

@justacynicalromantic / justacynicalromantic.tumblr.com

Ukrainian, she/her, fanfiction reader, fandom lurker, sometimes write some big meta posts when inspiration strikes but it's rare

"Take it and everything will be more peachy than in Bucha!" - the add of a Russian bodybuilding supplements brand.

No one before has ever come up with an idea to use mass slaughter of civilians for a product advertising. Neither Milošević, nor Pol Pot, not ever Hitler.


Everyone else on the summit: War is wrong :( I hope Ukraine wins somehow...

Lithuania: criminals must be 🔥PUNISHED🔥 here is my 100-slide presentation with schemes "The Taming of Gopnik Empire" :D I have already written an algorithm of actions for each one of us.

Anonymous asked:

Lol you have a peace symbol as your banner background but you support trump? What a hypocrite. (Not saying you should support biden jsyk, theyre both awful)

First off: I begrudgingly support Trump for his policy

Second: How many wars did Trump start Anon?

Look, you can think the guy's an asshole, I sure do, but if you're gonna attack him, make it for shit that he's actually, ya know, done. Trump is the only president since I've been alive to not only not start a war, but even have a plan to end a war.


"..I begrudgingly support Trump...."









I literally said you're not entitled to our hard work, but go off Ig

You do realise that all the money your Senate gives "to Ukraine" actually do not go to Ukraine, but to the military companies in the USA?

Like, literally, not only your companies get paid millions of $$$ - producing taxes, jobs, bolstering US economy, but also - and this is how weapons industry works - after those weapons receive positive feedback from being tried in the field used against THE 2ND MILITARY ARMY IN THE WORLD AND BEATING THEM - your companies receive EVEN MORE FUNDING and more orders from all over the world.

Humanitarian aid?

Same story.

Money going into YOUR economy through buying all the humanitarian products that then get sent to Ukraine.

Meaning you literally want to DEPRIVE your OWN people of their hard labor and its results lol

Except, big thing, most of it isn't being made new. The Abrams Ukraine gets? From the 90s, same goes for Patriots, HIMARS, and name a system we've shipped.

We're also paying Ukrainian soldier wages because Ukraine doesn't create enough revenue to pay them without hyperinflation, along with the EU, who also doesn't have a responsibility to pay for fuck all for Ukraine, but may have a vested interest in doing so if putin is as much a warhawk as claimed by the entire west.

And we pay to move that old equipment to Ukraine, which we hate to do so much that we left most of our equipment in Iraq when we had a good withdrawal because it was too expensive to justify bringing it home.

Yeah, they get paid to replace stuff, which they would be regardless because it's just been adopted. So, not much of a point there.

1) Wow. Giving a 3rd world country cheap scrap from the 90s you didn't even need that it then beats the 2nd largest army in the world with and creates more orders and more money for you, while weakening the biggest country in the world. All the while your country barely lifted a finger, but only profited from it...

Now THIS is what they call strategy..

But why are you paying Biden such compliments, pal? I thought you were here to convince people to vote for Trump🤣🤣🤣

2) Okay, the paying the soldiers salaries is straight up lie.

1: So you're just cool with another forever war, rather than even trying to sue for peace? Cool, sorta makes you a stain on humanity, but cool ig. Pretty sure the F35 sold itself because it's the closest thing we've got to the F22 for sale, but made for mass deployment rather than specialty work. The Abrams still isn't legal for us to sell in the newest model so that's not getting sales, the M4 was already being sold globally

2: I'm not trying to convince anyone of shit. I'm stating that I'm not in favor of continuing another 30 years war. But given how TT brained you sound, I'm guessing you don't know much of shit for history. Though maybe that's due to English being a second or third language, so I'm not gonna dwell on that.


We're paying your government's salaries, with which they're supposed to be paying your soldiers. Only costs us $22.9 Billion when our deficit is $34,684,258,486,882. Not like we might need to keep some of that actually stateside. Any government spending puts us further in debt, regardless of where it goes.

1. Yes. We are. We do not have a choice, because Russians want to destroy us. If it takes forever to stop them from it, then so be it. But it doesn't have to be this way, if people like you stop preventing sufficient support sent to Ukraine

2. Yes you are. Otherwise you wouldn't be here😂

3. Another lie.

1: You literally do as they don't. I've seen no evidence to back that up

2:I couldn't give a fuck if you believe me or not.

3: Check it for yourself, $29 Billion to the Ukrainian government for salaries. Though I guess you could call it a lie, since it was also supposed to go to EMS workers and displaced citizens.

1. Is that evidence together in a room with you right now?🤣

2. Yes, I can clearly see you not giving a fuck from all the way across the ocean🤣

1: Fuck you're dense, I'm asking you for a source dipshit

2: Cool

3: So you're down to be dependent on the US government, but you won't trust them as a source?

