
✨Strategic Shenanigans✨

@linderosse / linderosse.tumblr.com

Hi, I’m Lin (she/her)! Artist, small streamer, ML engineer, and strategy/RPG addict. Currently into TriStrat, Octopath, FE, LoZ, and LU. I also stream tactical things and run the Wisdomverse LoZ/LU AU ✨. Come hang out with me on Twitch (https://twitch.tv/linderosse) sometime! 💜 (Reblogs at @lin-reblogs)

⏳✨ Welcome to Lin’s Realm!✨⏳

Find me on: Twitch | Insta | Twitter | YT | AO3

Stuff I’m proud of:

  • Wisdomverse: (Masterpost!) A duo of Zelda AUs, containing:
  • Wielders of Wisdom: a Zeldas-meet AU comic (start here), and
  • The Secrets We Keep: an LU tale of mysteries and misconceptions (start here)!
  • #lin draws (<- My art! Though I work in generative AI, all my art is drawn by hand and completely my own!)
  • Redbubble (stickers and other stuff!!)
  • Zelda: ALttP + Palace of the Four Sword Playthrough (vids/vods)
  • Triangle Strategy Challenge Runs (NG Hard Mode Golden | NG+ Hard Mode Deathless)
  • FE:Engage + Xenologue Run (Maddening Mode Blind)
  • Currently streaming: Art (Mondays) | UnicOver (Tues/Sun) | Paper Mario TTYD (Wed/Fri)

If you like my stuff, consider leaving me a tip!

Lastly, thanks for all the support, folks! Y’all are great, and I appreciate the comments and reblogs so heckin’ much <3.

Have a wonderful day!


Oh my



Heck yeah!!! Fable’s used to this kind of stuff— Canes and rods go brrrrr >:)

If Echo ends up being Fable, I could totally see her combo-ing the Cane of Somaria and the trirod to create and clone extra giant orange blocks, stack them, and then explode the whole block tower at once 😆.

(Info: Somaria blocks, unlike the Somaria platform Fable is summoning here, shoot fireballs out of them in all cardinal directions when they’re dispelled. You can normally only summon one block at a time, but if you summon a block with the Cane of Somaria and then clone it with the Trirod…🔥)

Anonymous asked:

If the zelda from the echoes of wisdom game turns out to be a completely new Zelda, will you be including her in the wisdomverse? If so, what will you name her?

I seem to be getting this question a lot :). To the folks who have been asking if I’ll include EoW in Wisdomverse; the answer is almost certainly yes!

I’ll wait until the game’s release to decide for sure, but I currently don’t think she’ll be her own hero— instead, I believe she is most likely the Oracle games’ Zelda (part of Fable). Numerous factors seem to point to this— check out my post yesterday for the discussion and the art here for my initial take on her appearance in the game. Even if she’s not canonically the same Zelda, there’s a high chance I’ll be folding her into Fable anyway, like ALBW Zelda.

If her arc ends up drastically conflicting with my vision of Fable, (if she ends up being Downfall Lullaby, for example) she’ll be her own hero, called Echo. It’s her game this time; she gets the hero title >:)

But she does seem to have many similarities with my depiction of Fable already, from her relying on Canes/Rods/Magic to fight, to her adventurous attitude and “wearing the pants in the family”, to her heckin’ potential diplomacy arc between the River and Ocean Zoras (presumably between the Ocean Zoras of Labrynna and the River Zoras of Hyrule). I gave Fable the title of “diplomat” in the Wisdomverse— feels like it might fit this game pretty well :).

So I do hope it works out, but we’ll see. I may change my mind as we get more info. Still, this game looks so awesome, I feel like I’ll definitely want to make content for it and include it in my vision of the Zelda series <3

I’m so excited for EoW; folks— and I’m glad the release date gives me enough time to finish streaming Oracle of Seasons before this new Legend of Link game comes out ✨

Can’t wait for the release!


