


About Me: they/them butch 32 audio dramatist and writer. I'm kind of a stubbly asshole and I whine a lot

What is a man?Ā  A miserable little pile of comorbid mental illnesses.

ā€œDo you drink?ā€ the man had asked, taking a big sip of his Code Redā„¢ mountain dew.
Viscount Dracula laughed like a man (or in this case a dracula) about to say something he thought was very clever, and he had said, ā€œI donā€™t drink ā€¦ mountain dew.ā€

Brief sneak previews of my upcoming novel Dracula 2

Iā€™d read it


Andromache of Scythia


I donā€™t know what kind of fucking genius suggested to Charlize Theron that she become more and more of an action star as she ages, or if she just reached a fuck it point of having enough star juice to realize her dreams in Hollywood, but whatever reason there is that I keep seeing her looking buff as shit and jaded as hell in monochrome tank tops is enough to give me hope that we are not in The Darkest Timeline. The Old Guard, Atomic blonde, Mad Max, this woman is 45 years old, wearing leather and doing her own stunts. Please give me another decade+ of her slowly getting more jacked until she, Lucy Lawless, Gina Carrera, and Linda Hamilton can give us some kind of super wild John Wick type of franchise that is 90% middle aged women doing hand to hand combat and 10% queer Romance.

charlize theron pledging to keep up playing kick ass and queer characters :ā€™) her power


chAAAinnnnn walletz. shirts wiv Jack ssSSkellingtin that. bBoney Boney! BOYYyh :D Hau would you like to see! šŸ‘€ a INNNNN šŸ¤¤šŸ„µflux of customehrs *big breath* SOLELY due to the ssssUDDEN rrRRrRR(šŸ˜–šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ«ØšŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ‘…šŸ«¦)RApid SUc-- šŸ’¦šŸ’¦šŸ’¦šŸ’¦šŸ’„šŸ’„šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜µ-------cess šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø Of. HAZZBEEN HOE-TELwe're!!!!!BACK !!!!!Baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaallll the freaky little "š•²š–”š–™š–š–˜" who smellllllike š‘­š’“š’Šš’•š’ Baaaaaaags Cummmm Trudging Thru our DOhwrs once more........... """ehdventure Tiiiiime""" ? eKhHhHN HN HMMM~~~ >:]]] šŸ˜ˆšŸ¦¹šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø SPENNNNDINNNG TIIIIIME YOU SAUCY MINXXXXAH!


Four things that are 100% true and you should think about if you haven't already:

  • You don't have to be a boy if you don't want to
  • You don't have to be a girl if you don't want to
  • You can be a boy if you want to
  • You can be a girl if you want to

This isn't a joke. This is reality. Have you considered these facts? If not, maybe take a moment to think about it. How's your gender doing? If you don't like it, it can be changed. Hell, even if you do like it, maybe you'd like something else more?


I wonder how my life might have been different if someone had told me this 10, 20, or 30 years ago

yeah that's why I'm telling it to everyone now! so that they don't have to wait another 10,20, 30, or even 2 more years before they figure it out


(gripping the skink with both hands, pale and feverish, sweating and shaking as I look at myself in the mirror) ā€œkilling a character is a valid writing choice that can be a crucial plot mechanic and lend beauty and depth to the story as a wholeā€ (wretches up blood into the sink) ā€œeven when itā€™s my favorite characterā€


I also drew it


me doing japanese homework:

wait a minuteā€¦.

this makes so much more sense now???

Why didnā€™t this meme come with a translatorā€™s note


If you're reading this...

go write three sentences on your current writing project.


# my favourite part about this post # is that nowhere does it say to reblog this # but weā€™re all reblogging it # because if we have to sufferĀ # so do other writers

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