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Seeing tumblr users tag their blorboposts with "gay panic" is making me insane. This term does not mean what you all think it means.

Gay Panic Wikipedia page: The gay panic defense or homosexual advance defence is a victim blaming strategy of legal defense, which refers to a situation in which a heterosexual individual charged with a violent crime against a homosexual (or bisexual) individual claims they lost control and reacted violently because of an unwanted sexual advance that was made upon them. A defendant will use available legal defenses against assault and murder, with the aim of seeking an acquittal, a mitigated sentence, or a conviction of a lesser offense. A defendant may allege to have found the same-sex sexual advances so offensive or frightening that they were provoked into reacting, were acting in self-defense, were of diminished capacity, or were temporarily insane, and that this circumstance is exculpatory or mitigating.ALT

tags: I feel like through (hopefully) ignorance there's been a semantic shift on the internet the last few years so I think a lot of people genuinely just Do Not Know what gay panic actually means. However it, uh, kind of important to know.ALT

I am also pretty sure it's ignorance in 99% of cases. But. Please understand. That captioning something "gay panic" has deeply dark implications.

redbubble listing for "gay panic Will sticker," a cartoon of Will from Stranger Things looking shocked while holding a metal pipe, captioned "gay panic" with rainbow textALT

babe you are implying he's about to commit a hatecrime


tag: thinking about that gay water vodka soda thingALT

Waking up to that image is in fact what sent me down this path

brightly colored boxed vodka soda called "gay water." the marketing is criminally stupidALT
cutesy purple polaroid sticker that says "gay panic" in rainbow lettersALT

they are selling alcohol with this cutesy sticker design. fuck, man


People in the comments: lol didn't you know 'gay' used to mean 'happy'? Language changes, why would you want to stop this phrase from having a positive meaning

Places in the USA where Gay Panic is still a legally admissable defense for homicide:


I can't tell you how to tag your fanart. But if you read the tags, tons of people had no idea 'gay panic' had any alternate meaning, and I think if this were me I would want to know. This is not an outdated term and I'm sorry but some of you are being fucking stupid about this.


The amount of people getting defensive and patronizing about their Right to use this term in a cutesy way is infinitely more annoying than people who just had no idea of its origins.

Use it however you want, I'm not a fucking cop, but maybe be aware of why queers over thirty are looking at you like that when you wear a rainbow "gay panic" shirt to pride.


Tags: I hate this whole post. This screams queer is a slur sentiments. I\'m reblogging it because I have something to say but I\'m not brav enough to put it in the actual post. Basically what it comes down to for me is what do you want for this next generation of queer people? Are people in states where the queer panic defense isn\'t admissible in law allowed to use it? Or the people in the states WITH the gay panic defense allowed to use it? Is no one allowed to use it? Yeah I agree that corporations DO need to do research about these sorts of things because they are not people. They are run by people. But it\'s like when that netflix account talked about the gays and carly rae jepsen. Netflix is a company who cannot use the term the gays because it is othering. Netflix isn\'t a person. But someone who is actually gay can say the gays all they want. Are we encouraging censorship of our community because of laws straight people made?ALT
Tags: I hate this whole post. This screams queer is a slur sentiments. I\'m reblogging it because I have something to say but I\'m not brav enough to put it in the actual post. Basically what it comes down to for me is what do you want for this next generation of queer people? Are people in states where the queer panic defense isn\'t admissible in law allowed to use it? Or the people in the states WITH the gay panic defense allowed to use it? Is no one allowed to use it? Yeah I agree that corporations DO need to do research about these sorts of things because they are not people. They are run by people. But it\'s like when that netflix account talked about the gays and carly rae jepsen. Netflix is a company who cannot use the term the gays because it is othering. Netflix isn\'t a person. But someone who is actually gay can say the gays all they want. Are we encouraging censorship of our community because of laws straight people made?ALT

Hey. Queer (old?) dyke here. You and many other people are very much missing the point of this post.

Nowhere did I say that I expect people to stop saying “gay panic.” In fact, directly above this I said I’m not here to tell you how to tag your fanfic (etc). Do I hate hearing this phrase used that way because I came of age hearing it used to describe murder? Absolutely. But who the fuck am I to tell you this? I don’t have any power over you. Telling you that you sound stupid is not censorship. Do whatever you want forever.

