
Better Be Meta

@betterbemeta / betterbemeta.tumblr.com

Media, Fandom, Analysis, Horses, Inclusive Feminism, Dinosaurs.


In a new poll by Evil Industries, the majority of employees say that they enjoy working for Evil. 95% of respondents endorse the company, its objectives, and its CEO, and many remain with the company despite other opportunities in hopes of furthering the CEO's Evil mission.

We had the chance to interview one such Evil employee.

"I just love it here. I wake up and eat breakfast thinking of all the evil I'm going to achieve," he said, sweating profusely. "I love Evil. I love my manager. I can't imagine doing anything else."

0.1% of respondents said, "Oh god, I need to get out of here." They were unavailable for further comment.

The results of this poll contradict the widespread belief that Evil employees are being held hostage.

Update: The managers of Evil Industries have reached out to inform us that their dissatisfied employees were given a generous severance package and are now enjoying their retirement at a nice farm.


happy Thursday the 20th

I’d have to wait months or even years for another chance to reblog this, so why the fuck not?

next days you can reblog this on a Thursday the 20th

August 2015

October 2016

April 2017

July 2017

September 2018

December 2018

June 2019

February 2020

August 2020

You know, just in case you wanted to set your queue for the next 6 years



Heritage post

Is anyone else mildly unsettled by the implication that this is going to be the last Thursday the 20th

Don’t worry, here’s the next 5 Years of Thursday the 20ths!

  • May 2021
  • January 2022 October 2022
  • April 2023 July 2023
  • June 2024
  • and THREE thurday the 20ths in 2025 with:
  • February 2025
  • March 2025
  • November 2025

On one hand I do like that Zelda is the protagonist in Echoes of Wisdom, and that her options will be different from Link's usual repertoire to give her identity.

But on the other hand:

  • I don't really like that Zelda gets to go outside only in the top-down nu-retro toygame style. It would be different if there was a 'major zelda game' that already featured her as a playable character and not as an inaccessible puzzle box maiden... but the only games where we have 'played as zelda on an adventure' have been Cartoony. The tone has been set that the adventure is to be taken less seriously.
  • I hope that they don't completely prohibit Zelda from Bonking something, because I don't want the Two Genders to be "attack with a sword" and "arrange furniture."
  • On that topic, while Zelda does tend to tell guys to use swords for her more often than she attacks anything on her own... we're supposed to believe it's bad when Ganondorf Summons Monsters to do his bidding, but it's fine when Zelda does it? Oh but they are just 'copies' of a monster, that makes it okay,

I don't know. I still think it's a little weird. I was being a bit cute on the way I phrased it.

I'm not saying that Zelda is nonviolent based on that trailer but that the mode of violence seems different to me in a way that I find hard to explain. There is something extremely deliberate to how Link has been given use of his sword as Primary Tool and something less deliberate about "you can throw [anything throwable] that you summon."

If we took away Link's sword and reduced him to throwing pots around, we'd feel his agency has been limited-- like during the stealth section at the beginning of Wind Waker, or maybe the big temple in Phantom Hourglass. We wouldn't really feel 'he's still empowered to do violence!', but instead, 'he is unable to perform [an unspoken role]' that we find it's normal for Zelda not to perform.

Besides even without The Rock Throwing, Zelda absolutely still is doing violence by summoning agents to bonk on her behalf. But its a mode of violence that doesn't really challenge this [unspoken role].

It's kind of like...

  • Gender roles cause people to filter appropriate vs. inappropriate actions. ⬇️
  • Based on [most] societal norms right now, it's more expected for a woman to not filter "call the cops on that homeless person/obstruct that homeless person" and maybe even allow herself to "throw a random brick you found at that homeless person" if there seems to be popular support for that action. ⬇️
  • And those norms would filter out, for the female gender role, "attack that homeless person with a stick" or "engage in the mythology surrounding owning a personal weapon and then deploy it upon the homeless person" a lot more. ⬇️
  • So this is what I mean wrapped up in "the bonk": I think they did not differentiate Zelda's personality through the modes of violence she can do as much as assume gender roles ARE the personality. Which doesn't surprise me because Zelda is kind of defined by 'she can't do what Link does' to necessitate Link's adventures in most games. (but like... is that really how things have to be?) ⬇️
  • I also wish Link would bonk Less and not just when we're supposed to be 'disempowered' to impose some kind of alternate gameplay mode like stealth or puzzles-- and yes, creating death bots in Tears of the Kingdom is still Bonking and I don't think it's framed the same as Zelda summoning agents to do her bidding or Throwing a Rock.

