
Your Skyloftian Gremlet


the only reason i exist on tumblr is for the linked universe au series XD


#i do a little ramble | #i do a little art | #i do a little fanfic

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Fic: Brothers' Blood Ch.1 - Day 2 Fan Joy July

I always enjoy reading your fics because your writing are easy for me to understand (for me, someone whose English isn't good). Every time I read your writing, my brain feels like it can immediately render it into a comic.

You also always write down small details that are important for people who want to draw from your fic so they don't get the wrong position/clothes/left or right, time, place, etc. It became easy for me to apply the 5W1H theory which I always use to describe situations.

Thank you for sharing your great work! I look forward to the next chapter.


Ravio Headcanon:

Bored again so here's another stupid random little headcanon

Ok so you know how without the hood on, Ravio looks exactly like Link but with black hair and green eyes? What if because of that every so often people will mistake him for Link aka The Very Helpful Hero of Hyrule?

He's been living with Link for a while, like people in town know his name and that the purple boy with the bunny mask is Link's friend etc, but one day he goes into town without his hood(maybe he forgot it, maybe he just thought he didn't need it) and some little old lady with poor eyesight sees a short vaguely hero shaped boy and immediately assumes it's Link and Ravio is just too anxious to correct her so he just goes with it

For example:

[Ravio walking through town while Link is off doing hero things without his hood or robe on because it's hot & just in general minding his business]:
Old lady: Oh Link! I didn't know you were back in town
[Ravio after realizing she is in fact talking to him]: Oh no miss I'm not-
[Old lady cutting him off]: Those awful moblins have been getting into my garden again and destroying my crops! Could you please take care of them again for me?
[Ravio slightly more frantic]: Uh I would love to help but miss I'm not actually-
Old lady: I'll make you some of that apple pie you liked so much last time as a reward
Old lady: :)
[Ravio who managed his own when fighting in the War Across the Ages & really wants some pie]:Where did you say the moblins were coming from again?


And then he just starts doing the village folk favors Link would usually handle because he hates confrontation and he's already committed this much.

Your cuccos broke out of their pin? No problem. "Link" aka Ravio can get them

Lost your favorite bag in the monster infested woods? He's on it.

A hoard of monsters have been hanging around too close to town? Just ask your local hero, he'll take care of it.

He is paid in large amounts of food and the occasional handful of rupees.

Everyone who actually knows what Link usually looks like just thinks he got his hair dyed ("Link had that pink hair a while back, I guess he's trying something different again?")and taken a liking to the color purple. Ravio is in far too deep to say anything now and just silently prays Link comes home soon and fixes it for him.

When Link does finally come back it's weeks later and with The Chain in tow and now going by "Legend". He takes them to town and is very confused by all the comments he keeps getting of "Oh decided to go back to blond?" and "No more purple?". After the 5th person asks where his "little bird friend" is, he quickly figures out who's to blame

Legend immediately marches back to his home to demand answers only for Ravio to throw himself at Legend the moment he walks through the door crying that "None of these people can do anything themselves. I'm so tired of being the hero, take it back please"

Legend is confused until Ravio finally releases him and explains a good five minutes later. He is both exasperated and concerned


Legend: So just to clarify, you've been pretending to be me this whole time?
Ravio: Well kind of. It's more they assumed I was you and I just didn't know how to fix it.
Legend: Uh-huh, right. And you didn't correct them after the first time why? Ravio: You know I don't like confrontation! Also they kept giving me food. Legend: So you've just been handling all the problems in the village by yourself??
[Ravio who's been waiting for a chance to vent for weeks]: [exhausted] Ugh yes. I had no idea you did those people so many favors! I just thought being the hero meant walking around and smacking things with your sword
Legend: [offended] Hey-
[Ravio not noticing as he keeps talking]:I mean they asked for help about the most ridiculous things! I had to go all the way to Death Mountain just to get some stupid ore for the blacksmith!
[Legend distinctly more concerned]: Wait you went to Death Mountain-?
Ravio: Oh! And I fought my first lynel! I finally understand all those things you said about them. They're so mean.
[Legend short-circuiting from hearing that 'self proclaimed coward' Ravio actually fought a lynel]: Hold on-
[Ravio completely oblivious to the mental damage he's doing to his room/housemate]: I swear I'm so glad those weren't a thing in the War-
[Legend who had no idea Ravio had ever been an actual battle before let alone a war exactly one more word away from losing it]: In the wHAT-


Ravio proceeds to walk Legend through not only what he's been doing since he left but also the war because Oh Did He Forget To Mention That??

Legend almost kills Warriors the first time Ravio sees him and promptly goes "Oh hello Captain! Long time no see!" and Legend realizes Warriors' quest was the war Ravio fought in

He then almost kills Ravio when Warriors attempts to reassure him that Ravio was fine because Ravio evidently can in fact fight and totally could have been helping This Whole Time. (He wouldn't have let him help but it's the principle of the thing)

It takes several hasty excuses and several of Wild's honey candies to calm him down.

Legend takes Ravio into town the next day and explains to everyone that they just look similar and that it is still in fact Link's "funny bunny friend". the villagers are slightly confused but don't really mind because that just means there's two very helpful hero boys now.

Legend asks that anyone having a monster related issue ask for his help only. And no it has nothing to do with the fact he's worried Ravio's going to get himself hurt trying to help like an idiot. Not at all

Ravio is just relieved to no longer have the burden of being the Hero of Hyrule on his shoulders.