1. Google maybe? Currently like 1000 cases are on the Hague table lmao. Literal international prosecutors handling them.

3. The source literally says you are lying. Since it says it was allocated to Healthcare workers.

1: so what you're saying is "I've never read it, but I know it" Gimme one case that's proven true and not in court. Innocent until proven guilty goes for all crimes, even the worst of them.


You sure about that?

1) I am not your mommy to do stuff for you.

Millions of people saw this (including international journalists, presidents and prime misniters of almost all European countries, international prosecutors), but you do not.

If it wasn't like- "open first link on Google and you will see it" I would have, but it's like asking me to Google the colour of the sky for you.

2) Yep. Read the first sentence again

Anonymous asked:

Lol you have a peace symbol as your banner background but you support trump? What a hypocrite. (Not saying you should support biden jsyk, theyre both awful)

First off: I begrudgingly support Trump for his policy

Second: How many wars did Trump start Anon?

Look, you can think the guy's an asshole, I sure do, but if you're gonna attack him, make it for shit that he's actually, ya know, done. Trump is the only president since I've been alive to not only not start a war, but even have a plan to end a war.


"..I begrudgingly support Trump...."









I literally said you're not entitled to our hard work, but go off Ig

You do realise that all the money your Senate gives "to Ukraine" actually do not go to Ukraine, but to the military companies in the USA?

Like, literally, not only your companies get paid millions of $$$ - producing taxes, jobs, bolstering US economy, but also - and this is how weapons industry works - after those weapons receive positive feedback from being tried in the field used against THE 2ND MILITARY ARMY IN THE WORLD AND BEATING THEM - your companies receive EVEN MORE FUNDING and more orders from all over the world.

Humanitarian aid?

Same story.

Money going into YOUR economy through buying all the humanitarian products that then get sent to Ukraine.

Meaning you literally want to DEPRIVE your OWN people of their hard labor and its results lol

Except, big thing, most of it isn't being made new. The Abrams Ukraine gets? From the 90s, same goes for Patriots, HIMARS, and name a system we've shipped.

We're also paying Ukrainian soldier wages because Ukraine doesn't create enough revenue to pay them without hyperinflation, along with the EU, who also doesn't have a responsibility to pay for fuck all for Ukraine, but may have a vested interest in doing so if putin is as much a warhawk as claimed by the entire west.

And we pay to move that old equipment to Ukraine, which we hate to do so much that we left most of our equipment in Iraq when we had a good withdrawal because it was too expensive to justify bringing it home.

Yeah, they get paid to replace stuff, which they would be regardless because it's just been adopted. So, not much of a point there.

1) Wow. Giving a 3rd world country cheap scrap from the 90s you didn't even need that it then beats the 2nd largest army in the world with and creates more orders and more money for you, while weakening the biggest country in the world. All the while your country barely lifted a finger, but only profited from it...

Now THIS is what they call strategy..

But why are you paying Biden such compliments, pal? I thought you were here to convince people to vote for Trump🤣🤣🤣

2) Okay, the paying the soldiers salaries is straight up lie.

1: So you're just cool with another forever war, rather than even trying to sue for peace? Cool, sorta makes you a stain on humanity, but cool ig. Pretty sure the F35 sold itself because it's the closest thing we've got to the F22 for sale, but made for mass deployment rather than specialty work. The Abrams still isn't legal for us to sell in the newest model so that's not getting sales, the M4 was already being sold globally

2: I'm not trying to convince anyone of shit. I'm stating that I'm not in favor of continuing another 30 years war. But given how TT brained you sound, I'm guessing you don't know much of shit for history. Though maybe that's due to English being a second or third language, so I'm not gonna dwell on that.


We're paying your government's salaries, with which they're supposed to be paying your soldiers. Only costs us $22.9 Billion when our deficit is $34,684,258,486,882. Not like we might need to keep some of that actually stateside. Any government spending puts us further in debt, regardless of where it goes.

1. Yes. We are. We do not have a choice, because Russians want to destroy us. If it takes forever to stop them from it, then so be it. But it doesn't have to be this way, if people like you stop preventing sufficient support sent to Ukraine

2. Yes you are. Otherwise you wouldn't be here😂

3. Another lie.

1: You literally do as they don't. I've seen no evidence to back that up

2:I couldn't give a fuck if you believe me or not.

3: Check it for yourself, $29 Billion to the Ukrainian government for salaries. Though I guess you could call it a lie, since it was also supposed to go to EMS workers and displaced citizens.