Mostly I just find it weird she doesn't have a bow. I think in the Regular Course of Princess Business Zelda isn't trained in any combat but she seems to be in archery, which makes sense as would likely fencing. It's combat, but also like, Acceptable for a Princess in a dumb way. I think the only time we see her be different from this is when she is Sheik in Ocarina of Time, which was a very extenuating circumstance. The premise of The Echoes of Wisdom seems like a more simple approach to that extenuating circumstance and without the timeskip for her to learn combat. And I don't mean that as an excuse. I am chuffed by this weird copy idea with inanimate objects, it looks fun and silly and like a fun game mechanic, but I am also curious why she can't have a bow. This isn't like "bonking" something super direct but i think for a princess who doesn't know combat range makes more sense for her to use especially if she's already trained in using the weapon in a more controlled environment. I would be entirely interested if there is ever some kind of confrontation between her and Ganon who also uses his minions for his bidding, and some kind of acknowledgement of how weird her being able to do so is -- but i doubt this will happen. Is the weird dark magic a remnant of Ganon or something else anyway? And also was he a guy before the big pig? Cause we have Gerudo in this game so ...hm. Sorry, I digress. I think especially for the start of her adventure range and tertiary weapons make sense given her status and likely experience. I think it would be really neat if as you progress she learns a weapon like a spear or a sword or whatever -- maybe she makes the master sword, Link's sword handle wasn't purple afterall. I'm looking forward to its release to see how they do this, and hopefully it'll sell well and prove to nintendo they should look at making a playable Zelda in a 3D larger game.

Re: @ziskeyt You hit upon something here I did actually feel and struggled to explain. "Does it make sense for this Zelda to be a Ranged character?" is part of taking her seriously-- it is a secondary question off of "what skills does this Zelda have?"

It absolutely WOULD be a viable game concept to explicitly state that THIS ZELDA is one that simply doesn't have experience with martial weapons. That's completely fine and has no weird vibes. It is normal for an individual person to not have experience with something, for ordinary people reasons. You could even write it into the story, "My ancestors fought alongside great heroes... but I never expected I might have to. I wish I was as prepared as they were."

When something is actually communicated clearly in the story, it can become a conflict. And conflicts are great! "I'm personally not good at fighting, so how do I get through anyway?" is a very strong problem to navigate.

But that doesn't match up to how I feel it's coming across here, like its 'natural' for a Zelda to align with gender roles rather than have individual skills and gaps in those skills that might be different from 'other Zeldas.' Not every Zelda researches ancient technology, not every Zelda spent years studying to be a ninja, etc. But in a cartoony game, everything is more likely to be 'roles' rather than 'people' and in that case what does it say about the 'real role' of those other Zeldas who did do a bunch of other stuff?

Given that Link has had all the opportunity in many games to use tools of similar puzzle-type utility as the one that this Zelda must rely on (but maybe more limited in scope, like... Sand Rod, or Cane of Somaria, Cane of Pacci, etc.) in this upcoming game, and the opposite hasn't been true yet, it's hard for me not to feel it's all questionable.


On one hand I do like that Zelda is the protagonist in Echoes of Wisdom, and that her options will be different from Link's usual repertoire to give her identity.

But on the other hand:

  • I don't really like that Zelda gets to go outside only in the top-down nu-retro toygame style. It would be different if there was a 'major zelda game' that already featured her as a playable character and not as an inaccessible puzzle box maiden... but the only games where we have 'played as zelda on an adventure' have been Cartoony. The tone has been set that the adventure is to be taken less seriously.
  • I hope that they don't completely prohibit Zelda from Bonking something, because I don't want the Two Genders to be "attack with a sword" and "arrange furniture."
  • On that topic, while Zelda does tend to tell guys to use swords for her more often than she attacks anything on her own... we're supposed to believe it's bad when Ganondorf Summons Monsters to do his bidding, but it's fine when Zelda does it? Oh but they are just 'copies' of a monster, that makes it okay,

You say areange furniture I say build makeshift medieval death

Are you sure? Is this the same as Summon Box?

Old Bed , maybe?

Go, Potted Plant! My Makeshift Death Machine!

Fear the power of Big Rock!

