
A Song of Ice and Fire

@julibf / julibf.tumblr.com


Guys, I have to make a separate post applauding @trins-trins​ for her tags on @astradrifting​’s AGOT - Arya I commentary.

New jonsa always deserves extra love!

Ugh, amazing.

It hurt that the one thing Arya could do better than her sister was ride a horse. Well, that and manage a household. Sansa had never had much of a head for figures. If she did marry Prince Joff, Arya hoped for his sake that he had a good steward. - Arya I, AGOT


Sansa nodded nervously. She could read and write better than any of her brothers, although she was hopeless at sums. - Sansa IV, AGOT

Ah, shoot! Sansa’s hopeless at sums. Our girl is going to need a good steward to help her run any household!

“Samwell, to the stewards,” Sam sagged with relief, mopping at his brow with a scrap of silk. “Matthar, to the rangers. Dareon, to the stewards. Todder, to the rangers. Jon, to the stewards.”                 
The stewards! For a moment Jon could not believe what he had heard. - Jon VI, AGOT

There’s one! But how is he with figures?

She was looking at him the way she used to look at him at Winterfell, whenever he had bested Robb at swords or sums or most anything. - Jon XIII, ASOS

So perfectly destined. 🥺


I like that in Sansa V when she’s talking to Joffrey before the battle she thinks:

His plump pink lips always made him look pouty. Sansa liked that once, but now it made her sick.

And then the next chapter that Arya appears in (Arya X) the opening paragraph is:

The heads had been dipped in tar to slow the rot. Every morning when Arya went to the well to fresh water for Roose Bolton’s basin, she had to pass beneath them. They faced outward, so she never saw their faces, but she liked to pretend that one of them was Joffrey’s. She tried to picture how his pretty face would look dipped in tar. If I was a crow I could fly down and peck off his stupid fat pouty lips.

Leagues apart manifesting the worst for Joffrey their Lannister haterism is unmatched.


“in winter we must protect ourselves. look after one another. when the snow falls, and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.” 


Betrothed to a prince but will marry a King?

She was going to be Prince Rhaegar's wife, no matter what the woman said. Her father had promised it, and Tywin Lannister's word was gold.

Cersei's father promised to marry her to Rhaegar and his word was gold.

Her aunt had lied, though, and her father had failed her, just as Jaime was failing her now. Father found no better man. Instead he gave me Robert, and Maggy's curse bloomed like some poisonous flower.

Or is it? Tywin gave her Robert.

"Sweet one," her father said gently, "listen to me.  When you're old  enough, I will make you a match with a high lord who's worthy of you, someone brave and gentle and strong. This match with Joffrey was a terrible mistake. That boy is no Prince Aemon, you must believe me."

Sansa was promised a better match by Ned. And how much is his word worth? The word choice changes about Sansa(high lord to someone) and Arya's (King to high lord) match between the show and book is interesting.👀👀

It was not as though he was the first man ever to keep a concubine. Sansa's own oh-so-honorable father had given her a  bastard brother. 

Ned gave her Jon. How that came to be is because of a promise.🤡🤡🤡

"Because I knew that you would spurn him. I had to be seen to try to find a consort for you once you'd reached a certain age, else it would have raised suspicions, but I dared not bring you any man you might accept. You were promised, Arianne."

Arianne, a princess in a tower, was given unsuitable suitors by her father because she was promised from the beginning- to a Targaryen.

A warrior princess, he decided, not some willowy creature who sits up in a tower, brushing her hair and waiting for some knight to rescue her.

We have Sansa, a princess, locked up by her evil step-father and step-mother to the highest tower while she brushes her hair and waits for her knight to rescue her. Her father GRRM keeps giving her unsuitable suitors like a dwarf, a bastard, someone with a bastard, a burned man, a sick(like in more than one way) cousin, and even someone gay!!!! Where's the promised match, George? Huh?



Jon & Sansa + Fire : [1/2]

↳ “Love in its essence is spiritual fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.”
Anonymous asked:


So I’m the one that asked about your thoughts on those three videos and I absolutely did not mean to harass you or anything. And I very sincerely apologize for coming off like as some typical Daenerys stan (or a Daenerys stan at all, really) bully.

I’ve read and looked through a lot of your posts and I am very captivated by them. I especially love how you come with receipts like a beautifully done ‘gotcha moment’ (like with me lol).

I on the other hand am not very smart, but I obviously think that you are and that you have amazing posts so I just wanted to know your thoughts on those videos I found.