1. Is that evidence together in a room with you right now?🤣

2. Yes, I can clearly see you not giving a fuck from all the way across the ocean🤣

1: Fuck you're dense, I'm asking you for a source dipshit

2: Cool

3: So you're down to be dependent on the US government, but you won't trust them as a source?

1. Google maybe? Currently like 1000 cases are on the Hague table lmao. Literal international prosecutors handling them.

3. The source literally says you are lying. Since it says it was allocated to Healthcare workers.

Anonymous asked:

Lol you have a peace symbol as your banner background but you support trump? What a hypocrite. (Not saying you should support biden jsyk, theyre both awful)

First off: I begrudgingly support Trump for his policy

Second: How many wars did Trump start Anon?

Look, you can think the guy's an asshole, I sure do, but if you're gonna attack him, make it for shit that he's actually, ya know, done. Trump is the only president since I've been alive to not only not start a war, but even have a plan to end a war.


"..I begrudgingly support Trump...."









I literally said you're not entitled to our hard work, but go off Ig

You do realise that all the money your Senate gives "to Ukraine" actually do not go to Ukraine, but to the military companies in the USA?

Like, literally, not only your companies get paid millions of $$$ - producing taxes, jobs, bolstering US economy, but also - and this is how weapons industry works - after those weapons receive positive feedback from being tried in the field used against THE 2ND MILITARY ARMY IN THE WORLD AND BEATING THEM - your companies receive EVEN MORE FUNDING and more orders from all over the world.

Humanitarian aid?

Same story.

Money going into YOUR economy through buying all the humanitarian products that then get sent to Ukraine.

Meaning you literally want to DEPRIVE your OWN people of their hard labor and its results lol

Except, big thing, most of it isn't being made new. The Abrams Ukraine gets? From the 90s, same goes for Patriots, HIMARS, and name a system we've shipped.

We're also paying Ukrainian soldier wages because Ukraine doesn't create enough revenue to pay them without hyperinflation, along with the EU, who also doesn't have a responsibility to pay for fuck all for Ukraine, but may have a vested interest in doing so if putin is as much a warhawk as claimed by the entire west.

And we pay to move that old equipment to Ukraine, which we hate to do so much that we left most of our equipment in Iraq when we had a good withdrawal because it was too expensive to justify bringing it home.

Yeah, they get paid to replace stuff, which they would be regardless because it's just been adopted. So, not much of a point there.

1) Wow. Giving a 3rd world country cheap scrap from the 90s you didn't even need that it then beats the 2nd largest army in the world with and creates more orders and more money for you, while weakening the biggest country in the world. All the while your country barely lifted a finger, but only profited from it...

Now THIS is what they call strategy..

But why are you paying Biden such compliments, pal? I thought you were here to convince people to vote for Trump🤣🤣🤣

2) Okay, the paying the soldiers salaries is straight up lie.

1: So you're just cool with another forever war, rather than even trying to sue for peace? Cool, sorta makes you a stain on humanity, but cool ig. Pretty sure the F35 sold itself because it's the closest thing we've got to the F22 for sale, but made for mass deployment rather than specialty work. The Abrams still isn't legal for us to sell in the newest model so that's not getting sales, the M4 was already being sold globally

2: I'm not trying to convince anyone of shit. I'm stating that I'm not in favor of continuing another 30 years war. But given how TT brained you sound, I'm guessing you don't know much of shit for history. Though maybe that's due to English being a second or third language, so I'm not gonna dwell on that.


We're paying your government's salaries, with which they're supposed to be paying your soldiers. Only costs us $22.9 Billion when our deficit is $34,684,258,486,882. Not like we might need to keep some of that actually stateside. Any government spending puts us further in debt, regardless of where it goes.

1. Yes. We are. We do not have a choice, because Russians want to destroy us. If it takes forever to stop them from it, then so be it. But it doesn't have to be this way, if people like you stop preventing sufficient support sent to Ukraine

2. Yes you are. Otherwise you wouldn't be here😂

3. Another lie.

1: You literally do as they don't. I've seen no evidence to back that up

2:I couldn't give a fuck if you believe me or not.

3: Check it for yourself, $29 Billion to the Ukrainian government for salaries. Though I guess you could call it a lie, since it was also supposed to go to EMS workers and displaced citizens.

1. Is that evidence together in a room with you right now?🤣

2. Yes, I can clearly see you not giving a fuck from all the way across the ocean🤣

3. Healthcare workers. So, like, you literally posted a link that says you are lying🤡

Anonymous asked:

Lol you have a peace symbol as your banner background but you support trump? What a hypocrite. (Not saying you should support biden jsyk, theyre both awful)

First off: I begrudgingly support Trump for his policy

Second: How many wars did Trump start Anon?

Look, you can think the guy's an asshole, I sure do, but if you're gonna attack him, make it for shit that he's actually, ya know, done. Trump is the only president since I've been alive to not only not start a war, but even have a plan to end a war.


