
the cobalt and carnelian of that bird

@passengerpigeons / passengerpigeons.tumblr.com

call me jay (25) — they/them | he/him — notorious b.i.f. (banded iron formation). world's only yooper chaser (as in chaser of yoopers). uphold midwestkritik thought


level 98 (104 after spending the runes) and dlc ready.


"i'm mr sterling's right hand arm. man." is to say: i am the unutterable wisdom that precedes and gives rise to verbal understanding.

"i'm mr sterling everything" is to say: i am the undifferentiated matrix through which the phenomenon of "mr sterling" is apprehended.

"his confidant. his best friend. his silly rabbit." is to say: the unity of the two, differentiated and undifferentiated, quiescence and clarity, produces a third which is motion, who then goes on reproduce itself indefinitely.

"does he call you that? no." is to say: the name which can be spoken is not the eternal name.


Book I found in the used bookstore where I work. The whole thing looks like this and I have no idea what it’s supposed to be as there’s no clear title either.

This is a problem as it’s in the “to be shelved” pile and I’m the one who’s supposed to figure out where to shelve it.

Okay, it looks like it’s the script for some kind of performance or ceremony? But heavily abbreviated. Like it’s assumed the participants already know the words and just need this as a reminder, like “the next word starts with b… oh right”.

it's a crib for freemasonic ceremonies


worshipful master: has it a name?

senior deacon (or second degree mb): it has

worshipful master: give it me


Fascinated that this managed to reach someone who recognized it within fifteen minutes of posting. Thank you for your swift identification.


4chan actually did “win” the war, their raids here in the 2008-2013 period were successful, however they didn’t understand how our aqueducts worked and many of them died from waterborne disease :( sacking tumblr was difficult to maintain but we managed to cut a deal and reinforce them for later. we paid them a large amount of our national currency at the time. you guessed it - cummies.


Your morning alarm goes off again. You scramble to hit snooze, afraid of the day and its corporate labours. But you look at your phone screen and see that, this time, it is no alarm; Harun Al-Rashid is calling you. He wishes to meet you at the caravanserai. You are sought to join him and his party of philosophers, dream-alchemists, and wine-poets as they journey through the pleasures and metaphysical wonders of the Silk Road. You can do nothing but accept the call.

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