Dungeon Meshi Stash

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This is a stash for dungeon meshi extras and worldbuilding details. I’m matching the posts mostly to where we are in the anime until the season is over.

Should be obvious but feel free to re-post whatever I compile here anywhere! The idea is to make the information easier to find/reference.

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Spoilers are tagged as “Dungeon Meshi Spoilers

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reesesgopoof asked:

why are mithrun's ears cut? sorry for the constant questioning i'm just starting to actually be interested in the canaries (after finishing the manga) so i want to learn as much as possible lmao

You can check their tags for more info, updated the pinned post with it

Canaries: Mithrun, Pattadol, Lycion, Fleki, Otta, Cithis

But the demon ate his ears thats why they’re like that

for referencing dungeon meshi spoilers Mithrun

Some people that have reached out asking me to share their fundraisers, please donate if you’re able to







Palestine gaza fundraiser I checked them in verified fundraisers as best as I could

tales-from-the-deep-sea asked:

God people really forget nuance as soon as it is a female character

I actually started liking Maizuru for her design, but with adventure bible I've come to liking her even more. Sure, she isn't perfect, she can actually be very cruel ( especially to Izutsumi) but I've always seen her as efficient other than anything. She doesn't think to enjoy being cruel, but will do anything in her power to make sure Shuro's orders ( and specially his dad's ) are fulfilled. Considering she is a senrvant/slave and we know next to nothing about how all that worked I really understand why she would be so severe ( though I'm glad Izutsumi escaped)

I don’t even think she hates Izutsumi to be fair, she made a point to train her and teach her along with the other servants (even tho she was brought to her as a inhuman pet) so by Maizuru’s perspective she’s probably doing something good for her.

I still don’t forgive her tho, even if she did have “good intentions” they were severely misguided and it was more like she was trying to force Izutsumi into a mold she didn’t fit. I think she sucks but I also love her as a character.

How she treats Toshiro isn’t even comparable tho, she coddles him while being severe with the other servants, he has power over her so he could get rid of Maizuru anytime he wanted if it really did bother him (he probably wouldn’t tho since he’s a doormat) I think she’s a positive presence for him tho, considering he was neglected by his parents (from what it seems) and she’s the only person that actually believes he can become a good leader, no one else from his family or servants seem to believe in him.

ask dunmeshi thoughts Maizuru tales-from-the-deep-sea

Anonymous asked:

do you think the demon picks what animal it appears as to lower your guard? like we know the winged lion was like a guardian to the golden country citizens right? so do you think goats would have meant anything special to mithrun? or even just thinking goats were cute?

dunmeshistash answered:

Probably because a baby goat isn’t threatening in general

Could have some meaning for him that I’m not aware of tho


Actually, I’m silly

He’s a canary so he knows about the demon, so it is probably a goat because that’s a common demon representation, sorry.

Poor Mithrun The desperation was so much that even knowing he fell for it Mithrun dungeon meshi spoilers

Anonymous asked:

do you think the demon picks what animal it appears as to lower your guard? like we know the winged lion was like a guardian to the golden country citizens right? so do you think goats would have meant anything special to mithrun? or even just thinking goats were cute?

Probably because a baby goat isn’t threatening in general

Could have some meaning for him that I’m not aware of tho

ask anonymous mithrun demon dungeon meshi spoilers edit: besides being a common demon representation