"..I begrudgingly support Trump...."









I literally said you're not entitled to our hard work, but go off Ig

You do realise that all the money your Senate gives "to Ukraine" actually do not go to Ukraine, but to the military companies in the USA?

Like, literally, not only your companies get paid millions of $$$ - producing taxes, jobs, bolstering US economy, but also - and this is how weapons industry works - after those weapons receive positive feedback from being tried in the field used against THE 2ND MILITARY ARMY IN THE WORLD AND BEATING THEM - your companies receive EVEN MORE FUNDING and more orders from all over the world.

Humanitarian aid?

Same story.

Money going into YOUR economy through buying all the humanitarian products that then get sent to Ukraine.

Meaning you literally want to DEPRIVE your OWN people of their hard labor and its results lol

Except, big thing, most of it isn't being made new. The Abrams Ukraine gets? From the 90s, same goes for Patriots, HIMARS, and name a system we've shipped.

We're also paying Ukrainian soldier wages because Ukraine doesn't create enough revenue to pay them without hyperinflation, along with the EU, who also doesn't have a responsibility to pay for fuck all for Ukraine, but may have a vested interest in doing so if putin is as much a warhawk as claimed by the entire west.

And we pay to move that old equipment to Ukraine, which we hate to do so much that we left most of our equipment in Iraq when we had a good withdrawal because it was too expensive to justify bringing it home.

Yeah, they get paid to replace stuff, which they would be regardless because it's just been adopted. So, not much of a point there.

1) Wow. Giving a 3rd world country cheap scrap from the 90s you didn't even need that it then beats the 2nd largest army in the world with and creates more orders and more money for you, while weakening the biggest country in the world. All the while your country barely lifted a finger, but only profited from it...

Now THIS is what they call strategy..

But why are you paying Biden such compliments, pal? I thought you were here to convince people to vote for Trump🤣🤣🤣

2) Okay, the paying the soldiers salaries is straight up lie.

1: So you're just cool with another forever war, rather than even trying to sue for peace? Cool, sorta makes you a stain on humanity, but cool ig. Pretty sure the F35 sold itself because it's the closest thing we've got to the F22 for sale, but made for mass deployment rather than specialty work. The Abrams still isn't legal for us to sell in the newest model so that's not getting sales, the M4 was already being sold globally

2: I'm not trying to convince anyone of shit. I'm stating that I'm not in favor of continuing another 30 years war. But given how TT brained you sound, I'm guessing you don't know much of shit for history. Though maybe that's due to English being a second or third language, so I'm not gonna dwell on that.


We're paying your government's salaries, with which they're supposed to be paying your soldiers. Only costs us $22.9 Billion when our deficit is $34,684,258,486,882. Not like we might need to keep some of that actually stateside. Any government spending puts us further in debt, regardless of where it goes.

1. Yes. We are. We do not have a choice, because Russians want to destroy us. If it takes forever to stop them from it, then so be it. But it doesn't have to be this way, if people like you stop preventing sufficient support sent to Ukraine.

But what you are saying is that you are okay with Ukraine being destroyed and millions of Ukrainians killed/ raped / colonized.

2. Yes you are. Otherwise you wouldn't be here😂

3. Another lie.

Anonymous asked:

Lol you have a peace symbol as your banner background but you support trump? What a hypocrite. (Not saying you should support biden jsyk, theyre both awful)

First off: I begrudgingly support Trump for his policy

Second: How many wars did Trump start Anon?

Look, you can think the guy's an asshole, I sure do, but if you're gonna attack him, make it for shit that he's actually, ya know, done. Trump is the only president since I've been alive to not only not start a war, but even have a plan to end a war.


"..I begrudgingly support Trump...."









I literally said you're not entitled to our hard work, but go off Ig

You do realise that all the money your Senate gives "to Ukraine" actually do not go to Ukraine, but to the military companies in the USA?

Like, literally, not only your companies get paid millions of $$$ - producing taxes, jobs, bolstering US economy, but also - and this is how weapons industry works - after those weapons receive positive feedback from being tried in the field used against THE 2ND MILITARY ARMY IN THE WORLD AND BEATING THEM - your companies receive EVEN MORE FUNDING and more orders from all over the world.

Humanitarian aid?

Same story.

Money going into YOUR economy through buying all the humanitarian products that then get sent to Ukraine.

Meaning you literally want to DEPRIVE your OWN people of their hard labor and its results lol

Except, big thing, most of it isn't being made new. The Abrams Ukraine gets? From the 90s, same goes for Patriots, HIMARS, and name a system we've shipped.

