

@impuretale / impuretale.tumblr.com

Editor and English Professor | NB/Genderfluid | She/Her | White

Hey did you know that you can’t escape fatphobia even after death? The article talks about how these donated bodies are used for first year anatomy students to study the body, and how the 'perfect' body for that should be 170-180 pounds.

“The storage is one issue, but when you are obese, there’s a lot of tissue everywhere. The students don’t get as good a learning opportunity.”

"That program limits donors to between 170 pounds and 180 pounds, though an exceptionally tall donor might be allowed at 190.

“It’s the maximum our equipment will handle,” Powers said.

Sounds like they just need newer and better equipment?

"Obese bodies are more difficult, time-consuming and unpleasant to study, said Wade, who also heads his state’s anatomy board."

Ah yes, we've arrived at the real reason..

Quick question, if fat bodies are not accepted as potential cadavers for medical students to study on then what are the consequences for that?

Fat people are dismissed medically and are told to lose weight before even getting a chance to be examined. While alive. Then are rejected for further study after death. How many people died and will die because medical professionals are missing potential problems that could be diagnosed?


You know, I’ve never personally been lifted from the ground by my neck to be strangled, but uh, is there a reason y’all never like….. kick the person holding you? Like characters straight up just dangle there and gasp, like you have legs! Use them you stupid bitches!


Actually, the physics involved with that is kinda weird. The thought, oh shit, can’t breathe, usually overpowers the rational part of the mind that can calmly assess the threat and comes up with effective solutions.

But that’s only the first obstacle. The second is leverage. I don’t know about you, but I hate stomach crunches. Thing is, why you’re being gripped by the neck, the only way you can get your feet up on your attacker is to move using muscles in your neck and spine. There’s not really any other source of leverage you can draw from like this.

It’s not an easy feat. It takes conscious thought, thoughts that keep getting drowned out by the oh shit, can’t breathe, instinct.

And then

in order to kick effectively, you’ll need some kind of leverage. Putting your back against a wall would be the most effective tactic, but a person being held like that literally has no choice in this regard.

The next best tactic would be to lift your legs as high as your opponent’s shoulder and use the combined leverage to try and break their grip on your throat. Except:

  1. If they’re lifting you up off the ground by the neck, they’ll probably not have their grip broken by human force.
  2. Your neck bones are fairly fragile, you could end up paralyzing yourself making the attempt.

“Just kick them” doesn’t work in this situation because you’re off the ground. An ordinary kick relies on manipulating leverage and muscle from one leg on the ground and another exerting force on the target.

Trying to fight back without a good source of leverage is like trying to beat them to death with a pool noodle.

And that’s assuming you can think of any of this at all.

This was actually very informative and I revoke my earlier snappish words, thank you


Not technically... But it's easier to say yes than to discuss Sylvia's true nature.


I don't think Sylvia was ever on the ship. That's Isis.

(Whose true nature is less known than Sylvia's, so I suspect OP confused the names instead of the characters)

Damn. Cat who is actually a woman identification failure and Classic Star Trek episode identification failure all in one tiny post.


Happens to us all eventually... :)


A Simple Trick for Fic Writers

Hey, if you're a fic writer and a character speaks in a different language, you don't just have to add the translation in the notes. Use the following HTML coding to add 'text on hover' to the word(s). If the reader is on a computer they can hover over the text to see the translation.

<div title="This is the text in the box!">This is the text that shows in your fic!</div>

Here are some examples from a fic on my AO3.

This coding here <div title="a fool, idiot (lit. emptyhead)">Eyn utreekov</div> will show this on hover.

This next example shows that you can add a lot of text. The formatting is the same as above.

PS: When doing this, there may be spacing issues, but you can edit the text through AO3's html or rich text editor. From there you can add italics (like I did), bold, etc, and fix any weird spacing issues. Just be careful not to delete the coding that you worked so hard on 😂


Please please please do both!!! As it says, hovertext only works if you’re reading the fic online. For those of us who have to (or want to) download to read offline, this method doesn’t work—providing necessary translations in the chapter endnotes is important. I’m also uncertain how this works with accessibility software, so keep that in mind too.

This is a wonderful point that I did not include in my initial post.

Here's an addition of how to add a footer that brings you to the end notes and then has another link to bring you back to the spot that you were reading (this works when downloaded as a PDF or EPUB).

