
A real amiable sort of freak

@horseboneologist / horseboneologist.tumblr.com

Adult | they/them | Guzzlin 24/7 | Art Tag | TMA & Malevolent mostly

I think one of the Worst Things about wanting to find period clothing from other cultures, is trying to find fucking casual/work clothes. Like no, I do not want to see all these fancy intricate kimonos, I want to see jinbei, and field work outfits so I don't put a damn obi on this poor boy so he has a belt to hang his knife from.

ok but i found the best picture ever

look at her she's so cute and happy i love this photo

This image comes from a whole gallery of Taishō era b&w photos, many of them showing everyday work clothes.


I saw a post a little while ago that I'll never find again, but it's still bugging me. It was written like a PSA about proper procedure for applying testosterone gel--mainly, how you're not supposed to let it get on anyone else's skin.

And that's correct. But the post went hard on it, like "please, please be aware of the risks of this medication, it can do so much damage to others if you're not careful, I just think we should be honest about the advantages and disadvantages of medications like this."

It could've been sincere, but it gave me concern-trolling vibes real bad and I can't get it out of my head. So here's my PSA:

  • Don't slap on your T-gel and then immediately rub your bare bicep on anyone.
  • Once 2 hours have passed, the remaining amount available to be absorbed is negligible. The med guide says to wash your bicep before you rub it on anyone, but even that's being extremely cautious.
  • Testosterone isn't poison. If you apply a full dose every day, it still takes months before anything noticeable happens. It's not going to kill someone who accidentally touches your skin for .5 milliseconds.
  • You do not have to handle T-gel like it's drain cleaner. It's not corrosive. Cis women have testosterone. It's a thing that humans have in our bodies. Avoid getting your medication onto anyone else, but holy shit nothing bad is gonna happen if you forget one time and snuggle shirtless.
  • T-gel is alcohol-based, so it's best to refrain from being on fire until it has dried thoroughly.
  • Don't put it on your dick. If you've ever accidentally or on purpose gotten IcyHot on your dick, you have an intuitive understanding of how the skin there differs from bicep skin. Also, the effects of testosterone gel don't localize like that and your dick is fine, I promise.
  • Don't eat it. I don't know why you'd want to, but don't.
  • Don't leave the bottle out around little kids on account of little kids being the way that they are, i.e., enthusiastic about potions.

Saw some scaremongering misinfo going around, so I dug up this post again.

NOTE: re-reading it, I don't think I made this clear: The point of not letting it get on other people is mostly so that YOU get the entire prescribed dose.

(Also: if getting the effects of t-gel was as easy as brushing against someone's bare skin, don't you think trans guys would be constantly-ah, no, I shan't say.)


my username comes from a dumb pun I made because my spouse was overly worried about his t-gel getting on me and I was like 'don't worry, I don't mind a little contact guy'


Idk like I think there's a really misogynist way that women are expected to consider being murdered and assaulted as like 1000x worse than anything else that could happen and do everything possible to avoid it and like it's unarguably bad! But constantly whenever I mention going hiking or whatever people are like 'omg you're going camping alone as a woman??? what if you get murdered?????' Actually by far the way I am most likely to die doing that is... some sleep deprived or drunk driver crashing into me on the way there! But no one tells you to avoid driving, meanwhile there's so much pressure on women to like, always stay in other crowded super safe areas or at home to Protect Their Virtue and it's like lol I would actually rather live an interesting life doing things that I enjoy


Had an idea for a john doe design! all the peices (except the background) are from vintage medical diagrams.

this was inspired by him choosing the name john doe, which is usually given to those who are unidentified victims of crimes. john himself is peices, both of himself but also of Arthur.

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