Always on some monster/giant bullshit





It’s a real banger…

Me outside my doctor’s office with this on the boombox .


I love this. LOVE.



I’ve technically had this pic for a long time now, but I wasn’t quite happy with it and it looked too dark. Recently tried to give it a bit more contrast and saturation but still not totally sure. Also have it so zoomed out that you can’t see much of the details, so I’m just adding close ups.

Either way: feelsy and painful angst pic of Lucy and Jayce together around end of story when his condition has gotten worse and he’s not feeling very hopeful about it but just wants to spend what time he has left with her.



Animals from Sonic Adventure 2 (2001)






“The trannies should be able to piss in whatever toilet they want and change their bodies however they want. Why is it my business if some chick has a dick or a guy has a pie? I’m not a trannie or a fag so I don’t care, just give ‘em the medicine they need.”

“This is an LGBT safe space. Of COURSE I fully support individuals who identify as transgender and their right to self-determination! I just think that transitioning is a very serious choice and should be heavily regulated. And there could be a lot of harm in exposing cis children to such topics, so we should be really careful about when it is appropriate to mention trans issues or have too much trans visibility.”

One of the above statements is Problematic and the other is slightly annoying. If we disagree on which is which then working together for a better future is going to get really fucking difficult.

Someone who says they don’t care if dudes wear dresses and makeup is a better ally than someone who says they’re a safe space for women and non-binary people. I am not joking.

yeah I went to a gay bar recently with my husband tumblr user beemovieerotica, and a VERY confused capital S Southerner straight man in cargo shorts and a trucker hat showed up

apparently he (who through my drunken memory I remember only as Earl) liked some woman, and she told him that he wasn’t cultured enough and needed to attend his first drag show (she also flaked on him)

Now I’m reasonably androgynous and was wearing makeup, a short leather skirt, and black heeled boots, but still when this guy came up to me when I was standing off alone and asked “So. Do you come here often?” with a very earnest expression, I thought. Surely not. This guy doesn’t think I’m a straight woman does he????

Anyway I start talking with this guy and he has no idea what the fuck is going on but he is just a very kind and earnest dude and asked a lot of questions (while asking if it was alright if he asked those questions). I track down my husband and friends and I’m like y'all. We need to make sure that Earl has a Good Fucking Time tonight.

Man was completely out of his depth. At one point they put on a puppy auction to raise money for Pride, that started with a 6 ft drag queen in all her glory leading a leather pup out on a leash to the tune of that damned RSPCA “in the arms of the angels” song

We look at Earl. Nervous. He squints, laughs, and then goes “I was wondering why people were dressed like that!” He turned to me and asked “So they’re like dogs?” And I said yeah pretty much. And he just chuckled and went “Yeah I thought so with the tails! Never seen this before!”

When the first drag king came out, Earl looked at me wide eyed and went “There’s a dude version too?!” And I said yeah they’re called drag kings. And he said, low, “Drag kings.”

During one of the queens performances, he frowned, shook his head and told me, “Your legs are better than hers.” in a tone that implied he thought there was some travesty taking place and I should also be getting paid

When he found out I was there with my husband (and that I am not a woman) he profusely apologized and said “I’m so sorry, it’s dark in here and I thought you were a hot chick! I wouldn’t have said nothing if I knew you had a husband, I’m so sorry about that.”

When beemovie invited me to the dance floor with him later and I still had a drink in my hand, Earl said “Oh don’t worry about that I can hold your drink, you get on out there and shake your ass with your husband!” Then before we left, Earl bought me drinks for “Putting up with me all night and answering everything. Y'all helped me have a great time tonight.”

like. You gotta recognize there’s going to people who have never had interacted outside of their of their own community. This includes you. And just because your community is familiar with all the right vocabulary and how to correctly say something, it doesn’t mean they’re actually going to support you. If someone like Earl shows up, confused and out of their depth but kind and curious and earnest, you gotta have patience and truck through the small things, so when he goes back to his friends and his coworkers and they snicker asking how the drag show was, he can genuinely talk about how included we tried to make him feel and that he had a great time

The person matters more than the language

I will reblog this EVERY TIME.

Sanitized language is a tool of oppression, always has been and always will be.

And yes, I get being pissed off by slurs. I do. But in the times we are living in right now, we really need to all pivot our priorities to safety.

“Earl” will talk to all his Busch drinking, tractor-pulling, gun toting, conservative voting friends about the nice and friendly and harmless trannies he met, and they will understand him.

They do not know what gender non-conforming, trans-femme/masc, demiboy, agender genderqueer bisexual lesbians are, and quite frankly, they do not need to.

What we need from Earl and his friends is for them to feel neutrally enough about us to not become violent with us, and to spread the idea that violence against us is not necessary or warranted. They are simply not going to do that in a language that is not their own.

oh hey it’s this post again, groovy, always love to see it

the term I always use to describe myself in relation to topics like this is an “Old Dog” which is to say “someone who is friendly and generally well-meaning but isn’t up to speed on all the New Tricks”

and while no, this isn’t to say I think that I and others like me should be treated like some kind of clueless animal, a similar modicum of patience would be appreciated. because Old Dogs can learn New Tricks, it just takes them a while




my heart absolutely breaks for gaza. imagine screaming for help. for someone to save you and the world ignores you for the most part. shame on anyone and everyone who supports this. where is your empathy.




I’m curious about something to see how universal one of my school experiences was

Did you ever have a class in “the portables”?



I dont know what you mean






Cat people sure do love making it everyone else’s responsibility to keep their outdoor cat safe.

Home on the what? On the island? You’re on an island letting a cat loose with no supervision? Do you like extinction because this is how you get extinction.

That cat is feeding herself every songbird, lizard, and small mammal she can find.

“she is on a very special diet and can die if she eats anything else if I’m not monitoring her. For this reason I will let her outside and not monitor her”




i must be really bad at interpreting facial expressions, because when this meme took off, everyone seemed to interpret the woman’s face as “horny” or “yearning”

but i only saw simmering rage

new tag game: if you’re neurodivergent, how did you initially interpret her expression?


Hey guys. You still should not use ChatGPT even if it only generated correct and high quality answers. The reason you shouldn’t use it isn’t ‘it sucks at what it does’ even if that is often true, it misses the point. The reason is that it’s trained on stolen writing (which has always been public knowledge) and wastes unimaginable amounts of energy (also very public knowledge at this point).

The idea that you shouldn’t use it solely because it gives bullshit answers only leads to people finding things it is actually good at and thinking that means it’s totally okay to use it for that. I don’t care about how much you don’t want to write a cv yourself and how good chatGPT is at writing them. I’m sure there are things it doesn’t suck at! I can totally believe you when you say it’s capable of generating a decent cv in a fraction of the time it’d have taken you to write one that’s half as good and took much more effort. That’s not a good enough reason to use it