
Bung Blog

@juney-blues / juney-blues.tumblr.com

I have some idea what tumblr is! She/her and Xey/Xem I guess?? |   Probably gonna post art here and also shitloads of homestuck reblogs gjfdghdfjgh | if you need anything tagged let me know! | i am 20 ! | Art Tag is #My Art Image posts are #Juney.png Text posts are #Juney.txt Comic stuff Tag is #Comic Stuff Read My Comic!

Trying to draw buildings

yo here’s a useful tip from your fellow art ho cynellis… use google sketchup to create a model of the room/building/town you’re trying to draw… then take a screenshot & use it as a reference! It’s simple & fun!

Sketchup is incredibly helpful. I can’t recommend it enough.

There’s a 3D model warehouse where you can download all kinds of stuff so you don’t have to build everything from scratch.

reblog to save a life


This is an incomplete tutorial, and it drives me crazy every time I see it come around.

We live in a pretty great digital age and we have access to a ton of amazing tools that artists in past generations couldn’t even dream of, but a lot of people look at a cool trick and only learn half of the process of using it.

Here’s the missing part of this tutorial:

How do you populate your backgrounds?

Well, here’s the answer:

If the focus is the environment, you must show a person in relation to that environment.

The examples above are great because they show how to use the software itself, but each one just kind of “plops” the character in front of their finished product with no regard of the person’s relation to their environment.

How do you fix this?

Well, here’s the simplest solution:

This is a popular trick used by professional storyboard and comic artists alike when they’re quickly planning compositions. It’s simple and it requires you to do some planning before you sit down to crank out that polished, final version of your work, but it will be the difference between a background and an environment.

From Blacksad (artist: Juanjo Guarnido)

From Hellboy (Mike Mignola)

Even if your draftsmanship isn’t that great (like mine), people can be more immersed in the story you tell if you just make it feel like there is a world that exists completely separate from the one in which they currently reside – not just making a backdrop the characters stand in front of.

Your creations live in a unique world, and it is as much a character as any other member of the cast. Make it as believable as they are.


Great comments and tutorials!

I’m a 3d artist and have been exploring the possibilities of using 3d as reference for 2d poses. I want to add a couple of tips and things!

Sketchup is very useful for environment references, and I assume it’s reasonably easy to learn. If you’re interested in going above and beyond, I highly recommend learning a proper 3d modeling program to help with art, especially because you can very easily populate a scene or location with characters!

Using 3ds Max I can pretty quickly construct an environment for reference. But going beyond that, I can also pose a pretty simple ‘CAT’ armature (known in 3d as a rig) straight into the scene, which can be totally customized, from various limbs, tails, wings, whatever, to proportions, and also can be modeled onto and expanded upon (for an example, you could 3d sculpt a head reference for your character and then attach it to the CAT rig, so you have a reference for complex face angles!)

The armature can also be posed incredibly easily. I know programs exist for stuff like this - Manga Studio, Design Doll - but posing characters in these programs is always an exercise in frustration and very fiddly imo. A simple 3d rig is impossibly easy to pose.

By creating an environment and dropping my character rig into it, I have an excellent point of reference when it comes to drawing the scene!

Not only that, but I can also view the scene from whatever angle I could ever want or need, including the character and their pose/position relative to the environment.

We can even quickly and easily expand this scene to include more characters!

Proper 3d modeling software is immensely powerful, and if you wanted to, you could model a complex environment that occurs regularly in your comic or illustration work (say, a castle interior, or an outdoor forest environment) and populate the scene with as many perspective-grounded characters as you need!


reblogging to save a life


Look at this amazing addition! This is fantastic!

Not just poses, you can also do this with lighting. Playing with lights in Blender is pretty fun.

Another cool thing: http://www.makehumancommunity.org lets you generate a human model. Like a character creator in a game, but more flexible, and the result is ready to import into a 3d editor like Blender.

Couldn’t you use minecraft as well ?


I feel like people these days don't really have a handle on how crazy the Satanic Panic was. A lot of cops wholeheartedly believed they were gonna have to arrest evil wizards.

