
sorry about my vibes

@garnavis / garnavis.tumblr.com

he/him, 30s, brooklyn ny, software engineer

marketing guy: hmmm yeah we need to make vodka soda branded as “gay water.” make sure the packaging looks like diaper packaging.

other marketing guy: maybe we should add funny little stickers, like–

both at the same time: racism is small dick energy!

Anonymous asked:

It doesn't matter if it's your OC, you shouldn't lewd a minor

Finneas is a 24 year old grown man.


Girl I do no know how to explain that the vast majority of adults used to be children.


The tags are all great here but this one made me look at it for a couple seconds. I don’t recall jesus being born an adult im very certain he was also a baby at some point

there’s a very popular holiday about it, in fact


Wait wait they are saying its okay to sexualize Jesus and no one else


asuka is a little confused about the purpose of pride month


An asexual and pansexual become room-mates and have wacky adventures

The show is called ‘All or Nothing’

Well, well, well…

10 years of All or Nothing.

I made this post when I was 20 years old and there was basically no asexual/pansexual rep in media.

I’m 30 years old now and…well, there still isn’t a lot, but at least we have Todd on Bojack Horseman and that guy from Schitt’s Creek?

A lot has changed in the past 10 years, both in the world and within myself. Looking back on the anxious, self-criticising barely-adult that I was back then really helps to put things into perspective.

Despite the Everything that’s happened with this post, I’m still glad it’s around and that it’s circulating - a little slice of classic 2014 tumblr nostalgia.

To everyone who has gotten something positive out of this post - I’m glad I was able to brighten even a small part of your lives, even for a moment.

To everyone who’s amazed I’m still here - Same, honestly. Please keep adding such comments though, each other gives me more power so that I may one day ascend from this mortal shell.

To everyone who’s left unnecessary negativity on the post - Okay 👍

And to everyone who may be wondering ‘how does one celebrate the anniversary of such a momentous part of history?’

In the most asexual way possible:

Happy All or Nothing, y'all.


Having thoughts about my job that would get me removed for violating tumblr's community guidelines


Still from a Unarius ‘psychodrama’ c. 1980s

Unarius, a UFO cult in California that self described as a “spiritual school,” was a strange presence on California Public Access T.V. starting in the 1980s and running through the 1990s. It’s leader and founder Ruth Norman (or “Archangel Uriel” as she’s was known to the group) passed away in 1993 but the collective lives on, continuing to host events open to the public called things such as the “Annual Interplanetary Conclave of Light.”


The reason nobody remembers Starfield is that it was consumed by the dark presence of cauldron lake.


wanting to talk to people is so fucking embarrassing. literally hi it's me again I wanted to have a conversation with you because I think you're fun to talk to. oh god you can just fucking kill me if you want sorry


pookaposting on main


this post has been removed for violating tumblr's community guidelines

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