Again, I’m very sorry for the trouble. Best wishes to you!! 💗💗

Hi there,

don't worry, I don't care about Dany fans anymore, they got a shit ending in the show and will get one in the books, so they will pay for all the bullying they did.

you are just as smart as I am, you should stick around here, some of the sansa fans and Jonsa fans are mind blowing intelligent. I am always amazed by their posts. the only reason I was able to figure out Dany ending is because I checked a bunch of jonsas blogs. come join us, we can be lots of fun!!!!

thank you for the message, it actually made me desire writing more posts again, so thank you!!!!!


Today when I giffed the, “I like the wolf bit,” scene, I found something fantastic

After Sansa asks Jon whether he likes her new dress, they cut to Jon, and before he checks out said dress, we get one glorious frame of him gazing at her face. This is what that frame looks like:

I just figured I’d share this gift with you because damn


Yeah. Homeboy was definitely caught up in how beautiful Sansa looked before he checked out her dress! If you go back and watch he literally had to shake himself out of it to come up with a coherent sentence to respond to her! Lol!

when literally actually means literally…

And if anyone’s ever wondered what the first frame of her looks like when she realizes Jon’s checking her out (after the “new dress?”), this is it:

I’m not saying she knows. But she knows.

She looks so flattered it’s so cute ❤

I put them side by side and now I cant stop looking at this and smiling like an idiot.


Can you get over how these dorks smile at each other? Because I certainly cannot.

I just posted about this scene but who cares? The side-by-side just hits me in the heart. Why do I ship it? LOOK AT THEM. THEY MAKE EACH OTHER HAPPY. I want a happy Jon and Sansa.

Anonymous asked:

What are your thoughts on this??




Look, Dany will have the same tragic ending in the books like she had in the show, and don't take me wrong, I will be dancing in my living room reading the chapter she finally dies, not because I hate the character, but because I hate her Stans. For years they bullied and harassed anyone who predicted that she was the final villain of the show, only for her to be the final villain of the show. Dany fans are gonna get what they deserve in the end.

But Daenerys is actually a very tragic character and you should be heartbroken by her story. In the very beginning of the story, we have Dany telling her brother that "she doesn't want to be his Queen, she wants to go home"... and home for Dany is not Westeros, is the House with the Red door, with lemons trees in the garden. Dany wanted to be a sailor when she was a child and travel the world in a ship, yet Viserys literally beats her down and screams at her that she is the blood of the dragon. You see, Westeros was aways Viserys dream, not Dany's and by the end of book 1, she puts aways her own dreams and will spend the rest of the story pursuing her brothers dreams. And let me tell you about pursuing someone's dreams for years, years and years. It will never taste sweet, not matter how many goals you achieve.

Go read the books again, Dany FIRST CHAPTER tells you that Dany was never free, she keeps telling the reader that a Dragon is not a slave, yet Dany IS A SLAVE of her dynasty. Because she is a true born Targaryen, she puts away her own dreams to pursue the Iron Throne, something that we know, we never will bring her joy.

On Daenerys first chapter she mentions that Khall Drogo is so rich that even his slaves wear collars made of gold and voila, a few paragraphs later, when Dany is getting ready to be introduced to her groom, they make sure to put a Golden collar on her neck. Again, Dany is a slave of Vyserys dreams.

  • When she was clean, the slaves helped her from the water and toweled her dry. The girl brushed her hair until it shone like molten silver, while the old woman anointed her with the spiceflower perfume of the Dothraki plains, a dab on each wrist, behind her ears, on the tips of her breasts, and one last one, cool on her lips, down there between her legs. They dressed her in the wisps that Magister Illyrio had sent up, and then the gown, a deep plum silk to bring out the violet in her eyes. The girl slid the gilded sandals onto her feet, while the old woman fixed the tiara in her hair, and slid golden bracelets crusted with amethysts around her wrists. Last of all came the collar, a heavy golden torc emblazoned with ancient Valyrian glyphs.

A Game of Thrones - Daenerys I

I bet you didn't notice that right? yeah, Dany fans never do.

But in concern of the videos you send me, yes, Jon and Sansa dream about taking back Winterfell, they don't dream of forcing the entire North into their knees. The Lords of the North bend the knee because they love the Starks. Oh and Sansa actually accepts when they claim Jon as King and not her a Queen, because unlike dany, Sansa respects the decision the Northern Lords made it. Dany is not dreaming about Dragonstone, she is dreaming of forcing the entire kingdom of Western into submission and the truth is that many in Westeros don't want her as a leader. Why is that Meeren should be free to choose their leaders, yet Westeros needs to accept Dany? of yeah, because you like Dany and you dislike Meereen's High Lords.