"magic is real and evil wizards are a legitimate, immediate threat to public saftey." Was something that occasionally had to be debated at a policy level among government officials.


as a knitter, you start to notice how rare it is for characters in tv shows and movies to knit correctly. from worst to best, it ranges from:

- laughably incorrect, just flinging yarn around

- knitting the most basic scarf incredibly slowly because the actor Learned How To Do It For The Role

- old lady actresses casually knitting an intricate lace pattern while doing a monologue

- gromit from wallace and gromit

1. that’s a garter stitch, which you can clearly see despite it being made of clay

2. they took the time to animate a modified continental style of knitting, including showing how his working yarn is wrapped around his pinky, and that he’s flicking with his index on his right hand

3. he only has four fingers and yet this is better than the vast majority of knitting on tv


Asuka is such a dick for this

Like we all know asuka is stronger than shinji and rei combined she’s an industry baby and puts a lot of pride into her piloting 02. Rei has half of her stitches loose and shinji spends 90% of his time rotting in his room listening to shitty new wave. but she makes this malnourished Victorian child open the door instead because #gender roles


all of this talk of "tma/tme is a false binary" implies that it is necessary to categorise literally every single person into one of those two things.

and to an extent that is what transmisogynistic society tries to do, root out the transfems and make them suffer. but like we use these terms as a quick shorthand for someone's relationship to transmisogyny, because it is convenient to have shorthand for "person who is directly targeted by this oppression" and "person who is not, and therefore benefits from that oppression as a result"

and if you feel you don't fit neatly into either of those two categories... then that's probably because the conversation *isnt* about you and we are not talking about you. (like, assuming you genuinely have a good reason to say you don't fit cleanly into either category, and arent just tme but uncomfortable acknowledging it and engaging with this argument in bad faith which is a thing that happens a lot)

like "tma/tme is a false binary and we should stop using these terms because I don't fit either of these" is kinda like saying "okay you're talking about the relationship between fishmongers and habadashers, but I'm unemployed, so I don't think fishmongers exist"

I think these categories are *broader* than a lot of the people making this kind of argument give them credit for, and that if you really want to *exempt* yourself from discussions of your relationship to transmisogyny, odds are good there's a reason you're comfortable doing that,

but believe it or not, "here are these two groups of people" is not the same sentence as "these are the only two groups of people"


btw the majority of your life will be lived as a adult. yeah i don't make the rules. go have fun in your 40s or 70s or whatever. no one expects you to accomplish everything at 17 or 27. you've got time and in the meantime get some life experience, it will pay off



Admiral Bobbery

SEED: 56 (12 nominations)

SPECIES: Bob-omb

DEBUT: The Thousand-Year Door

BIO: you know, I'm starting to think that the people who submitted the nominations for this bracket really like Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

Petey Piranha

SEED: 73 (9 nominations)

SPECIES: Piranha Plant

DEBUT: Super Mario Sunshine

BIO: wait, is this guy a Piranha Plant? that's what the wiki says at least


no moderation at all would be better than this. legitimately. i can block the nazis and zionists and transmisogynists myself, the only time moderation staff step in is to remind me nd my friends that we're not welcome. they're fucking cops, they dont serve shit, they dont protect shit, they're just in it to hurt people and exert power



christians sure have cultivated an intense self-image of oppression and martyrdom for a religion that has historically dominated most of the world

yes evangelical on tv, your domination over culture ISN'T perfectly absolute, this is EXACTLY like ancient roman times when you were being fed to lions


wizard boys and sophie are banned. you are only allowed to have ghibli gender envy from this pre-approved list effective immediately

1. the ohmu

2. magic jumping lamp

3. boar god .

4. dunkleosteus

5. cat bus

6. turnip head (NOT in human form)

Any further additions must be approved by the committee.


my disabled ass, after (1)good day: "obviously I am cured. in fact it may have all been in my head. who can say? now to rejoin society!"

me, the next day: "it has come to my attention that i may be chronically ill."


This is what trying to get info on insects is like and it pisses me off

[ID: A simple sketch of a Google search for, “Cool native bug I saw on a walk." The results are: Wikipedia, six different links for “pest control”, and one link for “actually good info”. End ID.]

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