✨On her way to save her Link✨

(He’s fallen and he can’t get up)

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(Note: How I’ll probably handle EoW in the Wisdomverse)

(Info: Dot calls it a cane because she’s reminded of the Cane of Pacci from Minish Cap, an artifact with the solitary purpose of flipping objects upside down.)



I’m sad I’m at work because I want to draw our gal Echo and her little friend Tri immediately 😇

My first thoughts:

  • Chances are this is a new Zelda; perhaps somewhere between Lullaby and Fable (OoT and ALttP) in the timeline, or after LBW entirely
  • But it could also just actually be Lullaby or Fable.
  • It’s definitely Downfall timeline because there are River Zoras and Ocean Zoras, plus pig Ganon.
  • And Link obviously looks just like Legend does in the LA remake
  • But Zelda has more of a Lullaby (OoT) design for sure
  • And the events in the starting cutscene feel very similar to the ending of OoT— pink imprisoning crystal and all

So— tentative hypothesis: this game is placed somewhere in the Early/Mid Downfall Timeline.

These are just my first observations after watching the trailer though! We can’t really say for sure until the game is out :)


Oracle Zelda looks like Oot Zelda! So that’s another thing

True!!!! Oracle Zelda does use an official artwork style similar to OoT Zelda!


Though Oracle Zelda looks pretty different in the actual game, Zelda games have never placed much importance on matching the official artwork of Zelda to the actual in-game look so it’s still a valid point.

Maybe this is a new Zelda with an in-game model that matches the official artwork design of Oracle Zelda. Or maybe Fable (who also encompasses OoA/OoS) gets a new staff and a new friend :).

Either way, definitely agreed that this is further evidence of Downfall timeline!

I feel like it will be like the cause of the Downfall timeline. Similar to how Lullaby sending Time back in time caused the adult/child timelines.

Cause we see Zelda in a crystal similar to Lullaby after Ganondorf kidnapped her.

Exactly!!! It’s awesome to see others agree with that potential!

I probably should have clarified that was what I meant when I said “Lullaby in the Downfall Timeline.”

This Zelda likely isn’t the version of Lullaby we know from the Child Timeline (MM), or Requiem from the Adult Timeline (Sheik from OoT). If it’s Lullaby at all, I think it’s the version of her from Downfall (who I’ve been referring to as Elegy in my internal timeline so far :).

I do still think it could be Fable, or someone new, but I love that Elegy (Downfall Lullaby) is a possibility!



I’m sad I’m at work because I want to draw our gal Echo and her little friend Tri immediately 😇

My first thoughts:

  • Chances are this is a new Zelda; perhaps somewhere between Lullaby and Fable (OoT and ALttP) in the timeline, or after LBW entirely
  • But it could also just actually be Lullaby or Fable.
  • It’s definitely Downfall timeline because there are River Zoras and Ocean Zoras, plus pig Ganon.
  • And Link obviously looks just like Legend does in the LA remake
  • But Zelda has more of a Lullaby (OoT) design for sure
  • And the events in the starting cutscene feel very similar to the ending of OoT— pink imprisoning crystal and all

So— tentative hypothesis: this game is placed somewhere in the Early/Mid Downfall Timeline.

These are just my first observations after watching the trailer though! We can’t really say for sure until the game is out :)


Oracle Zelda looks like Oot Zelda! So that’s another thing

True!!!! Oracle Zelda does use an official artwork style similar to OoT Zelda!


Though Oracle Zelda looks pretty different in the actual game, Zelda games have never placed much importance on matching the official artwork of Zelda to the actual in-game look so it’s still a valid point.

Maybe this is a new Zelda with an in-game model that matches the official artwork design of Oracle Zelda. Or maybe Fable (who also encompasses OoA/OoS) gets a new staff and a new friend :).

Either way, definitely agreed that this is further evidence of Downfall timeline!