I am sorry you fell in love with such tragic character, good luck on your next fantasy novel.


How Jonsa will happen?

Most likely like Sansa predicted, in Book One:

"I love him, Father, I truly truly do, I love him as much as Queen Naerys loved Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, as much as Jonquil loved Ser Florian. I want to be his queen and have his babies."

In Case no one knows it, these love stories are inworld Songs about tragic and unfulfilled Love. Naerys was the Wife of Aegon IV and gave him Children, although she loved their Brother Aemon (according to this Song) and Jonquil and Ser Florian are Songs which are described as Sad in AFFC. So when Sansa says this in Book ONE, she thinks she is in Love with Joffrey, but given her relatively naive Outlook on Life, I would say she is more in Love with the thought of being in Love than with Joffrey.

I expect Jon and Sansa to happen with the realisation that their Love is not for the Best, in the middle of Winter, during a Food Crisis, with the Others on their Way, etc. And that won't miraculously change. And no, Daenerys won't be the solution to that problem, because what Jon and Sansa need is Food and/or Money, Daenerys has neither. So the best and easiest solution would be Marriage. Sansa marrying someone who can solve their problems, either someone with Money or someone with Food. The ideal would be both but in Westeros, there are either People indebted or soon will be indebted because Food will be needed and most likely will be bought.

And Sansa will marry someone, with one of these Things (I expect Littlefinger will be long dead by that point, so no luckily for all of us, this Creep won't be it) If Littlefinger dies without issue (because Sansa is revealed as Sansa stark and not Alayne Stone), it is most likely that Sansa will marry Sweet Robin, because, I think Harry the Heir will die, but Sweet robin will survive (mostly because Robin is the Reason that Baelish has Power in the Vale, not the Harding-Boy)

And because the Wall will be totally destroyed and never be rebuilt, Jon won't be at the Wall at the End of this Story, he most likely will become either Sansa's or Rikkon's Sworn Sword something similar to a Kingsguard. And what that means, I won't describe, but it will be very bitter-sweet. And Sansa will be in Love unfulfilled and married to someone else. And Jon will have his family back and only father Bastards, the very thing he never wanted to do.


I don’t think Jon and Sansa will get an ideal ending either, but at the same time, I think Sansa will at least marry Jon secretly because this moment—

Reads like this to me:

In which the voices of her abusers tell her to despair, and she does, only for the reader to realize (and Sansa too, eventually), that they’re wrong. There are heroes:

And of course, we have Brienne telling us there are true knights as well. I have to think, if Martin wrote into AGOT that moment only to specifically refute that fear later in the series, he’s likely written Sansa’s other low-point into the series with the same intent--to restore her faith/hope. To me, that speaks to Martin's plans for Sansa, and is one of the strongest arguments for canon Jonsa.

It could be a rushed marriage, before war or before Jon goes South, or a secret wedding since Sansa is technically still married to Tyrion, but I think there's good reason to believe that line is set-up for a later plot point.

I would also argue that just as Jon is presented with the opportunity to marry Val to unite the North with the FF, only for us to know that he has developed an understanding of the FF, to watch as the FF swear loyalty to him, to see the potential for him to be the means to maintain peace, I'd say that is likely being matched with what is happening in the Eyrie ie Sansa winning loyalty there from Royce who recognizes her, and from Robin who is obsessed with her. In fact, I'd say securing the alliance via a marriage would undermine this passage:

Last of all came the Royces, Lord Nestor and Bronze Yohn. The Lord of Runestone stood as tall as the Hound. Though his hair was grey and his face lined, Lord Yohn still looked as though he could break most younger men like twigs in those huge gnarled hands. His seamed and solemn face brought back all of Sansa's memories of his time at Winterfell. She remembered him at table, speaking quietly with her mother. She heard his voice booming off the walls when he rode back from a hunt with a buck behind his saddle. She could see him in the yard, a practice sword in hand, hammering her father to the ground and turning to defeat Ser Rodrik as well. He will know me. How could he not? She considered throwing herself at his feet to beg for his protection. He never fought for Robb, why should he fight for me? The war is finished and Winterfell is fallen. "Lord Royce," she asked timidly, "will you have a cup of wine, to take the chill off?" Bronze Yohn had slate-grey eyes, half-hidden beneath the bushiest eyebrows she had ever seen. They crinkled when he looked down at her. "Do I know you, girl?" (AFFC, Alayne I)

which leads us to think the idea will be holding up the significance of Sansa, even though she has no expectation of it, not the dude she marries. I think that pertains to fighting forces as well as food, and that's before we get into the Jonsa implications of this passage:

Our best hope may be the Eyrie. The Vale of Arryn was famously fertile and had gone untouched during the fighting. Jon wondered how Lady Catelyn's sister would feel about feeding Ned Stark's bastard. As a boy, he often felt as if the lady grudged him every bite. (ADWD, Jon IV)

I did want to add something about songs/Martin’s love for tragic romances, but while I transcribed his comments on that once I can’t find it rn so I’ll have to revisit that later.


I think Jon and Sansa will have 2 weddings. First, a secret wedding during the war and another public one years later that involve the consummation of said marriage. We already have a precedent for two weddings by a famously in love sibling couple with Jahaerys and Alysanne. And I remember something in the earlier season Sansa talking about her marriage to Joff happening after "all the fighting's done" so there's that. Maybe a clue? The Eyrie thing proves true if Sansa stays a virgin during the fighting. There's also Sansa's virginity being linked to WF's gates/walls.

"Winterfell has withstood fiercer enemies than me. It is Winterfell, is it not?"

WF's walls could withstand giant LF so it could certainly stand the WW. Again. HAHAHHAHHAHAHHAHAH. Sansa's chastity is really something. I really do not like the idea of Jon fathering a bastard on her.

Benjicot should learn to keep his fool's mouth shut. "Is that what you would have from me? A bastard?" She pulled her fingers from his grasp. "Would you dishonor me that way?"

Would Jon dishonor her? You do not honor a highborn girl by putting a bastard in her belly.

"The Others take your honor!" Robert swore. "What did any Targaryen ever know of honor? Go down into your crypt and ask Lyanna about the dragon's honor!" "You avenged Lyanna at the Trident," Ned said, halting beside the king. Promise me, Ned, she had whispered.

The dragon's honor would compel R to marry L and that's why Jon is not a bastard but the dragon's heir.Honor is also the reason Robb chose to marry. Granted, it is the end of the world and they may not care but that reeks too much of what happened to JD in the show. Is this where we apply what is honor compared to a woman's love? But we are talking about the girl's honor.

As for Jonsa having kids, I completely agree. We have a King Jon Stark who built the Wolf's Den and a den is something made to care for pups. The last book was supposed to be called A Time for Wolves so this tracks.

This might sound crackpot but there is also another clue that jonsa will marry and that's... a chicken.


I am soooooo glad I found this thread because in the past year I have been thinking a lot about the ending of the show and how would the romance between Jon and Sansa would be able to happen with THAT FINALE.

I think that by now, we all expect Jon and Sansa to marry in secret, Jon was never able to tell anyone he is Raeghar son since his awful aunt banned him to do during the last season so, he can't marry Sansa and live with her as husband and wife publicly. I do think their first child will be a little girl, but the books foreshadow Sansa to have lots of kids, not just one. Also, there is also some foreshadowing of Sansa having bastard children, yet, I was certain that Jon and Sansa ARE marrying in secret, so how that works??

That's when it hit me like a brick!!!!! SHE IS GOING TO BE CERSEI!!!!

Sansa needs to marry another man in order to cover her relationship with Jon, but who that would be??

Think about season 8, who was the other male character putting his live in danger because he could not let Dany to kill his sister? who was the other male character that was desperate for Jon Snow to protect Sansa? who was the character begging Jon to kill Dany and not let her hurt Sansa? who could possible understand and accept a romance between a brother and a sister and still love them dear????

The dragon has three heads. There are two men in the world who I can trust, if I can find them. I will not be alone then. We will be three against the world, like Aegon and his sisters. A Storm of Swords - D@enerys VI

Sansa can trust Tyrion, otherwise she would not have told him about Jon's real parents. Jon and Tyrion are probably the only two men she will ever trust in her life. I think Sansa will consummate her marriage to Tyrion and unite both House Stark and House Lannister, creating a new dynasty, while still keeping her relationship with Jon in secret. I think Sansa will have bastard children with Tyrion, while her children with Jon will be the true borns. Remember that one of the episodes of season 8 was named "The Last of the Starks"? I think Bran, Sansa, Arya and Jon will be the last of the Starks and heir children shall be part of a new dynasty, kind like the LanniStarks???

