
hashtag yuri moment


🌑CEO of Pink-Haired Chloe Valentine 🌑 matching with @mountain-dew-tickledpink

my madeline headcanons!! bc she's my babygirl and i adore her

  • she is, in fact, actually french. kind of. however, she really didn't have any actual connection to being french until it pissed chloe off. she thinks its funny to mess with people. her last name is fontaine
  • she'll do ANYTHING for the bit. no one actually knows whats real or whats fake about her, because she's never gonna tell them. (maybe that's a coping mechanism. or not. again, who the hell knows?)
  • her halloween costume for years running was a mime, because its funny, and she gets to not say a single thing and people think she's just doing it for the bit
  • she LOVES spicy food. adores it. is white as all hell but has an insanely high spice tolerance.
  • loved to troll people on club penguin as a kid. she had like 8 boyfriends on there, would make them give her gifts, and then avoid them once she basically drained their money. a real entrepreneur.
  • doesn't have a best friend, really. she's a floater, and she's mostly fine with that. (mostly.)
  • her favourite color is orange but she never wears it, mostly because she thinks it washes her out. but she wanted her car to be orange.
  • her entire family calls her maddie, which she hates and doesn't let ANYONE else call her.
  • will show up at any party, regardless of whether or not she's invited. she almost has a sixth sense for them. (she doesn't, she's just a master at social media stalking)
  • has kissed every single member of the squip squad at one point or another. most of the popular kids at parties, michael when they were in middle school, and jeremy one time post-canon as a bit. she kind of only kissed christine because she had to finish the set. she has them ranked on kissing skill.
  • is insanely good in science classes. she's particularly good at math, but she downplays just how smart she is and doesn't really raise her hand in class.
  • is on the volleyball team.
  • had a really big following on musical.ly (and had a minor emo phase she refuses to mention and gaslights anyone about if they remember it)

here's the most in depth art i've made in a while for my best girls!!!

thank you SO much to @lunesart, @theabyssgazesalsointoyou and @mountain-dew-tickledpink for helping me with the signatures of the girls!! you're all lovely and i'm so thankful for all of you (and especially thanks to abyss for letting me borrow ur chloe design <3)


anyway time to talk about how chloe haters will despise her so much that they won't let her interact with any of the other female characters AND headcanon her as straight to make sure she doesn't get to form meaningful relationships with other female characters 🫢 so we're not gonna do anything about the misogynistic writing that restricts her (and all the other girls tbh) to the role of tearing down other female characters, in fact we're gonna go ahead and reinforce it! because chloe is soooo horrible and the WORST character ever!! okay!!!


hiii bmc girls being friends headcanons bc canon won't do it so i have to

  • they absolutely love playing mario kart. chloe claims peach every time, brooke goes for rosalina, jenna exclusively plays bowser jr and christine swaps it up, but usually picks toad. chloe and christine are the most competitive (but jenna's the best). brookes just there to color code her car and cause chaos.
  • all of them adore watching dorky romcoms. their favorites are grease and mamma mia, because its the perfect intersection between their interests.
  • they have a groupchat together, and its full of the most batshit unhinged memes you've ever seen in your life. (christine is the least active, she lurks and then likes everything in a huge spree so everyone gets like 20 notifications at once)
  • jenna's house is the favorite hangout spot, because its kind of in the middle of all of theirs, and all of them ADORE her little brother. they usually let him play video games with them.
  • one time christine made chloe cackle so hard that she laughed soda out her nose. they do not let her live that down and now she can never drink pepsi zero ever again.
  • jenna and christine begged brooke to let them dye her hair, and she finally caved as long as it was temporary. they were partway through putting bright green on the ends when chloe point out that the dye they were using was permanent. (brookes tips were mountain dew neon green for a solid month after that)
  • brooke loves drawing on her friends skin with glitter gel pens, and she can usually be found doodling on their hands.
  • christine made them all friendship bracelets (and kept them in her bag for like two weeks because she wasn't sure if they would like them, but chloe did in fact cry a little when christine gave her a bracelet.)
  • chloe makes them all learn tiktok dances and they fuck them up SO many times, which means that theres like 9 drafts of them cracking up
  • one time they tried to start a prank war with the boys but it failed miserably because not a single one of them ever fell for the bait, so their prank war died in the water before it even started.
  • jenna and christine have been trying to do a powerpoint night for months, but they havent found anything that their friends havent let them ramble about for ages already.
  • chloes bad at showing affection, but will hand her friends gifts (that she clearly bought FOR them) and be like "uh this is something that my aunt/uncle/grandma got me but its not my style maybe you would like it or something idk whatever." they all know she got them especially for them. none of them will mention it but they think its sweet

People in this fandom will say they love the girls and then go "Christine ❤️ that's enough feminism for today I think." Like people will fully develop Dustin and make him an important character (sometimes he's a villain character tho) but then use Madeline as this "evil whore" plot device when they develop her. I'm not saying Madeline has never been portrayed as good but the amount of times I've seen her been shown as this mean bitch who has it out for everyone is crazy. No one really extends their love for the girls outside of Christine or Brooke and even then their love for those girls are very shallow and boil down to just "silly theatre gal" and "froyo gal."


anyways on the note of bmc being misogynistic. bc it is.

the biggest slap in the face was when they gave christine a feminist patch but didn't change almost anything about the girls characters. sure, brooke stands up for herself once.

but when do any of the girls talk to each other about anything other than boys?

when do the girls get to have meaningful conversations and connections?

when does christine, a self proclaimed feminist, actually TALK to another woman about something other than a boy?

if the whole plot is about overcoming insecurity and making lasting meaningful friendships, why do the girls not get that chance?

jennas ignored but we never get to see her NOT ignored. even the fandom ignores her.

brookes treated as, basically, a prop and a stepping stone, and they will SAY "this is bad I'm using her" but never actually confront it.

chloe is a caricature of a "mean girl" who is controlling and obsessive and aggressive. she never gets a real chance to be anything else.

christine is the main female lead, she's quirky and interesting and her patches say she's a feminist. but what do we know about her? what do the other girls know about her?

do the girls ever get a chance to be friends?

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