
My Sanity Is Draining Like It’s Phasmaphobia 👻


Call me Gale
Panromantic/Asexual, any pronouns except it, Gender flux
I promise I’m still alive even when I vanish from here for months on end
I never fucking update my bio but I decided I hated my old one so this is something that shouldn’t age horribly
You’ll see stuff I think is neat and other random hyper fixations because of my adhd
I’m a disaster, but I’m doing okayish
In case the username has you wondering, I’m not a furry, the name is something I never bothered to change because it’s what I use for multiple platforms and I made it when I really like Warriors so \(^-^)/ whoopee I guess
I’m just kinda vibin, I guess

dandelions deserve more respect than they get

you say “weeds” I say “widespread non-native edible plant and early-blooming pollinator resource that is not considered invasive because it behaves politely and does not cause deleterious ecological consequences”


The dandelions aren’t gonna fuck you bro

they have and they will


Pro-tip to young trans guys:

If a stranger misgenders you, please please please do not ever utter the phrase, “I’m a man.” It sounds very unnatural and immediately sounds overly defensive.

My advice? Just look at the person like they’re an idiot and, in the deepest voice possible, say, “Uh. Alright, then.”

Just act as though they made a huge and obvious mistake, and don’t get flustered. If you’re comfortable with it, handle the situation with humor and say something like, “Man, I know I’ve got a babyface, but I didn’t think it was that bad.”

and if someone doesn’t believe u, say you have a hormonal imbalance + are on meds for it. it’s quick, believable, and most ppl are too uncomfortable discussing health problems with strangers to question it.

THIS POST, hang on somewhere is the notes is a sentence that changed my whole fucking life! I don’t have time to dig for it right now but 👀

Can’t find it, going to just going to explain it. I’ve been out for like 4 and a half years. I saw this post when I was Freshly Out, and this post has been so deep in my fucking rat brain for actual years.

You have to react like you’re not expecting to be misgendered. It’s hard and it’s weird, because I know, you walk out into the world very aware and afraid of how the cis people are going to perceive you. But deadass there is a “Wow, that stranger has made a bold call there” mentality that, yeah it’s a fake it till you make it type of deal. But once I internalized that, I genuinely don’t even hear people misgendering me most of the time.

I’m nonbinary, most of the time my gender presentation priorities are Have Fun and Look Queer.

The first time I noticed that being misgendered slides off my brain like a wet duck I was in a 7/11 and a cashier tried to direct me to the cardboard drink sleeves while I was like 3rd or 4th in line (yeah it was kinda weird, I was holding a large hot coffee in my bare hand and I guess it freaked the dude out, but like my hands are actually really heat resistant I was fine, anyway) He said several variations on “Mam, would you like a cardboard sleeve for your coffee, they’re right there” and I legitimately did not process that he could possibly be talking to me until he tried something like “the one in the red hat” and then I tuned back in and declined the heat protectant sleeve. (I do not know why this human man was so insistent that I needed a heat protection cardboard sleeve, and I’m gathering that me totally zoned the fuck out to his multiple attempts to get my attention holding something that he apparently thought was made out of fucking lava probably had the exact Genderless Eldritch Horror effect that we all know and love)

I accidentally also did this to one of my professors a couple weeks ago, I was given an instruction with she/her pronouns in it, purely by accident, this professor genuinely does right by his trans students as best he can, but I legitimately did not even process that it was for me until he repeated it with they/them.

This compared with a couple years ago a different professor slipped up and used me in an example to the class with she/her pronouns and I literally barely held myself together until the end of the class, made it 4 steps out the door and started silently crying.

It feels fucking powerful in a “that should have hurt, and I didn’t even notice, cis people have no power over me” way. I have a little piece of the security that cis people have in the way that they interact with the world. And that is absolutely precious.

It takes untraining years of social conditioning, and pretending that you can’t fathom that someone would use those words on you, that no one has ever said that to you before and the words are so foreign that they mean nothing to you.

And yeah I started out begging my body not to flinch when a stranger calls out “mam”, and practicing a moment of confusion and unaffected disbelief when cashiers would ask if I found everything I was looking for “young lady” and deliberately ignoring the incorrect gendered terms. And you know op’s “Just look at the person like they’re an idiot, break out the deep voice and say “Um, alright then”” it will feel fake at first.

But fuck at some point it stops being an act, and that feels fucking bulletproof.


free online computer games for agere !! 🚀

🐧 new club penguin

a recreation of club penguin with monthly updates and fun parties!

to access:

  • go to newcp.net
  • click “play now” in the upper right
  • you can play in the browser or download the game and play that way!

