
when life gives you LIMES

@ca314159bara / ca314159bara.tumblr.com

arthur, 29, 🇧🇷. nonbinary (they/he/she) genderless orb who loves to have a good time

leftists really need to re-examine the idea that worker-based mass movements are what they should be focusing on because they really aren’t as powerful as they once were. workers got their power over the bourgeoisie from their ability to withhold their work. in a world where almost everyone is at the mercy of a landlord and living on a literal knifes edge of precarity, a significant amount of people get their employment through employment agencies (hi!), and a lot of the work people do is superfluous and not really a threat to the overall system if they withhold their labor, like, ya’ll need to step back and re-examine where to best put your energy. general strikes in the late 19th and early 20th century were devastating, today people strike to get a wage where it should really be if wages kept up with inflation in the first place. 

ya’ll aint looking at the bigger picture, you’re fighting harder for a smaller piece of a shrinking pie. if you want to make yourselves a threat to capital you need to be organizing blockades of capital’s infrastructure. ports, rail yards/railways, spontaneous freeway shutdowns, etc. “organizing the workers” is a dead-end, if you take mass-based organizing as a given you need to be looking at the choke-points and structural weaknesses of capital’s logistics.

⚠️⚠️⚠️WARNING⚠️⚠️⚠️this ☝️☝️post treats the unique global 🌎🌏🌍labor 🛠🛠🛠distribution📉📊📈 during the neoliberal 💱💱💱period as fixed📌📍📌 and immutable

Checkpoint🛃‼️🛂Does YOUR🫵🫵🫵 analysis include this form of underlying assumption❓️🙀❓️🫢❓️


‘nobody does work any more! there’s no manufacturing plants or whatever to organise in!’ who the fuck do you think makes your shoes and your shirt. who do you think picks the fucking food you eat. do you genuinely believe that modern capitalism operates as such that trucks stocked full of products just appear at the border spontaneously? - does your mind literally fail to imagine the existence of any actual human life outside the imperial core, is that how you come to the notion of blockading infrastructure as the only option? saying ‘everyone does superfluous work rather than actually producing anything’ says a great deal about who you consider when you say ‘people’!

this is also fully ignorant of how critical workers still are in functioning within the imperial core as well. why go to the trouble to cite the one class of workers (middle managers) who provide no necessary labor? if there was a general strike of food (grocery, food service, farm laborers) or transport workers, for example, a country like the US would grind to a halt within days. data center technicians alone could hold an enormous portion of the economy hostsge. and you can’t mention disrupting capital’s infrastructure and not acknowledge the workers operating that infrastructure in the first place. it’s not all happening on its own.


Anyway for those of you not enmeshed with tumblr’s transgender mycelial network, or otherwise on its periphery, basically every damn day of pride month another couple trans bloggers have gotten wiped, regardless of blog content, following, blog age, anything, and it shows no sign of slowing. In general it seems to be hitting transfems more liberally, but transmasc and nonbinary friends of mine have also been wiped for their steadfast solidarity or Just Cause. There’s also been an uptick in posts being almost immediately marked mature by community tags for no discernible reason beyond “Posting While Trans”. This is a time to stick together like goddamn epoxy resin. Vocally defend and support each other. Block and ignore any wretched cunt spreading callouts or stirring up shit. Make sure you have a way to talk to your friends beyond this site. Don’t buy badges, don’t blaze, cold shoulder the fuck out of mod blogs, and give voice to your discontent.

Bite the hand🖤


I hate the historical revisionism that "everyone hated Hitler's ethnonationalism" as if Hitler wasn't literally copy/pasting from how the US was treating native people and how Britian operated in India. There were antifascists. They were treated like terrorists just like they are today. Quit acting like antifascism was more popular than a fascist-accepting status quo.

he based his concentration camps in part on residential schools in "canada" as well. none of these countries are innocent of similar if not the same crimes as nazi germany

hey, let's not say other countries commit(ted) the same crimes Hitler did when that's objectively false! you can draw conclusions based on similarities (which do exist) without light holocaust denial.

I'm not denying a damn thing. the nazis wanted to eradicate Jewish people. the colonists wanted to eradicate Indigenous people.

they used many of the same strategies and had the same mindsets. "kill the lesser beings". Hitler took inspiration from canada's treatment of Indigenous people.

it's not offensive to liken one genocide to another.

and you know what, as an Indian person and since our treatment by the brits was mentioned, I'm allowed to call what the brits did to my people a genocide. they called us savages, slaughtered us, enslaved us. don't tell me what to call it or compare it to.

the nazis saw what the brits did to my people and saw a model to follow. how can you not compare the two?