I didn’t make this post because I wanted people to grovel and repent for having said Bad Words. I made it because you cannot say that this term has been reclaimed when people do not know what it means. What it CURRENTLY means. I made this post because this is a present day problem that you need to know about. There are countless tags confirming my suspicion that this was not common knowledge here on tumblr dot com.

When I say “you’re all being stupid about this,” what I mean is many people are making this post out to be about language policing when it is about calling attention to an extremely disturbing legal and cultural phenomenon: the idea that queer people are predatory and straight people are justified when they kill us.

If you think this is not a current problem, check out the LGBTQ+ Bar Association’s spreadsheet. If you think this is solely an American phenomenon, I can tell you didn’t even glance at the Wikipedia page.

What do I want for the next generation of queer people? I want this kind of fight to be over. We’re not going to accomplish that by assuming this is already history and we don’t need to worry about it.

gay panic homophobia tired of so many word salad ass takes in the reblogs piss on the poor website

Seeing tumblr users tag their blorboposts with "gay panic" is making me insane. This term does not mean what you all think it means.

Gay Panic Wikipedia page: The gay panic defense or homosexual advance defence is a victim blaming strategy of legal defense, which refers to a situation in which a heterosexual individual charged with a violent crime against a homosexual (or bisexual) individual claims they lost control and reacted violently because of an unwanted sexual advance that was made upon them. A defendant will use available legal defenses against assault and murder, with the aim of seeking an acquittal, a mitigated sentence, or a conviction of a lesser offense. A defendant may allege to have found the same-sex sexual advances so offensive or frightening that they were provoked into reacting, were acting in self-defense, were of diminished capacity, or were temporarily insane, and that this circumstance is exculpatory or mitigating.ALT

tags: I feel like through (hopefully) ignorance there's been a semantic shift on the internet the last few years so I think a lot of people genuinely just Do Not Know what gay panic actually means. However it, uh, kind of important to know.ALT

I am also pretty sure it's ignorance in 99% of cases. But. Please understand. That captioning something "gay panic" has deeply dark implications.

redbubble listing for "gay panic Will sticker," a cartoon of Will from Stranger Things looking shocked while holding a metal pipe, captioned "gay panic" with rainbow textALT

babe you are implying he's about to commit a hatecrime


tag: thinking about that gay water vodka soda thingALT

Waking up to that image is in fact what sent me down this path

brightly colored boxed vodka soda called "gay water." the marketing is criminally stupidALT
cutesy purple polaroid sticker that says "gay panic" in rainbow lettersALT

they are selling alcohol with this cutesy sticker design. fuck, man


People in the comments: lol didn't you know 'gay' used to mean 'happy'? Language changes, why would you want to stop this phrase from having a positive meaning

Places in the USA where Gay Panic is still a legally admissable defense for homicide:


I can't tell you how to tag your fanart. But if you read the tags, tons of people had no idea 'gay panic' had any alternate meaning, and I think if this were me I would want to know. This is not an outdated term and I'm sorry but some of you are being fucking stupid about this.


I do want y'all to realize that if you came into your queerness in the late 2000s, chances are you "had a Gay Panic" before realizing your queerness. In a sense, the phrase was reclaimed by the community as a descriptor for one's own moment of queer clarity. The fact that babygays don't know that is not necessarily a bad thing, it means the last generation of queers put a buffer zone between the origin of the phrase and its reclamation by queers.


I don’t actually have a problem with linguistic shifts or reclamation. My argument here is that this is not entirely a debate about semantic origin. Outside of fandom Internet spaces, this term is still very likely to be interpreted to mean “homophobic violence.” And I think people using it to mean “gay awakening” really need to be aware of that. Because if you look in the reblogs and tags, a ton of people have no idea. You cannot reclaim something if you don’t know what it means.

This isn’t “queer history” either, for the folks tagging it that way. It’s the most common usage for that term right now. At no point did I say people shouldn’t use it or that it’s Problematic. I’m saying people are going to misinterpret what you are saying and it will be entirely reasonable for them to do so.

gay panic homophobia

Seeing tumblr users tag their blorboposts with "gay panic" is making me insane. This term does not mean what you all think it means.