(okay, this one actually IS just a big rock,)


idk what teenager needs to hear this but please stop watching south park

someone else out there can probably explain it better than me but south park absolutely rotted people’s brains. maybe some of you are too young to remember, but 10-15 years ago people were honestly so vile because of that show.

south park made it funny to be antisemitic, racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, ableist etc. it introduced forms of bigotry to a lot of kids who otherwise wouldn’t have considered it otherwise.

your memes aren’t cute. I don’t care if you’re drawing those characters with your gay/trans headcanons or whatever. I’m surprised this is even an issue in 2023


Im gonna post the reddit thing about it

That last line is annoying but overall this makes good points. Fundamentally it teaches people that any kind of challenge to your preexisting conceits should be immediately dismissed and then ruthlessly mocked


South Park (and shows like it) are so effective at increasing Asshole Quotient because they function like propaganda.

Propaganda doesn't brainwash people directly, it gives people 'permission' to express inappropriate feelings only as long as they reinforce some kind of social norm and denounce everything outside it.

"I am allowed to express feelings [or achieve catharsis] without vulnerability if I have social advantage-- which I am sanctioned to maintain over [certain] other people."

It's sort of the same thing as how some people who would be too timid to be horrible on their own may be more confident to be horrible as part of a group. The group is a form of shelter that will grant its members social advantage... so long as they maintain that advantage over something or someone else.

But in the case of a piece of media, the support it provides is not 'safety in numbers' or 'immediate social reinforcement' but the sense that the world itself backs up the suggested outlet for your feelings. Money went into making it, right? Somebody with power looked at it and said, this passes the sniff test!

It's notable that this structure isn't mandatory for 'shows with adult themes' or 'lots of swearing.' Something being Not for Children or About Things You Can't Do In Public doesn't require this assumption of fragility or the propagandistic framework to cover it. It can just be explicit and sincere and accept the risk that comes with that sincerity.


On one hand I do like that Zelda is the protagonist in Echoes of Wisdom, and that her options will be different from Link's usual repertoire to give her identity.

But on the other hand:

  • I don't really like that Zelda gets to go outside only in the top-down nu-retro toygame style. It would be different if there was a 'major zelda game' that already featured her as a playable character and not as an inaccessible puzzle box maiden... but the only games where we have 'played as zelda on an adventure' have been Cartoony. The tone has been set that the adventure is to be taken less seriously.
  • I hope that they don't completely prohibit Zelda from Bonking something, because I don't want the Two Genders to be "attack with a sword" and "arrange furniture."
  • On that topic, while Zelda does tend to tell guys to use swords for her more often than she attacks anything on her own... we're supposed to believe it's bad when Ganondorf Summons Monsters to do his bidding, but it's fine when Zelda does it? Oh but they are just 'copies' of a monster, that makes it okay,

I don't know. I still think it's a little weird. I was being a bit cute on the way I phrased it.

I'm not saying that Zelda is nonviolent based on that trailer but that the mode of violence seems different to me in a way that I find hard to explain. There is something extremely deliberate to how Link has been given use of his sword as Primary Tool and something less deliberate about "you can throw [anything throwable] that you summon."

If we took away Link's sword and reduced him to throwing pots around, we'd feel his agency has been limited-- like during the stealth section at the beginning of Wind Waker, or maybe the big temple in Phantom Hourglass. We wouldn't really feel 'he's still empowered to do violence!', but instead, 'he is unable to perform [an unspoken role]' that we find it's normal for Zelda not to perform.

Besides even without The Rock Throwing, Zelda absolutely still is doing violence by summoning agents to bonk on her behalf. But its a mode of violence that doesn't really challenge this [unspoken role].

It's kind of like...

  • Gender roles cause people to filter appropriate vs. inappropriate actions. ⬇️
  • Based on [most] societal norms right now, it's more expected for a woman to not filter "call the cops on that homeless person/obstruct that homeless person" and maybe even allow herself to "throw a random brick you found at that homeless person" if there seems to be popular support for that action. ⬇️
  • And those norms would filter out, for the female gender role, "attack that homeless person with a stick" or "engage in the mythology surrounding owning a personal weapon and then deploy it upon the homeless person" a lot more. ⬇️
  • So this is what I mean wrapped up in "the bonk": I think they did not differentiate Zelda's personality through the modes of violence she can do as much as assume gender roles ARE the personality. Which doesn't surprise me because Zelda is kind of defined by 'she can't do what Link does' to necessitate Link's adventures in most games. (but like... is that really how things have to be?) ⬇️
  • I also wish Link would bonk Less and not just when we're supposed to be 'disempowered' to impose some kind of alternate gameplay mode like stealth or puzzles-- and yes, creating death bots in Tears of the Kingdom is still Bonking and I don't think it's framed the same as Zelda summoning agents to do her bidding or Throwing a Rock.

