

@godwaltz / godwaltz.tumblr.com

bee, they / it , 19 — i like to draw (ocs, malevolent, tma, tpp, and trigun)

Worst date ever / commission for @dysaniadisorder !! Sooooo so fun 2 draw ^.^ ty also to @godwaltz for giving me tips on things to include

[ID: a digital drawing featuring primarily Arthur and John from the podcast Malevolent siting at a diner booth. Arthur holds a cup with the words "#1 possessee" partially cut off on it. In front of him is a blue plate featuring only a golden apple, along with a fork and a sacrificial kisa knife pointed towards him. John has the book "The King in Yellow" below his hands. At the edge of the table is a rosary.
In the background many other characters can be seen, such as Noel and Oscar speaking together with a bottle beside Oscar, Parker lying dead against the counter, a pallid mask member, Kayne, The Vanguard, the tentacles of Shub Niggurath, and The King in Yellow behind the counter. There is also a sign reading "Today's special: 1. Mr. Fauste's Leg 2. Apple" /End ID]

I think this is funny but it doesn’t look right like his face doesn’t look like how I drew it last time Arthur Lester can you just work with me pls

:((( maybe it’s just the angle idk I redrew his eyes twice and might have to redraw them again anyways yes this is a Jerma redraw

Also trying to draw him armor too but that’s also not working he’s being difficult >:(


“Alas, poor Yorick.”

composition was originally inspired by this image of jeremy brett cast in Hamlet, literally holding Yorick lol (swear I was not going to make this painting as complicated as it turned out but I learn from the best when it comes to falling down holes.)

ramble but this just Really turned into me wanted to convey how simultaneously badass and absolutely fucked Arthur is. Just in general, but of course referencing the latest arc… also wanted an excuse to properly paint John’s hand, the wood thing fun as hell. 14hrs of my life used efficiently I say. Malevolent podcast you absolute parasite (positive).

Version where Arthur is just a little different\/


[ID: A drawing of John and Arthur from Malevolent. Almost the entire drawing is in darkness with only a few small yellow-tinted light sources. Arthur is framed in the darkness with a determined exppression, holding a lighter out in front of him as the flame trails upward dimly. Johns hand is up to cover part of his face, but his middle and ring fingers are parted to show his eye, yellow and glowing. John is a dark shadowy figure behind him, head over Arthurs shoulder with his shadowy hand up mirroring the hand he controls. His eyes are entirely yellow, and his horns trail up into thin yellow wisps at the end. end ID]

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