
Consuelo's Doodles

@calamitycons / calamitycons.tumblr.com

21+ | I am Consuelo Higdon. This is my personal blog. Lots of reblogs, regular blog posts, art posts, and story posts will be seen. Also read my webcomics.


go into another room and pick up a random object and look at it!!

like really look at it!!!

SOMEONE designed that!!

a real life living person set time aside to design that

you will probably never know their name but you should thank them and all the other designers who make the mundane things in your life because otherwise life would be boring with out them

reminds me of this


I love the use of the phrase 'some strange alchemy' as a descriptor for a process you don't understand.

'Through some strange alchemy(crochet) they turned a bundle of yarn into a stuffed giraffe'

'Through some strange alchemy(bad cooking) they turned a perfectly marinated steak into a charcoal briquet'

'Through some strange alchemy(good cooking) they turned a pile of slop into the fluffiest bread loaf I'd ever seen'

'Through some strange alchemy(bad reading comprehension) they took my polite statement and turned into a disgusting act against the poor'

and so on


what have you done


Curious to know what African penguins eat or why you don’t see snow or ice in our penguin exhibit?

Come meet our African penguins and find out! Join Senior Aviculturist, Kim, to learn more about our African penguins and how you can use the Seafood Watch guides to help you eat sustainable seafood for their survival! 🐧


Ayyyyy stupid poll time because I'm bored and what the hell. Happy belated Father's Day. Or whatever. Idk that was weeks ago lmao

Who will adopt this pathetic wet cat of a man?


I was inspired by a picture of a burning swing and thought it reminded me of Sephiroth. The swing symbolizes his childhood, which Shinra and Hojo destroyed. And Sephiroth looks at it with sadness.

"I just want to live a normal life" - Sephiroth in Final Fantasy VII: Ever Crisis.

Sephiroth struggled to fit the heroic image that Shinra prepared for him, wishing only to live a normal life. He reasoned through the horrors of having to fight other [...] The realities of war weighed heavily on Sephiroth's heart, but his newfound comrades encouraged him to wield his significant power with compassion and resolved to help him become a true hero.


Dr. Gachey with foxglove, 1890

Some of Van Gogh’s best work was done during a period of his life that he spent in a hospital being treated for his mental health problems. I could be wrong but I think Starry Night was among those.

This is consistently the case. Creators tend to do their best work when they are in a healthy place and receiving proper treatment and not being self destructive in their efforts to cope. Go figure.

All our experiences, good and bad, inform what we create, but suffering is not the price of great art. Suffering is what prevents artists from completing great art.

(I bring to mind this @tkingfisher / Ursula Verson quote about once a week <3)

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