We're also paying Ukrainian soldier wages because Ukraine doesn't create enough revenue to pay them without hyperinflation, along with the EU, who also doesn't have a responsibility to pay for fuck all for Ukraine, but may have a vested interest in doing so if putin is as much a warhawk as claimed by the entire west.

And we pay to move that old equipment to Ukraine, which we hate to do so much that we left most of our equipment in Iraq when we had a good withdrawal because it was too expensive to justify bringing it home.

Yeah, they get paid to replace stuff, which they would be regardless because it's just been adopted. So, not much of a point there.

1) Wow. Giving a 3rd world country cheap scrap from the 90s you didn't even need that it then beats the 2nd largest army in the world with and creates more orders and more money for you, while weakening the biggest country in the world. All the while your country barely lifted a finger, but only profited from it...

Now THIS is what they call strategy..

But why are you paying Biden such compliments, pal? I thought you were here to convince people to vote for Trump🤣🤣🤣

2) Okay, the paying the soldiers salaries is straight up lie.

Anonymous asked:

Lol you have a peace symbol as your banner background but you support trump? What a hypocrite. (Not saying you should support biden jsyk, theyre both awful)

First off: I begrudgingly support Trump for his policy

Second: How many wars did Trump start Anon?

Look, you can think the guy's an asshole, I sure do, but if you're gonna attack him, make it for shit that he's actually, ya know, done. Trump is the only president since I've been alive to not only not start a war, but even have a plan to end a war.


"..I begrudgingly support Trump...."









I literally said you're not entitled to our hard work, but go off Ig

"I literally said you're not entitled to our hard work, but go off lg"

The diffenition of "literally saying" according to this guy:

🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 If you wanted me to demonstrate you blowing off your gasket, you could have just asked.

Also, you do realise that all the money your Senate gives "to Ukraine" actually do not go to Ukraine, but to the military companies in the USA?

Like, literally, not only your companies get paid millions of $$$ - producing taxes, jobs, bolstering US economy, but also - and this is how weapons industry works - after those weapons receive positive feedback from being tried in the field used against THE 2ND MILITARY ARMY IN THE WORLD AND BEATING THEM - your companies receive EVEN MORE FUNDING and more orders from all over the world.

Humanitarian aid?

Same story.

Money going into YOUR economy through buying all the humanitarian products that then get sent to Ukraine.

Meaning you literally want to DEPRIVE your OWN people of their hard labor and its results lol

Anonymous asked:

Lol you have a peace symbol as your banner background but you support trump? What a hypocrite. (Not saying you should support biden jsyk, theyre both awful)

First off: I begrudgingly support Trump for his policy

Second: How many wars did Trump start Anon?

Look, you can think the guy's an asshole, I sure do, but if you're gonna attack him, make it for shit that he's actually, ya know, done. Trump is the only president since I've been alive to not only not start a war, but even have a plan to end a war.


"..I begrudgingly support Trump...."








Anonymous asked:

Lol you have a peace symbol as your banner background but you support trump? What a hypocrite. (Not saying you should support biden jsyk, theyre both awful)

First off: I begrudgingly support Trump for his policy

Second: How many wars did Trump start Anon?

Look, you can think the guy's an asshole, I sure do, but if you're gonna attack him, make it for shit that he's actually, ya know, done. Trump is the only president since I've been alive to not only not start a war, but even have a plan to end a war.


A plan to end which war?


And how? By making the defenders surrender and letting the offender have what they want?

Did... did you just completely forget the 20 year war in Afghanistan we'd been fighting that Trump wanted to ease us out of?

Not "us", I'm not American, and Trump already promised he'd end the still ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war quickly.

Cool, I am American, so I am a part of "Us"

You realize that Ukraine wasn't invaded except when Trump wasn't president

2014 and 2022, 2 years before he was in office (by which time Russia had ceased military operations in Ukraine) and 2 years after he wasn't elected again.

Russia doesn't look at what president is elected in America when it chooses to invade or do other military operations. It was destabilizing us, creating and supporting war in Donbass since 2014 until it escalated in 2022, all before, during and after Trump. And Trump promised that he'd end this war "in 24 hours"...

I apologize for assuming you were talking about this war, but it's the ongoing one that Trump also promised to end. And my opinion is that whatever plan that can be accomplished very quickly is going to be disastrous for Ukraine and a victory for Russia.


Trump has repeatedly said he's buddies with Putin, there is a love evidence they Trump got elected through russian interference into USA elections in 2015.

However Trump tries to "end" this war (and sure let's pretend Russia is going to listen to USA. Because it has a track record for doing so apparently) he will do it at the expense of Ukrainians.

But we don't care about how many of those filthy Ukrainians die as long as we get to stick it to the man.