This goes in the work HTML; <a href="#definition1" name="definition"><sup>1</sup></a>

This goes in the Author Endnote (or wherever you want it really); <a name="definition1"></a>1. Translation text here <a href="#definition">Back</a>

It will look like this on AO3. And when you press the superscript, you will be taken to the endnotes. At the endnotes, there will be a link that takes you back to the exact place of the superscript.

Above is an example from a guide I made yesterday after the engagement on this post and reblogs such as the one I'm responding to. It goes into alternative HTML and some other basics.

Also, in regards to accessibility. Screen readers will only read what is present on the screen, so the hover over text will not be read. I'd highly recommend using footers or just making sure to have your definitions in your author notes or story in alternative ways.

Footers are also more mobile/tablet friendly since they do not have cursors to hover with. But footers can be tapped and used :D

Honestly using a combination of all of these can be useful. Or you can just keep it simple. I love the aspect of customization and creating unique reading experiences. This is something that AO3 truly does allow for, which is awesome!


Faig Ahmed is renowned for his mesmerizing textile pieces. He completed his most recent carpet design after months of interruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This remarkable red tapestry, ‘Doubts’, features intricate patterns that dissolve into a viscous fluid shape, framed by white tassels.

Ahmed’s contemporary carpets are based on traditional textile craftsmanship, which he then deconstructs and reimagines in new and exciting ways.


a writer who writes about taboo subjects doesn’t owe you any explanation as to why they write what they write

an artist who draws dark, macabre art doesn’t owe you any explanation as to why they draw what they draw

a writer who writes about taboo subjects doesn’t owe you any explanation as to why they write what they write

an artist who draws dark, macabre art doesn’t owe you any explanation as to why they draw what they draw

a writer who writes about taboo subjects doesn’t owe you any explanation as to why they write what they write

an artist who draws dark, macabre art doesn’t owe you any explanation as to why they draw what they draw

hope this helps 🥰

your discomfort does not entitle you to explanations as to what anyone writes

your discomfort does not entitle you to cruelty about what someone writes

your discomfort does not entitle you to being hurtful without repercussions over what someone writes

hope that helps but if it doesn't, please know that never unlearning the idea you are owed explanations by everyone for every behavior isn't going to mess up my life - it's going to mess up yours, because "I don't believe in boundaries" is rarely a phrase heard among happy people


Underrated form of comedy: expressing completely mundane inconveniences as a form of oppression you are experiencing, but it has to be the most ridiculous comparison possible. Example:

Can't find my keys: "Violence inherent in the system!"

Pebble in my shoe: "This is misogyny."

Have to walk to the store and it's 90 degrees out: "This is homophobia. And during Pride Month, too."

Stubbed my toe: "Elder abuse!"

The rule: No one is really being hurt, just inconvenienced, and usually by their own action or happenstance. No one else is involved. That's what makes it harmless and funny. You are also in the group you are referencing or have been placed there by public opinion.


"i would kill for you" "i would die for you" okay but would you forgive me if i forgot something important for the 51204th time in a row even though i tried my best to remember


Mutuals are a lot like cats in that you kinda have to harmlessly pester and annoy them sometimes

*brushes all your fur the wrong way so you look like a feather duster*

reblog to pet your mutuals the wrong way


Guy gets isekai’d to a fantasy world and introduces AAVE there and it becomes widely accepted. He leaves and another guy gets isekai’d there and he’s wondering why the half-elf he just met said she’s finna get lit at the tavern tonight.

Hobbit: oooooh chile, this ale got me feeling alright

Isekai’d hero 2: you can’t be talking like that white baby man

Isekai’d hero

2: you can’t be talking like

that white baby man

Beep boop! I look for accidental haiku posts. Sometimes I mess up.


I'm kind of glad to hear that everyone does this. Because it means it isn't colonizer bullshit, it's what everyone does. It's just people discovering new things. Everyone goes:

"Oh hey these people have their own style of [language A's word for thing. Say, what do you call it?"

"Oh it's [language B's word for thing]."

"Got it, it's [language B's word for thing] variety [language A's word for thing]"


[item] the way [culture] makes it. 

If you don’t want sliced bread, you want bread the way Eastern Indians make it you ask for Roti, not bread. Because Roti is bread THE WAY [EASTERN] INDIANS MAKE IT. Like fuck, it’s not that complicated a concept. 

OF COURSE it’s not colonizer bullshit! It’s just linguistic shorthand!

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