
Percy Mawce


• art & writing • some animation too • insta: percymawce.arts • he/him pronouns • indecisive • podcast fanatic • free Palestine 🇵🇸 •

Oh my god, whaaat, it’s blog intro time?

Hi! My name is Percy, this is my blog. Here’s some info.


YouTube (Currently empty i’m afraid)

Main fandoms you’ll see me making art for: Malevolent, Going Postal, The Magnus Archives, Jurassic Park, Red Valley, my own ocs lol

Fandoms I sometimes make art for: Detroit: Become Human, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Sanders Sides, Wake of Corrosion, How To Train Your Dragon, Gravity Falls, Will Wood, Stray Kids

Things you should know about me:

  • I have ADHD, so my posts are sporadic and random asf
  • I’m horrible with reading tone, so tone indicators are appreciated!

My blog is a safe space‼️

This is to say that no bigotry of any kind will be tolerated. But the content/art I post may be risqué or disturbing. Consider this your warning.



So, I've always read fantasy. It's my favorite genre. But the magic systems always confused me. So often, magic was tied to emotion, so much so that it was something the characters had trouble controlling. That's a really common trope. Or it was about nature, some greater force that lives within everything. And YET, it was neatly spelled out. There were clear rules or categories, and things followed a structure. And I understand that from a world building standpoint. But, I always thought, if magic is tied to something so misunderstood, so unknown and unknowable, then how could it be? How could it be clear cut? That's why this system is hard to explain. So I'm going to explain it in three parts: What it really is, how the characters understand it, and how Anne is different.

1. What is Magic?

In this world, magic is an energy. It's not energy, it's AN energy. In the same way sound, electricity, motion, heat, and light are all kinds of natural energy, and so is magic. But it's more all-encompassing. Much like electricity, it is an energy that keeps all living things alive. But it is also PRODUCED by all living things, in different ways. To oversimplify, magic is existence. It is the physical manifestation of the meaning of life, of what it means to be alive. So how people, animals, plants, and energy interact with it are all different. For example, a plant might generate magic everytime it photosythesizes, releases a seed pod, or feeds an animal. A doe might prodice magic every time she tells her fawn to hide, or every time she eats. A person might generate magic every time they paint, cook, write, press a kiss to the cheek of their child, etc. Magic is everything, everywhere, and imbued within everything, everywhere.

2. How it’s Understood

The way characters understand magic can be different. For the most part, it is seen as what it is: a force. Something unknowable and instinctive, something inherent about being alive. Some see it as a god, of sorts, something sentient. Some see it as power (these are the worst people, in my opinion).

A common analogy often used for teaching magical children about magic in the past was the Tree of Life. Magic does not categorize itself, it refuses to be put into any box. But the ways that magically inclined people can harness it, often align with different parts of the tree.

Body: The body of the tree is its roots. They tether it to the ground and supply it with all of the nutrients and water it needs to survive. They're under the ground and often go unnoticed. Likewise, people 'with' magic of the body have magic that is rooted in their own or other's physicality. They are tethered to the living, and the ways they harness magic are rooted in what's real. For example, Maxima has magic of the body, which I explained in my previous post. So does her brother, whose powers I will not reveal for spoiler reasons. But there is no technical limit as to what they can do with their magic, because magic would never box itself in like that. Her specialty lies in the regeneration of cells and tissue, but she could do anything, within the capabilities of magic (which are unknown), that relates to the physicality of herself or others.

Mind: The branches of the tree. They reach out to the sun, splitting off from each other in a million different directions, endless new versions of themselves. They sprout leaves and flowers and fruit, they tangle and turn and twist. People with magic of the mind (people like King) have magic that reaches out. It is the widest and most diverse 'category' of magic users. Its limits are being tested every day, new capabilities being discovered. King's specialty is, or at least how he describes it, "Going into someone's mind, not taking something out." This makes him good at illusions, telepathic communication, body sharing (which is a new capability he discovers, no one knew it was possible before him), etc. Someone else with mind magic might be hyper-aware of the emotions of people around them, or be able to read minds. But they're not constricted to the brains of themselves or others, that's not why it's called magic of the mind. It's simply that it requires the utilization of the mind. This 'kind' of magic can only be harnessed by a few very intelligent animals (again, they're not separate categories of magic, just words to express similarities in the way magic behaves some of the time).

