
mostly official-ish

@june-egbert-official / june-egbert-official.tumblr.com

June, she/it icon is @shittyjunedaily , specifically mod bug! theme by @themesbypale no minors

1) Egg jokes aren't misgendering and they aren't telling someone what their gender is.

2) being compared to trans people is not a bad thing because being trans is not inherently bad, but getting upset at the idea of egg jokes is not your personal experience, it's clearly getting mad that people are getting compared to trans people

3) "people did egg jokes to me and it made me sad :(" sorry to hear that! Your experience is not universal however! Talk about your experiences but when you use them to talk about other people and other friend groups who are fine with it, it's not about your personal experience anymore (some Mario wikis and Chongo blogs fit for this)

4) this dumb discourse has been overwhelmingly used to call transfems terfs, transvestigators, "Christian missionaries," and run them off the site, this factored with the previous poll where tme people overwhelmingly said you're not allowed to tell your friend they might be a trans woman but it's ok to tell your friend they might be a trans man, kinda paints an interesting picture.

5) the discourse keeps getting changed into "don't call strangers eggs" which whatever. No one's walking straight up to a dude on the street and saying theyre an egg. Random bloggers on Tumblr dot com? Sure don't call em eggs I guess.

6) "don't call random people egg!" Kurt Cobain is an egg. Die mad about it lol.

7) "you can't tell people what their gender is" not what egg jokes are but actually yeah you can that's a common thing about trans people who don't realize they're trans yet is you gotta tell em. Yeah not everyone needs that approach but some do. As someone who spent years helping people realize they're trans and find resources, I know this for a fact, I know more about this than random 20 year old bloggers whining on Tumblr. Get over it.

8) "you can't tell people what their gender is" my husband can call me what ever gender he wants so long as its hot when he does it

9) all the "don't tell someone what their gender is egg jokes bad" people keep misgendering us


Good news and bad news for myself.

Good news is that my hospitalization wasn’t too terribly expensive and they waived the ambulance fee.

Bad news is I’m now $811 in the hole. Whatever helps me get closer to paying this out, I’ll also be putting in what I can.



If you want a good object lesson about what we can and can't know about the past, we don't know Ea-Nasir was a dishonest merchant selling shoddy goods.

What we know is we have found a cache of complaint tablets about him selling low quality copper as high quality, in a site that was probably his own residence. We know multiple people complained he was a cheat. It's entirely possible they were right. It's also entirely possible that he kept these complaint letters as records of people he would no longer do business with, because they had made accusations and threats in order to bully him into giving them free copper. That is an equally valid interpretation of the evidence.

My point is not that we have maligned Ea-Nasir, my point is that thousands of years later, we do not and cannot know.

Sorry to rain on the parade by teaching a Valuable Lesson but this is a great example of why call-out posts are worthless at best and actively harmful to innocent people at worst.

You don't have context or proof. You only have what was presented. No context or anything. Just outrage.

It's a well-trodden meme that Ea-Nasir was a cheat. But we don't actually know.


I just want to take this moment and say I'm glad you're here. As hard and as terrible the world might seem, it is equally majestic and beautiful, and I'm glad you have a chance to be here and see it and be a part of that beauty. Thank you for being you. Thank you for continuing to be here. I am immensely proud of you and all you've done.


trans women. we will live. we will thrive. we will be around long after this terrible fucking website runs itself into the ground. you are all my sisters, may the wind be at your backs and good fortune touch your hands.

it isn’t gonna be easy and I’m not an expert- hell, I’m not particularly far along my journey. I would do it all again in a heartbeat. I am an extremely indecisive person, and this is the most sure I have ever been. You will live & thrive. I will too. We have to. I love you.


out of all the white people to make fun of we need to make fun of the nordics more. that reddit post about swedish people not feeding their guests from 2 years ago dealt some devastating blows but more damage needs to be done they've gotten away with things for too long.........


Seeing tumblr users tag their blorboposts with "gay panic" is making me insane. This term does not mean what you all think it means.

I am also pretty sure it's ignorance in 99% of cases. But. Please understand. That captioning something "gay panic" has deeply dark implications.

babe you are implying he's about to commit a hatecrime

Waking up to that image is in fact what sent me down this path

they are selling alcohol with this cutesy sticker design. fuck, man

People in the comments: lol didn't you know 'gay' used to mean 'happy'? Language changes, why would you want to stop this phrase from having a positive meaning

Places in the USA where Gay Panic is still a legally admissable defense for homicide:

I can't tell you how to tag your fanart. But if you read the tags, tons of people had no idea 'gay panic' had any alternate meaning, and I think if this were me I would want to know. This is not an outdated term and I'm sorry but some of you are being fucking stupid about this.

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