He wears his hood in town from then on.


Yesterday i lost my glasses. And decided to document my frustration until……… I really wish this was planned, but i gotta admit, I took a big L.


“[defeated tone] So… I have…. lost my glasses. And I’m afraid to leave my bed because I can’t see… and I fear I might step on my glasses. So I’m sitting here with my bee pillow pet… and I don’t know what to do.

I need to get up. I wanna get food. I gotta exfoliate and moisturize, cause my skin looking atrocious right now.

What if… [deep breath] What if I die here, y’all? Would anyone even miss me?Like, really?

I want Enrique Iglesias to come save me. Like, the ceiling opens up and like, he comes down from like, a heavenly cloud with my glasses, and he’s singing. [imitating Enrique Iglesias] ‘Would you dance? If I asked you to dance? I will be your hero baby!’ And I just take my glasses and I’m like ‘Thanks yo! Put a shirt on homie!’

But life, life don’t work… life… [prolonged silence]

[camera zooms in on glasses] 

[long silence; light chuckle] Enrique…”


This should win an Oscar


hey did you know??? that if you stop stretching and maintaining mobility in your body then it goes away?? things get tight and you can't move the way that you used to??? and when you decide to try getting a stretch routine going that the first week fucking sucks because you keep going 'damn i used to be able to do this no problem' and then you have to switch gears and be kind to yourself and just focus on getting better from here instead of berating yourself for dropping the good habits in the first place??? and your body never stops aging so you gotta keep taking care of it and sometimes you gotta take care of it extra in certain areas because of things that happened when you were younger and it's boring and sometimes hurts but it's so necessary???

i am yelling this at myself right now i am going through An Experience (trying to get into a routine of body maintenance again for my physical and mental health)

oh, Sisyphus! i got you


I use Canva for work and I am losing my mind over this image when you search for “fellowship” and “teamwork”

idk man

This is a very interesting case where cultural differences come into play. I see this and yes, immediately what I see is the visual representation of “fellowship” and “teamwork”!  But to people from other cultures this can look like a bunch of people grabbing someone’s butt.

As has been evidenced by other Catalan people in the notes, this is very easily recognisable for us as the base of a castell.

Castellers (which in the Catalan language means “castle builders”) are people who climb on each other to make this “human castles”. It’s one of the most beloved Catalan traditions. It symbolizes the spirit of teamwork and inclusion, because all people come together to reach for the sky, which they could not be able to do alone.

Nothing symbolizes teamwork and belonging better than dozens of people holding your ass to give you strength!

Thank you, useless-catalanfacts, this knowledge enriches me.


As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.

It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.

Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.

I'm also gonna stop listing the reasons why I recognize something is a scam. It's becoming more and more clear there is 1 person behind this STRING of scams and they're leaving less trails behind but it still reeks of them and their MO.


At this point I'm fine receiving a bunch of inbox messages asking me to vet x y z so y'all can avoid this shit. But please have some critical thinking!

People are exploiting our situation.

Reblog this post.

Whether you wanna read the whole thing or not idc.


The person this was about deleted the 4th or 5th scam account they made and are definitely gonna make a new one soon. I don't want anybody falling for this anymore.


every little bit helps.


  I re-blogged this (the first time) in 2014. Today, I tried half a dozen times to re-blog it, and it wouldn’t work. So, I saved the images and re-posted it. I hope it helps make life a little easier. :-)   The original post is by iraffiruse.

Long but cool as hell.

I’ve been using these tips for ten years and not one has failed me.

remember when “lifehacks” were useful?


Ohh I have a Queering the Chain request: I love the idea of Hyrule using fae/faer pronouns. Well, I like it when any of the Chain are neopronoun users. So maybe something with that?


This isn't really what you asked for, but after ages of not knowing what to do, i thought of this and had to draw it XD

For the @queering-the-chain event


I find it funny that Wild, who has basically a couple years ish of full life experience, comes up with the most insane theories for everything

He assumed that the only other explanation to Four being able to split in Four was. That he was quadruplets who'd been hiding this whole time???

Also apparently he believed that his wolf companion Twilight in botw was a diety (and felt very uhh shocked upon finding out that he was not)

Malon made things worse, telling him about her aliens theory

What's even FUNNIER is that every time Wild expresses any sort of confusion at magic stuff that he's never seen before, everyone else in the chain acts like it's crazy for him to be weirded out by it

Honestly maybe Wild's the only one with his head on straight, rather than everyone else who are just like 'it's magic bro' like no he's right this is weird

I appreciate this because it's very considerate of the fact that he woke up with no memories not too long ago, so he doesn't have much experience to explain the stuff that's 'normal' for the chain. Plus the explanations he comes up with are funny.



Art and comic and adorable character by Jojo @linkeduniverse au :D


this is based on @skyloftian-nutcase's idea, where LU Legend becomes a painting, but the chain doesn't know/realize.

I might draw the rest of the chain reacting, we'll see. I felt like out of everyone, Warriors and Hyrule would be the most likely to deface a painting lol.


my recipe for drawing hands!

(small note that this is a shortcut that is more abt style and ease than anatomical accuracy. it helps to take time to really properly study hands, makes it easier to bend the rules a bit like this and have it still look good!!)

(learn rules b4 u break them or whatevah)

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