💫 moshi monsters rewritten

a recreation of moshi monsters that releases new moshlings often!

to access:

  • go to moshirewritten.com
  • click the purple "download" button at the top
  • download then launch the game!

🕹️ numuki

a collection of over 3000 browser games, including all of the papa's games and other old flash games!

to access:

  • go to numuki.com
  • you can either start playing right away, or you can download their browser for a better experience
  • to download, click any game, then click "play now", and click "play in numuki browser" under the game window

🐛 abcya

a bunch of fun online games for ages from pre-k to 6th grade! perfect for all regressors 🫶

to access:

  • go to abcya.com
  • click the grade that aligns with your little age! to help, that means:
pre-k: age 1-4 k: age 5 1st: age 6 2nd: age 7 3rd: age 8 4th: age 9 5th: age 10 6th: age 11+
  • choose the game you want to play!

🌳 pbs kids

a collection of modern, kid-friendly games with fun themes like halloween, space, and music!

to access:

  • go to pbskids.org/games
  • click the game you want to play or choose one of the categories!
  • you can toggle music, speech, captions, and full screen with the buttons on the right

🎮 coolmathgames

a collection of both old and new flash + html games! there are many old favorites as well as new games added almost daily

to access:

  • go to coolmathgames.com
  • you can view new games, trending games, or sort by category! i recommend the “skill” category 🩵
  • there are also tons of kid friendly quizzes to do! many quizzes are themed around animals, food, nature and more

i’m so mad there’s not really such thing as a playplace for grownups. all little kids have to do is get somebody to take them to a mcdonald’s or a park like 15 minutes from their house and boom it’s playground paradise, meanwhile if you’re a 25 year old kid like me i’m expected to be happy with forking out the cashola to go to a whole theme park or pay for a rock climbing gym subscription like whee how fun. a workout routine and an empty wallet. and it’s NOT the same thing as going to the park when it’s nice and quiet out and swinging on the swings or playing hide and seek in the restaurant play area after a delicious cheap burger dinner with the caramel apple slices.

i know it’s probably not in the cards for me but if i ever get the money for it i want a big house with a playground in the backyard and an indoor playroom inside too and i’ll invite all my friends over to play with me :)


Seeing a lot of posts about the Palestinian flag, and it got me thinking about indigenous flags around the world.


Kalaallit Nunaat:



Australian Aboriginal:

Torres Strait Islands:

Rapa Nui:




Of course, these are just a handful. May they all reclaim their stolen lands.


When I was young my dad offhandedly told me he thought people treated fish with so much casual cruelty because fish can’t scream.

The words branded themselves across my soul.

As an adult I think he may have been joking. He payed no especial attention to any indignities fish suffered in our household but I could never forget. I saw fish in a different light after that.

Fish kept in tiny bowls, breathing their own poisons, dying by inches. Fish kept in cold tanks, casually disposed of. Fish touted as being short lived when they could outlive the better loved family dog if only they could breathe. Fish casually won and discarded in cheap plastic bags, thrown away a week later.

How they would scream, if they could.


far too old to care about fandom opinions i am an adult with a *sees a take* hm. never mind actually. i am in fact so blessed to have a huge brain and correct inconsequential opinions on fictional characters. there but for the grace of god go i

Anonymous asked:

I don't know what canon mcc means and at this point I'm too afraid to ask

Isn't MCC just.. sports? Basically?? What- what does canon mean in that context guys-


Theres canon events and there's non canon events!

Canon events count to the overal stats of the player but non canon events don't count

You could be dead last in a canon event and it would count and 1st in a non canon event and it wouldn't count

Canon events are the ones that ( usually ) have numbers like mcc17 mcc9 mcc31 ( go figure why I chose specifically those )

Non canon events are ones like MCC pride, MCC twitch rivals, MCC rising , MCC April fools ect , they are more like spin-offs

Hope this helped anon! :]


the twitter/tumblr divide has never felt more real than seeing twitter users get mad over the fact that their likes are private now meanwhile when tumblr introduced the mere option to make likes public the website rioted


they should do an MMO where everyone is a shapeshifter and you can go live with animal herds in the wild if you want for a time but you are never entirely one of them, noting that the wild animal npcs partake in behaviors with or make calls to one another that you may not understand the logic of but can try to learn to repeat the musical cadence of. this is true of even the human npcs, whose musical language is the most intricate and complex to learn of all and who will ostracize you readily if you do not use it properly. other players are not marked as players and there is no chat feature. as an elk you may not know if the wolf chasing you is an npc or another player who does not know the same of you, and there is no chat. maybe the players would develop a sort of musical cadence to identify other shifters. no one would like this game and it would not be fun. but i would like it

were you a person? was i one? did it matter?

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