
There shall be a fire that knows the naming of you

@deermouth / deermouth.tumblr.com

Everything dies, in time. In this regard, at least, you are no different from the thing that eats you. (oleander. they/it. late 20s. icon by fateology.)

"I'm not sure how I feel about that pleated skirt..." "It's chiffon, it has movement." i forgot about the gayest thing louis ever said


daniel molloy being a #imwithclaudia girl from the very “she makes you sound like two whiny existential queens” start to the very “everything about claudia from this point on is without written corroboration” end. real recognizes real


actually now i realize that i do not possess a pdf copy of the vampire lestat, which is a shame, because i desperately want to find the part where Marius talks about Druids Worshipping Gods Of Corn. In Eurasia. In I don't fucking know when but almost certainly before the common era.

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