly support LGBT rights. The past 2 years have shown a dramatic decline in corporate sponsorship of Pride. And no, we don't care about the corporations, but you should care that they think the general public will oppose their support of LGBT rights. Anyway pay attention. The logos didn't change for Pride. It's bad.


I love Matilda because it's a story about a child who sees injustice around her and gets mad about it and questions why things aren't fair, and instead of the ending being that she learns how the world works and that life isn't fair, she catapults one of the adults who abused her out of a building with her mind


I watched the live action version of "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" on Youtube and I was not ready for the utter lack of emotions from the CGI animals.

Nala looking concerned about Simba hiding something about his past, a comparison:

Also, in CGI this song called "Can You Feel the Love Tonight" does not take place at night.


One of the nastiest outgrowths of the Self Help Industrial Complex and the pseudo-psychiatric therapization of, well, everything, is this worrying trend of dividing the world into Givers and Takers, into Empaths and Toxic People, into Victim and Victimizer. The already warped and butchered idea of emotional labor has been twisted into a monster that devours the simple idea of establishing boundaries and shits out a foul heap of convenient excuses and categories to assure you that you are an ontologically good person who just needs to avoid ontologically evil people and to mete out emotional interaction in a totally transactional way in order to be safe. Sorry! We're all complex people who both provide and require emotional support to others! We're gonna get hurt! You don't get off that easy!


These days you have a lot of fandoms insisting that lore in a franchise wasn't explained properly and will confuse casual audiences, and almost no complaints from casual fans about it being confusing. Not that there aren't plenty of series drowning in inaccessible lore these days, there are, but people seem to really understimate non-fan's ability to understand something if it's not exposited exactly


“I really did live and breathe Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I cared about Buffy more than I cared about my real life. And just having that consistency — when I was, like, 10, I watched the first season of that show while it aired, and was with it for seven years. And it was such a tool of dissociation for me. It was, in hindsight, I think, very much a coping mechanism for not being able to form the kinds of deep romantic relationships that other people can form when they’re an adolescent in the right body. I wasn’t in a place where I could open myself up to people, but here was this show that was so emotional, that I could have this relationship with.” -Jane Schoenbrun

I Saw the TV Glow // Buffy the Vampire Slayer


spock’s room decor is actually fucking bonkers. The weapons??? the big red velvet curtain??? like ok phantom of the opera go crazy.

for reference jim’s room has some photos and a plant so we can surmise this is uniquely a spock being a dramatic weirdo thing


You are judging Spock’s room through human associations tastes. Remember, Vulcan blood is green and the planet Vulcan is red (Discovery even adds to this by showing red trees around Sarek’s property).

On Vulcan, red is the color of nature, so (assuming Vulcans even assign meaning to colors), red is likely a very calm and soothing color choice. Green is probably the Vulcan color of passion and/or danger.

From a Vulcan perspective, Spock’s room is a cozy cottage core with some historical knickknacks hung around.

Kirk’s green carpet, green plants, green lighting room is the Vulcan equivalent of a boudoir at best or blood-stained slaughterhouse at worst.

so what you're saying is Vulcan children's hospitals-


One of the greatest moments in promotional interview history was when they asked the director of Jurassic World about the discourse around that bit where that lady is picked up by pterodactyls and then eaten by a mosasaurus, and whether she "deserved" it, and you would expect most directors to go "no, that's not how it works"

But instead Colin Trevorrow casually said "she earned that fate by being a Bridezilla", and then he must have realized, saying that out loud, how bizarre that sounded, bc he doubled back and immediately said "uh it was meant to subvert the idea that characters 'earn' their death, the point is it was random", to the person he had just said "she deserved to get eaten for caring about her wedding too much" to a second prior. Absolute masterclass sir

Characters dying for karmic reasons is a common thing in horror/monster media, see every slasher where people die after Taking A Drug or Doing A Sex, but it's not...really a thing in Jurassic Park? Re: subversion. There are examples, the lawyer running off in the first one, the guy taunting the compys & the head of InGen in the second, but a lot of characters escape no matter what they did. I mean, the creator of Jurassic Park escapes unscathed, the geneticist who created them leaves before anything goes wrong, the big game hunter in the second gets to leave the movie before the final act, and the most evil character in the franchise, Vince Vaughn in The Lost World, gets to cause every death in the film & escape to keep on sleazily hitting on women at Greenpeace meetings


One of the greatest moments in promotional interview history was when they asked the director of Jurassic World about the discourse around that bit where that lady is picked up by pterodactyls and then eaten by a mosasaurus, and whether she "deserved" it, and you would expect most directors to go "no, that's not how it works"

But instead Colin Trevorrow casually said "she earned that fate by being a Bridezilla", and then he must have realized, saying that out loud, how bizarre that sounded, bc he doubled back and immediately said "uh it was meant to subvert the idea that characters 'earn' their death, the point is it was random", to the person he had just said "she deserved to get eaten for caring about her wedding too much" to a second prior. Absolute masterclass sir


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15 million inches by 15 million inches, to be precise.

by Udzu                                        


Can’t stop thinking about this 236 mile long theoretical PDF. Talked about it on the phone with my friend earlier. PDF longer than the country of Belgium. Forbidden yet technically fully supported 236 mile long PDF. I’m obsessed.

Source: reddit.com

Still not over this response, pictured here after falling off the Dudley Do-Right log flume ride at Universal Studios which it was riding bc the line for the Hagrid rollercoaster was too long. I'm used to stans doing their damndest to prove their fave isn't in a flop era, and here we have someone using a gazillion words to prove that, no, their fave IS in a flop era! First off, I say "bomb" because I rate all art on the Robert Christgau scale, where the options are A+, A, A-, B, scissors, and bomb. Cultural philistine. It wasn't the biggest loss of the decade, a claim exactly zero people made other than this person refuting nobody. An apologist whose first argument is "hah! She failed by a SOMEWHAT LESSER DEGREE than you claimed!". Crafting your entire online persona around defending a billionaire author who will never know you exist, and your best defense is "well it did better than Black Adam". But the bad wizard lady didn't even change the hierarchy of power in the DC Universe so what's the fucking point


"To call this place evil implies a clarity of purpose I do not want to attribute to anyone involved" is a quote I think about a lot & also it's from a parody of reality shows by The Onion called Sex House

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