Soul: Some people say soul is the trunk of the tree, connecting the branches to the roots. Others say it's the wood, making up the branches and roots themselves. Either way, magic of the soul is the tree itself. It's magic in its purest form, truest form. It is what makes Body and Mind and what connects them. They are a part of it and it a part of them. Throughout history, a few people have been born with this harnessing ability. But it was too much. The longest anyone has survived with this ability is a year. Religions often say that people born with magic of the soul are magic incarnated, come to check up on the world and the magicians it blesses with its energy. Most see it as an unlikely occurence, pure chance. A living being who drew from the wrong well of energy for its creation. Neither are quite right, and neither is quite wrong.

Not all beings are born with the same amount of harnessing ability. And living things can also be harnessed FOR their magic as well. Plants can be ground into healing concoctions, animals butchered and eaten to provide energy for growing children, and people killed for their souls (although only a select few people know that last one is possible).

3. How is Anne different?

Long before the events of the story, something happened. This led to the persecution of magic practitioners for centuries, forcing the survivors underground. So many living things, so full of magical energy, being killed all at once. It threw the world out of balance. So, not quite sentient and not quite not, magic pushed back. It created a living being, a single living being, to harness all of the magic of those unjustly killed before him. It created someone who could survive magic of the soul. Anne wields a never before seen amount of magic and a never before seen 'power set'. His existence will bring long forgotten knowledge to the surface that changes anything, and hopefully restore balance to the world in the process.

Anne is like the fever sent to kill an infection. He is the unconcious response of magic to protect itself against the attacks on it's cells and blood, the living world it is and inhabits. He is only designed to exist long enough to destroy the threat, maybe a little longer if he's lucky. Like if you send an electrical current through a metal rod. The rod can tolerate a certain level of energy (this is most people). Magic pushed an immense current into Anne, to restore balance to the circuit and so that he would burn hot enough to nuetralize the threat. But he'll melt, eventually. Like the wax of a candle.

I know that this description was ENTIRELY metaphors and analogies, and for that I'm sorry. But in truth, this magic system is not supposed to be understood. It's supposed to be felt. So if you're still confused, so is everyone else. So is Anne, Max, and King. So are the greatest magical scholars. So am I. But we all feel what it's supposed to be.


I hate that I’m always trying to find cool biology themed stuff to wear but all the “nature inspired” clothing companies just have like two crossed arrows or a minimalistic mountain on a sweatshirt. Fucking lame, that’s barely even nature-adjacent. Put the life cycle of a salamander on a jacket, put hyena skeleton patterns on leggings, put a damn field guide of birds of prey on a peacoat and THEN you can have my money. Do NOT give me a shirt with a leaf on it that says “stay wild” or some bullshit I would much prefer clothing that broadcasts to everyone around me how many teeth an adult Jaguar has or how some pitcher plants can catch and digest rats.


recommendations from the notes :)


CM MENTION!!!!!! thanks so much :-)

here's a few more great nature themed small biz shops for you to check out!

MOTEL777 nature goodies with a cryptic twist

Curlworks cute critters with a hint of silly

Fossilforager especially good if you're a bug or amphibian fan

Quailtea Goods wide range of animal art including mythical ones!

Loonpflug specialty on plants and insects!

Come support some cool small businesses for your nature inspired shopping! 🌟🍁

reblogging this so I never lose it


Because of you and @potato-lord-but-not I’ve revisited my disc world obsession. I watched most of the shows, including Going Postal when I was much much younger, and was pleasantly surprised when fanart for it showed up on my dash. I started reading Going Postal on Libby and ended up buying a physical copy because it is so enjoyable and I wanna re-read it. I also am planning on buying any and all books with my girl Susan.


Ah! I'm glad I could reignite an old passion for you, I know how much fun that can be! Have fun reading!


Here's a thought I had. Arthur humming to himself absent-mindedly. John harmonizing. Both creating a beautiful few seconds of a little harmony that only they can hear. A shared moment between them and only ever them.



Here they are.

OCs. On the left are quick sketches I did for this post of them. On the right are the best (or only) full art pieces I have of them.