1: Source, because last I knew that was entirely disproven as far as election fraud

2: So, rather than using the evidence that putin's war is for the natural gas in the Donbas as leverage, he's just gonna say "Fuck em" about the whole of Ukraine's civilian population.

Yeah pal, sounds totally reasonable.\s

3: Get fucked, don't you dare put words in my mouth. The Biden family has been running their own private business out of the suffering of Ukrainians in league with corrupt elements of their government.

I mean this sincerely,

Choke on a bag of horsecocks you bootlicking scumfuck

This is a normal thing to say to a person living in warzone.

And these people claim to care about human lives. Lol.

So what? Being in a warzone makes you incapable of being an asshole?

I'm gonna talk to you just as I would any other asshole.

Get fucked cunt

Sure, love.

But if we're here already fuck you for saying "Putin's war" when it's clearly not. Fuck you for saying it's about gas in Donbas instead of, you know, wanting to ethnically cleanse Ukrainians (something Putin said so himself multiple times and if you can't Google that yourself your dumb as a rotten egg).

I'd say I hope you guys do elect Trump, so that I could happily watch you crying with popcorn. That's the least you deserve. But alas, I'm a better person than that.

"Oh I'm morally superior for being retarded"

K, enjoy cunt

Edit: gonna explain this since, well, retard

The key word in talking about the natural gas was


Meaning something to use as a means to give him a way out where it still looks like a win. In other words, a free out for the sake of peace.

"You realize that Ukraine wasn't invaded except when Trump wasn't president"


HOW THE FUCK?!?!????? YOU IGNORE?!?!???? MY HOME!?!?!?????? BEING OCCUPIED BY RUSSIA!?!?!???????




The war in Ukraine NEVER STOPPED SINCE 2014!!!! Lands occupied!! People cut off!!! Refugees! Soldiers dying!! Shelling!!! It was just more localized to the East of Ukraine!

Literally. Just.

Go choke, fucker.

We already weren't sending aid prior to 2022, which is why the initial re-invasion, NOT OCCUPATION was supposed to be quick.

Nice bullshit

"Supposed to be quick" - but the fact is it WASN'T quick. Why? WE HAD MILITARY ARMS SUPPORT THAT'S WHY.

Nice trying to manipulate and lie your way out, asshole.

And fuck you again for calling what was going on in Donbas "just occupation, not a war"🤡

I will pray that you and your whole family and all your children you will have will experience this "occupation, not a war" on themselves.

US specific? Not NATO/any other fucking nation? Oh you mean humanitarian aid

You also had nearly a century of soviet arms, which actually date back to the 1890s, which are still being used alongside domestically produced AK variants.

I didn't say "Not a war" I said, "Not an invasion" meaning not actively attempting to occupy more land. If you're in Ukraine, I'd think you'd know the difference, unless you're in the far west of Ukraine. Truthfully though, I don't give a fuck because you're bitching about how I should vote for MY people in MY country.

Get fucked. This post wasn't even about Ukraine until Ukrainians started bitching about it on a totally unrelated post. Your government is corrupt as fuck, we have no responsibility to Ukraine and never should have gotten involved to begin with.

Not our dog, not our fight, not our fucking problem.

US specific.

And I already see there is no sense in talking to you.

I tell you Russia occupied my home - you wonder if I know what invasion is like🤡

I see God already punished you with no brains.

So I will just reiterate - I will pray for your loved once to experience "occupation without invasion" :)

Anonymous asked:

Lol you have a peace symbol as your banner background but you support trump? What a hypocrite. (Not saying you should support biden jsyk, theyre both awful)

First off: I begrudgingly support Trump for his policy

Second: How many wars did Trump start Anon?

Look, you can think the guy's an asshole, I sure do, but if you're gonna attack him, make it for shit that he's actually, ya know, done. Trump is the only president since I've been alive to not only not start a war, but even have a plan to end a war.


A plan to end which war?


And how? By making the defenders surrender and letting the offender have what they want?

Did... did you just completely forget the 20 year war in Afghanistan we'd been fighting that Trump wanted to ease us out of?

Not "us", I'm not American, and Trump already promised he'd end the still ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war quickly.

Cool, I am American, so I am a part of "Us"

You realize that Ukraine wasn't invaded except when Trump wasn't president

2014 and 2022, 2 years before he was in office (by which time Russia had ceased military operations in Ukraine) and 2 years after he wasn't elected again.

Russia doesn't look at what president is elected in America when it chooses to invade or do other military operations. It was destabilizing us, creating and supporting war in Donbass since 2014 until it escalated in 2022, all before, during and after Trump. And Trump promised that he'd end this war "in 24 hours"...

I apologize for assuming you were talking about this war, but it's the ongoing one that Trump also promised to end. And my opinion is that whatever plan that can be accomplished very quickly is going to be disastrous for Ukraine and a victory for Russia.