Gay Panic Wikipedia page: The gay panic defense or homosexual advance defence is a victim blaming strategy of legal defense, which refers to a situation in which a heterosexual individual charged with a violent crime against a homosexual (or bisexual) individual claims they lost control and reacted violently because of an unwanted sexual advance that was made upon them. A defendant will use available legal defenses against assault and murder, with the aim of seeking an acquittal, a mitigated sentence, or a conviction of a lesser offense. A defendant may allege to have found the same-sex sexual advances so offensive or frightening that they were provoked into reacting, were acting in self-defense, were of diminished capacity, or were temporarily insane, and that this circumstance is exculpatory or mitigating.ALT

tags: I feel like through (hopefully) ignorance there's been a semantic shift on the internet the last few years so I think a lot of people genuinely just Do Not Know what gay panic actually means. However it, uh, kind of important to know.ALT

I am also pretty sure it's ignorance in 99% of cases. But. Please understand. That captioning something "gay panic" has deeply dark implications.

redbubble listing for "gay panic Will sticker," a cartoon of Will from Stranger Things looking shocked while holding a metal pipe, captioned "gay panic" with rainbow textALT

babe you are implying he's about to commit a hatecrime


tag: thinking about that gay water vodka soda thingALT

Waking up to that image is in fact what sent me down this path

brightly colored boxed vodka soda called "gay water." the marketing is criminally stupidALT
cutesy purple polaroid sticker that says "gay panic" in rainbow lettersALT

they are selling alcohol with this cutesy sticker design. fuck, man


People in the comments: lol didn't you know 'gay' used to mean 'happy'? Language changes, why would you want to stop this phrase from having a positive meaning

Places in the USA where Gay Panic is still a legally admissable defense for homicide:


I can't tell you how to tag your fanart. But if you read the tags, tons of people had no idea 'gay panic' had any alternate meaning, and I think if this were me I would want to know. This is not an outdated term and I'm sorry but some of you are being fucking stupid about this.


The amount of people getting defensive and patronizing about their Right to use this term in a cutesy way is infinitely more annoying than people who just had no idea of its origins.

Use it however you want, I'm not a fucking cop, but maybe be aware of why queers over thirty are looking at you like that when you wear a rainbow "gay panic" shirt to pride.


tags: it\'s over (laughing crying emojis). commentary. humor. frankly all this is a fun bit of trivia and not much more. it means ... BOTH.ALT
tags: it\'s over (laughing crying emojis). commentary. humor. frankly all this is a fun bit of trivia and not much more. it means ... BOTH.ALT
gay panic homophobia fun trivia. ok.

Seeing tumblr users tag their blorboposts with "gay panic" is making me insane. This term does not mean what you all think it means.

Gay Panic Wikipedia page: The gay panic defense or homosexual advance defence is a victim blaming strategy of legal defense, which refers to a situation in which a heterosexual individual charged with a violent crime against a homosexual (or bisexual) individual claims they lost control and reacted violently because of an unwanted sexual advance that was made upon them. A defendant will use available legal defenses against assault and murder, with the aim of seeking an acquittal, a mitigated sentence, or a conviction of a lesser offense. A defendant may allege to have found the same-sex sexual advances so offensive or frightening that they were provoked into reacting, were acting in self-defense, were of diminished capacity, or were temporarily insane, and that this circumstance is exculpatory or mitigating.ALT

tags: I feel like through (hopefully) ignorance there's been a semantic shift on the internet the last few years so I think a lot of people genuinely just Do Not Know what gay panic actually means. However it, uh, kind of important to know.ALT

I am also pretty sure it's ignorance in 99% of cases. But. Please understand. That captioning something "gay panic" has deeply dark implications.

redbubble listing for "gay panic Will sticker," a cartoon of Will from Stranger Things looking shocked while holding a metal pipe, captioned "gay panic" with rainbow textALT

babe you are implying he's about to commit a hatecrime


tag: thinking about that gay water vodka soda thingALT

Waking up to that image is in fact what sent me down this path

brightly colored boxed vodka soda called "gay water." the marketing is criminally stupidALT
cutesy purple polaroid sticker that says "gay panic" in rainbow lettersALT

they are selling alcohol with this cutesy sticker design. fuck, man


People in the comments: lol didn't you know 'gay' used to mean 'happy'? Language changes, why would you want to stop this phrase from having a positive meaning

Places in the USA where Gay Panic is still a legally admissable defense for homicide:


I can't tell you how to tag your fanart. But if you read the tags, tons of people had no idea 'gay panic' had any alternate meaning, and I think if this were me I would want to know. This is not an outdated term and I'm sorry but some of you are being fucking stupid about this.


