
Yet Not That Spiteful

@physical-manifestation-of-spite / physical-manifestation-of-spite.tumblr.com

Peppers || She/her || 25 yrs || Currently invested in Malevolent, TMA, MP100, etc
Anonymous asked:

wait so are we... actually taking anna being dead as legit? because the explanation of the vanguard's powers being rooted in using actual physical eyes to learn information... idk that felt so pointed and specific i just fully assumed anna like. figured out that the best way to keep hiding from eldritch horrors was to no longer have eyes. not that she's actually dead, just, you know. her eyes are.

oOUGH. SHE YOINKED OUT HER EYES, MELANIE KING STYLE. It's a fun theory! And Anna Stanzick has proven to be very smart and elusive, so it's plausible. But at the moment, because there's no hint that she DID do that, I'm going to assume that her eyes are dead, and therefore she is dead because she didn't pop em out.

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