Trump has repeatedly said he's buddies with Putin, there is a love evidence they Trump got elected through russian interference into USA elections in 2015.

However Trump tries to "end" this war (and sure let's pretend Russia is going to listen to USA. Because it has a track record for doing so apparently) he will do it at the expense of Ukrainians.

But we don't care about how many of those filthy Ukrainians die as long as we get to stick it to the man.

1: Source, because last I knew that was entirely disproven as far as election fraud

2: So, rather than using the evidence that putin's war is for the natural gas in the Donbas as leverage, he's just gonna say "Fuck em" about the whole of Ukraine's civilian population.

Yeah pal, sounds totally reasonable.\s

3: Get fucked, don't you dare put words in my mouth. The Biden family has been running their own private business out of the suffering of Ukrainians in league with corrupt elements of their government.

I mean this sincerely,

Choke on a bag of horsecocks you bootlicking scumfuck

This is a normal thing to say to a person living in warzone.

And these people claim to care about human lives. Lol.

So what? Being in a warzone makes you incapable of being an asshole?

I'm gonna talk to you just as I would any other asshole.

Get fucked cunt

Sure, love.

But if we're here already fuck you for saying "Putin's war" when it's clearly not. Fuck you for saying it's about gas in Donbas instead of, you know, wanting to ethnically cleanse Ukrainians (something Putin said so himself multiple times and if you can't Google that yourself your dumb as a rotten egg).

I'd say I hope you guys do elect Trump, so that I could happily watch you crying with popcorn. That's the least you deserve. But alas, I'm a better person than that.

"Oh I'm morally superior for being retarded"

K, enjoy cunt

Edit: gonna explain this since, well, retard

The key word in talking about the natural gas was


Meaning something to use as a means to give him a way out where it still looks like a win. In other words, a free out for the sake of peace.

"You realize that Ukraine wasn't invaded except when Trump wasn't president"


HOW THE FUCK?!?!????? YOU IGNORE?!?!???? MY HOME!?!?!?????? BEING OCCUPIED BY RUSSIA!?!?!???????




The war in Ukraine NEVER STOPPED SINCE 2014!!!! Lands occupied!! People cut off!!! Refugees! Soldiers dying!! Shelling!!! It was just more localized to the East of Ukraine!

Literally. Just.

Go choke, fucker.

We already weren't sending aid prior to 2022, which is why the initial re-invasion, NOT OCCUPATION was supposed to be quick.

Nice bullshit

"Supposed to be quick" - but the fact is it WASN'T quick. Why? WE HAD MILITARY ARMS SUPPORT THAT'S WHY.

Nice trying to manipulate and lie your way out, asshole.

And fuck you again for calling what was going on in Donbas "just occupation, not a war"🤡

I will pray that you and your whole family and all your children you will have will experience this "occupation, not a war" on themselves.

Anonymous asked:

Lol you have a peace symbol as your banner background but you support trump? What a hypocrite. (Not saying you should support biden jsyk, theyre both awful)

First off: I begrudgingly support Trump for his policy

Second: How many wars did Trump start Anon?

Look, you can think the guy's an asshole, I sure do, but if you're gonna attack him, make it for shit that he's actually, ya know, done. Trump is the only president since I've been alive to not only not start a war, but even have a plan to end a war.


A plan to end which war?


And how? By making the defenders surrender and letting the offender have what they want?

Did... did you just completely forget the 20 year war in Afghanistan we'd been fighting that Trump wanted to ease us out of?

Not "us", I'm not American, and Trump already promised he'd end the still ongoing Russo-Ukrainian war quickly.

Cool, I am American, so I am a part of "Us"

You realize that Ukraine wasn't invaded except when Trump wasn't president

2014 and 2022, 2 years before he was in office (by which time Russia had ceased military operations in Ukraine) and 2 years after he wasn't elected again.

Russia doesn't look at what president is elected in America when it chooses to invade or do other military operations. It was destabilizing us, creating and supporting war in Donbass since 2014 until it escalated in 2022, all before, during and after Trump. And Trump promised that he'd end this war "in 24 hours"...

I apologize for assuming you were talking about this war, but it's the ongoing one that Trump also promised to end. And my opinion is that whatever plan that can be accomplished very quickly is going to be disastrous for Ukraine and a victory for Russia.


Trump has repeatedly said he's buddies with Putin, there is a love evidence they Trump got elected through russian interference into USA elections in 2015.

However Trump tries to "end" this war (and sure let's pretend Russia is going to listen to USA. Because it has a track record for doing so apparently) he will do it at the expense of Ukrainians.

But we don't care about how many of those filthy Ukrainians die as long as we get to stick it to the man.

