
@ekdsc / blog.ekd.sc

currently suffering from a deep, incurable case of evangelion brainworms. but like, normal ones. trust me they're normal please please please


My website is now on its own cool custom domain - ekd.sc! This means this blog is now sitting on its subdomain - blog.ekd.sc!! Therefore going forth I will be treating this page as an extension of my site.

Expect me to post on here a lot more often - just so this is a consistent feed. Tagging will be a bit neater, but I don’t have the patience to retag older posts, so those will stay a mess.

Also, if you’ve somehow missed it (because I’ve been inactive on here as of recent), commissions are open! If you’re interested, or have ever enjoyed art from me, you can find all the details on the commissions page of my site on how to get one. AND if you commission me, you’re awesome :3

That’s all for now! 

- elle

(P.S. if you’re looking for only my art, just check out the #elle art tag!)


you kinda made me to watch eva again. i have forgot how good it is as a show. i remembered only the heavy emotional scenes. that series thrives in small moments.

so thank you


funny you say this, my first watch of eva I went in "spoiled". that is to say, I thought I would get less out of it, because the internet has pretty readily overexposed the bigger events... towards the end of the series, missing a lot of the nuance the show carries up until those last couple of episodes and frankly just ignoring the plot up until Kaworu comes in (you'd never guess how much Hikari, Toji and Kensuke come into play with how little discussion they get online!).

if you, other Tumblr person who is seeing this, have held off watching evangelion because of how admittedly overexposed the plot seems, I highly recommend giving it a shot anyways, there's so much more to get out of it than you think!!


Trans shinji is the best thing Ive ever seen in my life


Using this specific ask to say I really appreciate all the love I'm getting for trans shinji, I love every one of the nice comments about it!!!!! and also that the response on here has been so much nicer than on Twitter 😭 I don't have to worry about a legion of cunnyhitler88s filling my notifications here

Anonymous asked:

please keep making trans shinji content. I’m 100% sure it would’ve saved her, or at least made everything better. Also I can’t find anything else for her :,(

Other than my pleas, though, I do have to say I like your art! It’s a really nice style!

Of course I'll keep going!! It makes me happy which is why I like drawing it :) I think it's fair to say I'm basically the CEO of transfem shinji content at this point anyways - if i stop the whole company sinks...


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