Instead of Aegon and two queens, why not Sansa and two Kings? one in the south ruling from the capital and another in the North ruling from Winterfell. (wasn't this pretty much what happened with King Robert and Ned? with the crown not meddling much in the North and letting ned take care of the kingdom?)

Anyway, I am talking too much here, but basically I think the story will go back to the beginning. I actually think Bran will be King for a very short period of time and that at some point Tyrion, as the heir of House Lannister will be chosen as King and a union with the Queen in the North will unify the Kingdom once again. Tyrion King, Sansa Queen and Jon as the Lord Commander and military general of the kingdom (let's be honest, Tyrion can not lead armies, but Jon can.)

Jon and Sansa would raise their kids, true borns and bastards all together in Winterfell, teaching them to love each other. Jon will love all the children the same, doesn't matter just like ned did to him. Some will be his true children, some will be his nephews or nieces....

There is more and more because I do now think at some point Jon and Sansa will sit in the Throne together and rule the 7 kingdoms as king and queen, but that would be in the future. It's Sansa who is going to put Jon in the Throne, of that I am sure of it.

In season 3, the Episode "Climbing the Wall", we have first Ygritte arriving at the top of the wall and pushing Jon to be with her and together they look at the Kingdom in front of them. I always thought this was a huge foreshadowing of Sansa first arriving at the Throne and helping putting Jon next to her.

Anywayyy, sorry for rambling. Oh how I wished we could get the books......


you CANNOT tell me this was not framed romantically

the desperation, the longing, the pain.


Blue Flowers…

“Lysa’s apartments opened over a small garden, a circle of dirt and grass planted with blue flowers and ringed on all sides by tall white towers.”-A Game of Thrones - Catelyn VII

Later in Sansa’s chapter….

“When she opened the door to the garden, it was so lovely that she held her breath, unwilling to disturb such perfect beauty. -A Storm of Swords - Sansa VII

I never realized when Sansa was tasting snow and Winterfell, she was actually in a garden of blue flowers. 


The builders had intended it as a godswood, but the Eyrie rested on the hard stone of the mountain, and no matter how much soil was hauled up from the Vale, they could not get a weirwood to take root here. So the Lords of the Eyrie planted grass and scattered statuary amidst low, flowering shrubs.  A Game of Thrones - Catelyn VII

It was the old days she hungered for. Prayed for. But who could she pray to? The garden had been meant for a godswood once, she knew, but the soil was too thin and stony for a weirwood to take root. A godswood without gods, as empty as me. A Storm of Swords - Sansa VII


AMAZING!!! I never notice that it was the same garden!!!! what a detail.


♕♔ Jon & Sansa | The Match That Was Promised

“Someday your husband will sit there and you will sit by his side.”
“Ned Stark’s bastard has been named King in the North, and that murderous whore Sansa stands beside him.”
“You wanted to be a Queen, to sit next to a handsome young King on the Iron Throne.”
“I love him, Father, I truly truly do, I love him as much as Queen Naerys loved Prince Aemon the Dragonknight.”
“Sweet one,” her father said gently, “listen to me. When you’re old enough, I’ll make you a match with someone who’s worthy of you. Someone who’s brave and gentle and strong. This match with Joffrey was a terrible mistake. That boy is no Prince Aemon, you must believe me.”
Jon and Robb were not little boys when they fought, but knights and mighty heroes. “I’m Prince Aemon the Dragonknight,” Jon would call out.
“Drifting snowflakes brushed her face as light as lover’s kisses, and melted on her cheeks. She could feel the snow on her lashes, taste it on her lips. It was the taste of Winterfell. The taste of innocence. The taste of dreams.”
“A snowflake danced upon the air, then another. Dance with me, Jon Snow, he thought. You’ll dance with me anon.”
 “In Sansa’s dreams, her children looked just like the brothers she had lost. She would name them Eddard and Brandon and Rickon. Sometimes there was even a girl who looked like Arya.
“I might someday hold a son of my own blood in my arms. A son was something Jon Snow had never dared dream of, since he decided to live his life on the Wall. I could name him Robb.”
Source: twitter.com

no matter how terrible my day is. i can always end my day in bed imagining fictional characters making out sloppy style and fucking raw. and that's beautiful. there's some good in this world mister frodo and it's worth fighting for

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