The amount of people getting defensive and patronizing about their Right to use this term in a cutesy way is infinitely more annoying than people who just had no idea of its origins.

Use it however you want, I’m not a fucking cop, but maybe be aware of why queers over thirty are looking at you like that when you wear a rainbow “gay panic” shirt to pride.

gay panic homophobia

Seeing tumblr users tag their blorboposts with "gay panic" is making me insane. This term does not mean what you all think it means.

Gay Panic Wikipedia page: The gay panic defense or homosexual advance defence is a victim blaming strategy of legal defense, which refers to a situation in which a heterosexual individual charged with a violent crime against a homosexual (or bisexual) individual claims they lost control and reacted violently because of an unwanted sexual advance that was made upon them. A defendant will use available legal defenses against assault and murder, with the aim of seeking an acquittal, a mitigated sentence, or a conviction of a lesser offense. A defendant may allege to have found the same-sex sexual advances so offensive or frightening that they were provoked into reacting, were acting in self-defense, were of diminished capacity, or were temporarily insane, and that this circumstance is exculpatory or mitigating.ALT

tags: I feel like through (hopefully) ignorance there's been a semantic shift on the internet the last few years so I think a lot of people genuinely just Do Not Know what gay panic actually means. However it, uh, kind of important to know.ALT

I am also pretty sure it's ignorance in 99% of cases. But. Please understand. That captioning something "gay panic" has deeply dark implications.

redbubble listing for "gay panic Will sticker," a cartoon of Will from Stranger Things looking shocked while holding a metal pipe, captioned "gay panic" with rainbow textALT

babe you are implying he's about to commit a hatecrime


tag: thinking about that gay water vodka soda thingALT

Waking up to that image is in fact what sent me down this path

brightly colored boxed vodka soda called "gay water." the marketing is criminally stupidALT
cutesy purple polaroid sticker that says "gay panic" in rainbow lettersALT

they are selling alcohol with this cutesy sticker design. fuck, man


People in the comments: lol didn’t you know ‘gay’ used to mean 'happy’? Language changes, why would you want to stop this phrase from having a positive meaning

Places in the USA where Gay Panic is still a legally admissable defense for homicide:

Wikipedia map of US states that have bans or are considering bans on the gay panic or trans panic defense. About 30 states have no bans.ALT

I can’t tell you how to tag your fanart. But if you read the tags, tons of people had no idea 'gay panic’ had any alternate meaning, and I think if this were me I would want to know. This is not an outdated term and I’m sorry but some of you are being fucking stupid about this.

gay panic homophobia

Seeing tumblr users tag their blorboposts with "gay panic" is making me insane. This term does not mean what you all think it means.

Gay Panic Wikipedia page: The gay panic defense or homosexual advance defence is a victim blaming strategy of legal defense, which refers to a situation in which a heterosexual individual charged with a violent crime against a homosexual (or bisexual) individual claims they lost control and reacted violently because of an unwanted sexual advance that was made upon them. A defendant will use available legal defenses against assault and murder, with the aim of seeking an acquittal, a mitigated sentence, or a conviction of a lesser offense. A defendant may allege to have found the same-sex sexual advances so offensive or frightening that they were provoked into reacting, were acting in self-defense, were of diminished capacity, or were temporarily insane, and that this circumstance is exculpatory or mitigating.ALT

tags: I feel like through (hopefully) ignorance there's been a semantic shift on the internet the last few years so I think a lot of people genuinely just Do Not Know what gay panic actually means. However it, uh, kind of important to know.ALT

I am also pretty sure it's ignorance in 99% of cases. But. Please understand. That captioning something "gay panic" has deeply dark implications.

redbubble listing for "gay panic Will sticker," a cartoon of Will from Stranger Things looking shocked while holding a metal pipe, captioned "gay panic" with rainbow textALT

babe you are implying he's about to commit a hatecrime


tag: thinking about that gay water vodka soda thingALT

Waking up to that image is in fact what sent me down this path

tag: thinking about that gay water vodka soda thingALT
tag: thinking about that gay water vodka soda thingALT

they are selling alcohol with this cutesy sticker design. fuck, man

gay panic homophobia