On one hand I do like that Zelda is the protagonist in Echoes of Wisdom, and that her options will be different from Link's usual repertoire to give her identity.

But on the other hand:

  • I don't really like that Zelda gets to go outside only in the top-down nu-retro toygame style. It would be different if there was a 'major zelda game' that already featured her as a playable character and not as an inaccessible puzzle box maiden... but the only games where we have 'played as zelda on an adventure' have been Cartoony. The tone has been set that the adventure is to be taken less seriously.
  • I hope that they don't completely prohibit Zelda from Bonking something, because I don't want the Two Genders to be "attack with a sword" and "arrange furniture."
  • On that topic, while Zelda does tend to tell guys to use swords for her more often than she attacks anything on her own... we're supposed to believe it's bad when Ganondorf Summons Monsters to do his bidding, but it's fine when Zelda does it? Oh but they are just 'copies' of a monster, that makes it okay,

the bi woman's cishet boyfriend at pride

A great thread from mastodon by vx. princess size_t queen grace (@[email protected]) which I got permission to share here, since I thought some of y'all would like it:

"is the bi woman's cishet boyfriend allowed at pride" feels like one of those logic puzzles. like i have to get him across the river but i can't leave him alone with the cabbage

if the bi woman's cishet boyfriend crashes at pride, where do they bury the survivors

The Bisexual Woman's Cishet Boyfriend is a fallen london character

the polyamorous bisexual woman has three cishet boyfriends. one always lies, one always tells the truth, and one alternates between the two.

if a bisexual woman brings her cishet boyfriend to pride, whose job is it to install debian

anyways, my actual take is that, like, how would you even know. is he wearing a shirt that says "don't get any ideas, homos". i have to assume he's an ally

sorry, lady. your boyfriend's gonna have to suck a dick if he wants in

if a bisexual horse woman brings her cishet boot to pride, does love still win

if a bisexual woman opens a door to reveal a goat at pride, should you switch your door to increase your chances of choosing her cishet boyfriend


Honestly at this point the star wars Wikipedia is the only thing left that can still make me laugh

This is from a list of canon swear words

*peppers these into my regular conversation*


I've cracked it. the reason why everyone on star trek dresses like a lesbian:

  • it is trying to portray a future society with alien influences and a culture different from our own.
  • This causes designers to try to avoid cultural norms (or modify them in some noticeable way) which is basically the same as counterculture.
  • Women specifically have a lot to gain from opposing a misogynistic culture
  • 'Womens' clothing' is also heavily policed by that same culture so transgressions will be seen as more 'memorable'.

SO ESSENTIALLY, attempts to make 'alien space clothing' or 'sweaters from the future' will be identical to queer womens' fashion. Or at least an imaginary version that can be projected on the outfits: 'we would remember a woman who dresses Like That.'

it is also because the one cultural norm star trek will never avoid is titty


i do not have and will never have an iphone but i've been watching hugh jeffrey's videos where he keeps exposing apple's cartoonishly evil anti-repair practices and whatever you think they are doing to keep people purchasing new devices, it is astonishingly worse.

jeffrey's releases videos every time there's a new iphone where he tries to switch parts between two brand new, straight-from-the-store working phones and shows how apple has serialized the internal components so multiple phone functions are disabled when a part with a different serial number is put inside it, effectively killing third party repair, as well as scraping non-functioning phones for parts, while iOS deceptively claims that it is a third party part and it is locking the phone for "safety" purposes.

apple was also exposed recently for not only shredding half a million traded-in phones, but taking the company they were hiring to do so to court for failing to destroy products and instead selling some of them on the side πŸ’€

this video jeffrey posted a month ago puts side to side the claims an apple technician gave at a legislative hearing when speaking against oregon's right to repair bill, and jefferey himself demonstrating that they were, well, lying out of their ass. it doesn't have nearly enough views imo so i'm sharing it here.

in short: stop buying apple products if you care about the right to repair, reducing e-waste and human rights.

the exploitation of cobalt mines in congo is fueling the fire of genocide; people are dying in the thousands in subhuman slavery conditions every day while apple does everything in their power to stop people from repairing and re-selling their products while claiming they are committed to reducing e-waste.

we need to be committing acts of t[redacted]ism against corporate greed but in the meantime withholding your consumer power is the bare minimum

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