
Have you seen this movie?

@haveyouseenthismovie-poll / haveyouseenthismovie-poll.tumblr.com

Requests are currently closed.

What is this blog?

Welcome to haveyouseenthismovie-poll, where Tumblr users vote on whether they’ve seen popular films or not!

The goal of this blog is to see how popular well-known movies are to the Tumblr user base. The Godfather, for example, is one of the most well-known films of all time, but how much of Tumblr has actually seen it? That’s what I’m here to find out!

Since we finished going through the entire IMDB’s top 250 films list, the movies being posted now are taken entirely from requests currently in the inbox, which will be closed until further notice. If you have any non-suggestions to send me, such as questions or comments, feel free to send them through a DM (or just in the replies of any post.)

Polls stay open for a week and new ones will be posted five times a day at the following times: 12PM, 2PM, 5PM, 8PM, and 11PM (all EST.)

You can find a list of every movie posted about on this blog by clicking here!


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