
every single person you know has something in their life and past that is probably worth collapsing to the ground in an uncontrollably sobbing heap over, so be nice to each other and tell good jokes


know you’ll be alright if u never see me again


not to sound like a whore or anything but last night i dreamt that someone caressed the small of my back

Anonymous asked:

ash, please tell me if i'm overreacting or not. my friend group didn't wish me a happy birthday even though i stood there and explicitly told them it was my birthday. and then the literal following day i had to watch as, unprompted, they all enthusiastically wished someone else from our friend group a happy birthday.

i'm trying to temper myself. trying to pretend that it's not a big deal, trying to convince myself that there's a reason they said nothing.

i'm also just trying not to go off the deep end, cut them out and move on with my life.

i don't know what to do. it's weighing so heavy on me.

your feelings are so valid and it’s completely understandable to be hurt by what happened. honestly, to me, it does seem like your friends might have intentionally ignored ur birthday and i think it’s super important to have a conversation with them. tell them how it made you feel and see how they respond. their reaction will be telling. if they dont acknowledge ur feelings or if you continue to feel unappreciated, it might be time to reassess these friendships. you deserve to be surrounded by people who genuinely value and respect you. your feelings are valid, and its ok to seek the kind of respect and appreciation you deserve.

Anonymous asked:

Should I get my nipples pierced?

hell yes


i miss kendall roy every day like not joking ever since may 28, 2023 there has been a hole in my heart that can never be filled


just wanna find the softest grass i can find and lay down in it and look at the sky for a very very very long time


mundane tasks like wiping down surfaces & folding the laundry can be spiritual practices and even blessings if we allow them to be

doing the dishes.. opening the windows to let in fresh air.. washing and changing bed linens.. baking a loaf of bread... neatening and nurturing the wardrobe.. sorting through clutter and the drawers.. organising the books... picking up things from the floor.. hand washing delicates..

  • Wake up and open your curtains. Your windows too.
  • Drink some tea or coffee, whatever pleases you. Notice every sip.
  • Have some fresh fruit and finish breakfast feeling full.
  • Stand outside and feel the air. Cool or warm, it will make you feel real.
  • Get some exercise. Yoga to soothe, running to breathe, lifting for strength.
  • Take care of your body. Have a nice shower and pamper as much as you want afterward. 
  • If you’re going to work, remember you have the chance to make anyone’s day or to ruin it. Act accordingly. 
  • Weed out the bad language. It’s only creating tension in your body and mind. Kind words are infinitely more appreciated.
  • Take some time each day to improve your mind. Keep reading that great book. Listen to an incredible piece of music. Practice an instrument or a skill. The progress is its own reward.
  • Pictures will help you remember how wonderful life is. But spend less time on your phone and more time seeing the world face to face. 
  • Go to sleep knowing that you have done well. Tomorrow is there with room to become even better.

-Notes to myself on how to become a better person this summer.


i have plans that i can not share with you because the haters will sabotage me

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