I’m sad I’m at work because I want to draw our gal Echo and her little friend Tri immediately 😇

My first thoughts:

  • Chances are this is a new Zelda; perhaps somewhere between Lullaby and Fable (OoT and ALttP) in the timeline, or after LBW entirely
  • But it could also just actually be Lullaby or Fable.
  • It’s definitely Downfall timeline because there are River Zoras and Ocean Zoras, plus pig Ganon being fought in a dungeon
  • And Link obviously looks just like Legend does in the LA remake
  • But Zelda has more of a Lullaby (OoT) design for sure— (Edit: I’ve been reminded that the Oracle games do also use that Zelda design in the official artwork!)
  • And the events in the starting cutscene feel similar to the ending of OoT— pink imprisoning crystal, death volleyball and all

So— tentative hypothesis: this game is placed somewhere in the Early/Mid Downfall Timeline. It’s either Fable or someone new!

These are just my first observations after watching the trailer though. We can’t really say for sure until the game is out :)


The Founder’s Call — Part 5

Tetra, Sun, and Lullaby pull off a combo move. Dusk gets a well-deserved hug :).


We’ve finally seen all three of Din’s Fire, Nayru’s Love, and Farore’s Wind in action!!!

Though originally from Ocarina of Time, these skills are part of certain Zeldas’ arsenals in Wisdomverse due to their appearance in another rather well-known game series that I am also particularly fond of :). Special art and detailed discussion here!

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What was fables reaction to the ending villain twist is ace attorney Investigations 2


She actually kinda saw it coming and was more outraged at his actions than shocked. The villain’s manipulation reminds her of Agahnim (and Yuga), which kinda just makes her dislike that villain even more >:).

(In reference to this)

(I definitely did *not* see that twist coming when I played AAI2 btw. What a cool reveal!)

this specific combination of fandoms is so niche haha


Oh, definitely— it’s hard to *not* feel at least a little compassion for the guy.

However, Fable is a strong believer in following the right systems to resolve something, and someone who manipulates people the way the villain did very much triggers her— Fable saw her own father manipulated and killed by the wizard Agahnim in her first game. Fable’s definitely more on Justine and John Marsh’s side in this.

Hilda, for example, might appreciate the villain of AAI2 for his “ends justify the means” perspective. But Fable can’t help but dislike and pity him.


What was fables reaction to the ending villain twist is ace attorney Investigations 2


She actually kinda saw it coming and was more outraged at his actions than shocked. The villain’s manipulation reminds her of Agahnim (and Yuga), which kinda just makes her dislike that villain even more >:).

(In reference to this)

(I definitely did *not* see that twist coming when I played AAI2 btw. What a cool reveal!)

this specific combination of fandoms is so niche haha


May I have permission to use your Zeldas in a fic? 👉👈 I want to make one chapter with the Zeldas watching the chaos lol. It would be A Confusing Heritage on A03! I would love to discuss this in dms if you want :D


Sure, go ahead! I’d love to see it!

Folks, blanket permission to write fics using the Wisdomverse versions of the Zeldas. I’m not here to gatekeep the fandom :). Just toss a note in there that they’re from Wisdomverse or tag it appropriately so we don’t mess with other people’s Zelda AUs.

Heck, tag me here if you write it! I want the world to have more Zelda content.

I initially chose to make the Zeldas compatible with LU (with some common fanon changes, like canon Shadow, Legend&Fable as siblings, and Spirit!=Wind) so I could use them in my own fics/comics alongside the LU Links (Like in The Secrets We Keep). I don’t own the nicknames, only the profession names, and I developed the Zeldas’ personalities, designs, and stories (staying as close to LoZ canon as I could) with both writing and comics in mind.

The one thing I ask is: try not to ship the Zeldas with each other.

Not only do they share the same “soul”, they are also all biologically related (admittedly with a large generational gap).

But yeah— as long as you’re not looking to profit off my work, it’s all good, and I look forward to seeing more Zelda fics out there!

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