
hashtag yuri moment


🌑CEO of Pink-Haired Chloe Valentine 🌑 matching with @mountain-dew-tickledpink

“wrapping the other person in the hoodie or jacket they are still wearing, so both of them can stay warm” with chlostine?


“The sequins are kind of scratchy,” Christine pointed out with a laugh as she pulled on the shoulder of Chloe’s jacket, the one around her own at least.

Chloe ended up awkwardly being positioned slightly bent towards Christine, sighing frustrated as she tried to find some way to adjust herself. “And this would be easier if you weren’t five feet tall.”

“There was no need for that.”

Chloe reached over in front of them and grabbed her glass of lemonade, taking a sip from the black straw and setting the glass down. “You’re the one who called me crazy for bringing a jacket to this restaurant in the summer.”

Christine watched as Chloe wiped her hands on a napkin, probably from the condensation of the ice that was covering both of their lemonade glasses. “You still are. But it’s a good thing you did, it’s cold.”

Chloe pressed a kiss to the top of Christine’s head and sighed. “Not really.”


sunshiney characters who adore the mean grumpy character, platonically or romantically, but not DESPITE them being mean as if that isn’t who the other “really” is deep down. they love it. they think the other is the funniest cleverest most delightful person alive

if the sunshiney character doesn’t have to cover their mouth up trying not to laugh at every sharp comment, completely altering how everyone else thinks abt the sunshiney character, then what’s the point


before you ship something stop and ask yourself... Is this otp material? Make sure your characters are:

  • Obstinate and inflexible in their actions
  • Terrible for each other in most circumstances
  • Poor communicators

more girl rivalries in fiction should end in them having sex with eachother

me when two girls start off really antagonistic with each other but they end up as friends because i guess hollywood thinks it's a feminist or whatever now


'i guess i was mean to you because i was threatened by your femininity as the only other wo-' lez off with each other right now or it's homophobic


Chlostine + college au :3


• After the events of the musical, Christine and Chloe are on non-hostile terms with each other, but they don’t really talk to each other for the rest of high school after that.

• As luck would have it, they end up applying and being accepted to the same college. Christine’s a theater major and Chloe’s a business major. Christine wants to pursue her dreams and Chloe just wants something that pays good.

• The two find out and decide to be roommates since they already know each other. It is AKWARD and they have an incredibly difficult time talking for the first couple of weeks of college.

• Eventually, they do start communicating like normal people and figure out that. They don’t… actually hate talking to the other person….? It’s weird at first but they get used to it.

• Now they are in a more comfortable roommate dynamic that has them being pretty chill with each other(unless they’re REALLY disagreeing with each other) and….. kinda friends? They’re stuck in this limbo of actually liking each other and still being a little weird around the house. Let’s just say when the actual feelings manifest, it gets even more messy.

(The original post is here.)

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