This is Anne (Antoni Halden). He’s the MC of the story, the chosen one, the reluctant hero who eventually dedicated his entire life to saving the world. In a sad but also fulfilling way, it is his entire purpose. He is all of the magic of every magical person ever unjustly killed reincarnated into one person, which means he ‘burns brighter and faster than any other candle’ (quoted straight from the prophecy). His life span is shortened, basically. And it’s only further shortened by the people in his life who forced him to repress his magic for fifteen years (specifically his adopted father, who is the principal of the magical reform school the Nexus). He’s my favorite pathetic little man (he’s not pathetic. He once killed over 200 men in an instant) and I have never EVER been able to draw him well. Don’t know why.

This is King (Miguel Hernandez). He’s like the second MC. The chosen one’s prophesized right hand. He was a burlesque performer in the Underground (the sort of secret network of magical artistic establishments in the city where he grew up) before joining the rebellion and meeting Anne in an recon mission at the Nexus. I don’t want to give away too many spoilers or anything but what the hell. Y’know how body sharing is my favorite thing ever? King has mind magic, basically, and his specialty is going into other people’s minds, not taking things out. So he can’t mind read, but he can make you see something that isn’t there. Eventually he and Anne learn that there’s a failsafe of the prophetic weapon Anne needs to use, and that the only way for him to use it is if they BOTH use it. He has to go into Anne’s mind. Body sharing. I love it. Love her. She’s vibes.

And this is Max (Maxima, no last name yet), last OC for today. She is the other second MC, and is Anne’s ‘left hand’. That’s how she’s referred to in the prophecy. She has body magic (the magic system is very hard to explain simply) and her specialty is regeneration. So this means she can heal herself and others at an increased rate, AND it allows her to increase her own speed and strength. She and her brother Tommy were brought to the Nexus after their parents died when they were young. She and Anne were inseparable after that. Best friend, love more than life kind of inseparable. She helps Anne stay alive basically. They’re both essential to his operation as a part of the prophecy. They are a three-person entity (polycule polycule POLYCULE POLY—)

Anyway, yes. Here’s three of the guys from this specific story. I have other guys and other stories, but I figured three was a good start. :D

@izel-scribbles feel like i should tag you you seemed excited about it when I posted the poll.



Here they are.

OCs. On the left are quick sketches I did for this post of them. On the right are the best (or only) full art pieces I have of them.

This is Anne (Antoni Halden). He’s the MC of the story, the chosen one, the reluctant hero who eventually dedicated his entire life to saving the world. In a sad but also fulfilling way, it is his entire purpose. He is all of the magic of every magical person ever unjustly killed reincarnated into one person, which means he ‘burns brighter and faster than any other candle’ (quoted straight from the prophecy). His life span is shortened, basically. And it’s only further shortened by the people in his life who forced him to repress his magic for fifteen years (specifically his adopted father, who is the principal of the magical reform school the Nexus). He’s my favorite pathetic little man (he’s not pathetic. He once killed over 200 men in an instant) and I have never EVER been able to draw him well. Don’t know why.

This is King (Miguel Hernandez). He’s like the second MC. The chosen one’s prophesized right hand. He was a burlesque performer in the Underground (the sort of secret network of magical artistic establishments in the city where he grew up) before joining the rebellion and meeting Anne in an recon mission at the Nexus. I don’t want to give away too many spoilers or anything but what the hell. Y’know how body sharing is my favorite thing ever? King has mind magic, basically, and his specialty is going into other people’s minds, not taking things out. So he can’t mind read, but he can make you see something that isn’t there. Eventually he and Anne learn that there’s a failsafe of the prophetic weapon Anne needs to use, and that the only way for him to use it is if they BOTH use it. He has to go into Anne’s mind. Body sharing. I love it. Love her. She’s vibes.

And this is Max (Maxima, no last name yet), last OC for today. She is the other second MC, and is Anne’s ‘left hand’. That’s how she’s referred to in the prophecy. She has body magic (the magic system is very hard to explain simply) and her specialty is regeneration. So this means she can heal herself and others at an increased rate, AND it allows her to increase her own speed and strength. She and her brother Tommy were brought to the Nexus after their parents died when they were young. She and Anne were inseparable after that. Best friend, love more than life kind of inseparable. She helps Anne stay alive basically. They’re both essential to his operation as a part of the prophecy. They are a three-person entity (polycule polycule POLYCULE POLY—)

Anyway, yes. Here’s three of the guys from this specific story. I have other guys and other stories, but I figured three was a good start. :D

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