1: Source, because last I knew that was entirely disproven as far as election fraud

2: So, rather than using the evidence that putin's war is for the natural gas in the Donbas as leverage, he's just gonna say "Fuck em" about the whole of Ukraine's civilian population.

Yeah pal, sounds totally reasonable.\s

3: Get fucked, don't you dare put words in my mouth. The Biden family has been running their own private business out of the suffering of Ukrainians in league with corrupt elements of their government.

I mean this sincerely,

Choke on a bag of horsecocks you bootlicking scumfuck

This is a normal thing to say to a person living in warzone.

And these people claim to care about human lives. Lol.

So what? Being in a warzone makes you incapable of being an asshole?

I'm gonna talk to you just as I would any other asshole.

Get fucked cunt

Sure, love.

But if we're here already fuck you for saying "Putin's war" when it's clearly not. Fuck you for saying it's about gas in Donbas instead of, you know, wanting to ethnically cleanse Ukrainians (something Putin said so himself multiple times and if you can't Google that yourself your dumb as a rotten egg).

I'd say I hope you guys do elect Trump, so that I could happily watch you crying with popcorn. That's the least you deserve. But alas, I'm a better person than that.

"Oh I'm morally superior for being retarded"

K, enjoy cunt

Edit: gonna explain this since, well, retard

The key word in talking about the natural gas was


Meaning something to use as a means to give him a way out where it still looks like a win. In other words, a free out for the sake of peace.

"You realize that Ukraine wasn't invaded except when Trump wasn't president"


HOW THE FUCK?!?!????? YOU IGNORE?!?!???? MY HOME!?!?!?????? BEING OCCUPIED BY RUSSIA!?!?!???????




The war in Ukraine NEVER STOPPED SINCE 2014!!!! Lands occupied!! People cut off!!! Refugees! Soldiers dying!! Shelling!!! It was just more localized to the far East of Ukraine!

Literally. Just.

Go choke, fucker.


Adele proudly wearing a custom made dress from the russian designer brand that also designed the russian military uniform is such a peak demonstrarion of "cancelling of everything russian" the russians keep whining about 🤡🤡🤡

Go to hell, all of you, Adele included.

You making a stink about it even though literally nothing can be tied to the war about this is actually proving them evil russkies right, you understand that, right? Like the russian cat and dog breeds not being allowed to compete, it is literally nonsensical yet people have done it time and again, and you would do it too, if not for you being entirely inconsequential. Just like that dress.

Lol what?

Imagine if a German designer who lived in Nazi Germany during WWII, supported Nazism and Hitler, designed Nazi soldier uniforms, costumes for all the Nazi Germany high society, Hitler's generals and politicians, Nazi Germany celebrities....... ALSO WAS ALLOWED TO MAKE COSTUMES FOR US & UK's celebrities and people who'd call them out on it would have been called German-phobic and told "nothing can be tied to the war in this"?

Literal clown behavior


Yudashkin isn't like.... some simple artist who just happens to live in Russia and takes different gigs.... He is THE Russian designer. Like literally Putin's high-society circle, top dog of the current Russian regime's high-class society. The Albert Speer of the current Russian modeling and design world.

Maybe, if you just know zero information on the topic, do not voice your uninformed opinion? I hear that helps🤷‍♂️


Adele proudly wearing a custom made dress from the russian designer brand that also designed the russian military uniform is such a peak demonstrarion of "cancelling of everything russian" the russians keep whining about 🤡🤡🤡

Go to hell, all of you, Adele included.


Waiting for Dreamling fans to go feral with rage after s2 comes out. Hoping they familiarize themselves with the comics so that doesn't happen, but doesn't seem likely.

But also: Hob invented the African slave trade. He's not just some happy sunshine puppy man. Dude is a complex person and I dislike seeing that stripped away from him by the fandom.


Joke's on you, I have read comics both in original and Ukrainian translation <3

Assuming that Dreamling fans did not read comics is, frankly, insulting, but what is new in the Dreamling haters bookclub.

On a similar note, WHEN are we going to start talking about Dream's own racist past? Just throw them both in the fire, I guess. But Dreamling haters bookclub loooves bending over themselves defending their favourite milkwhite blorbo Dream.

Lol, as I said in another response I don't hate the ship in the slightest. I won't go on, you can read it for yourself if you care to.

Links to comics-level deep Dreamling fics would be great. I personally haven't seen any.

Accidentally deleted my reply.. luckily I had a screenshot

Attacking shippers of a ship you do not like is not a good way to deal with grief and the pain and anger it causes. Just saying.

Randomly bringing up your trauma in an unrelated talk, after you attacked random people and what they like and they called you out on it, is also not a good look on you. Just saying.

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