“One of the most striking Nazi views was that Jim Crow was a suitable racist program in the United States because American Blacks were already oppressed and poor,” he says. “But then in Germany, by contrast, where the Jews (as the Nazis imagined it) were rich and powerful, it was necessary to take more severe measures.” Because of this, Nazis were more interested in how the U.S. had designated Native Americans, Filipinos and other groups as non-citizens even though they lived in the U.S. or its territories. These models influenced the citizenship portion of the Nuremberg Laws, which stripped Jewish Germans of their citizenship and classified them as “nationals.”
[...]The Nuremberg Laws, too, came up with a system of determining who belonged to what group, allowing the Nazis to criminalize marriage and sex between Jewish and Aryan people. Rather than adopting a “one-drop rule,” the Nazis decreed that a Jewish person was anyone who had three or more Jewish grandparents. Which means, as Whitman notes, “that American racial classification law was much harsher than anything the Nazis themselves were willing to introduce in Germany.”

The Nazi’s used so much propaganda. They weaponized hope and despair, which are incredibly powerful tools. Many people who maybe otherwise would be less nationalistic or more antifa, were manipulated into believing in the Nazi party.

Germany’s economy was in shambles at the start of ww2. When the Nazi’s said “these people are the reason your life is so bad right now” and even better, “if you follow us, and hurt them, your life will get better” people listened.

That is how genocides happen.

It starts with dehumanization, and that is what drives the rest.

"It targeted literally anyone who wasn't cishet white and blonde" wanna be revisionist a little louder? There were noted high-ranking nazi "fags." The "aryan" ideal was an utter construction: some of the swarthiest people were the same people who committed the most and worst atrocities. You're completely overlooking the disabled people who felt the true brunt of extermination alongside jews to make the identities you perhaps identify with seem uniquely persecuted as some sort of misguided gotcha. The point of the post is that the nazis were neither unique in their forms of extermination nor working alone to oppress certain groups of people: Spain, Italy, and even some unalligned with Germany were shipping Jews to the camps by the train load like cattle. Germany didn't commit the Holocaust all by its lonesome nor did the defeat of the Nazi regime end the practices in other nations: many of those "fags and trannies" who were in labor camps were shipped off to prisons in other countries to be lobotomized or chemically castrated or who knows what. The Allies were enacting their own criminalizations of these people and continuong these campaigns of hate before and after Hitler's defeat. Saying "the Allies won the war" and leaving it at that is precisely the revisionism I'm talking about: it lets every other nation off the hook for legit creating, enforcing, and supporting similar policies BEFORE AND AFTER the holocaust.

You missed the whole point of the post while engaging in your own historical revisionism: congratulations.


mr house is a really funny character

hgnnnmmm ivespent 200 years making my perfect plan... im going to entrust everything to this guy who wears a suit so ugly he can be tracked across the mojave by it. but dontworry i know What you're thinking. "what if he betrays me?" Well in that case i have a brain damaged mailman on standby as a replacement. have i mentioned im an INTJ? quick robot marilyn monroe jack me off to completion


Funny, but it kinda bugs me because it's almost entirely wrong. I'm pretty sure he didn't trust ANY part of his plan to Benny. Benny just stole a securitron and reprogrammed it to spy on what House was doing. The courier was always Plan A rather than the backup and he wasn't brain damaged when he was picked. Also he wasn't the only courier picked. 5 others were all chosen to act as diversions. And lastly there's no fucking way he was jacked off by a Marilyn Monroebot. It clearly would have been Vera Keyes.

i've had a few people say this or things like this and obvsies i did exaggerate for comlc effect -- but when you first meet house he explicitly says that benny was his protégé and that the courier is being hired to what was bennys position as his agent in the mojave! while i make fun of house for trusting benny (to be clear, a completely in character mistake, house is far too arrogant to believe anyone would betray or defy him) it would be completely nonsensical if his plan had always been dependent on a totally random courier he'd never met infiltrating the fort, destroying the BoS, and stopping the assassination of the president. also robot marilyn monroe was originally planned to be in the game alongside robot jane russel, but got cut for whatever reason--veronica still has a line about him having "two robot sex slaves"


this strawberry ice cream was like cheap store brand stuff so i expected the radioactive microplastic strawberry flavor, but this shit actually tastes like it was made from the fruit And it has a nice pleasant creamy texture


sabo!! i fucking called that he would be back as a grown up! the fucking payoff dude..... and hes gonna inherit aces power its so good..... from brother to brother..... oh and hes in the revolutionary army!! i thought hed be in the navy, thats way cooler tbh. i wonder if that means that dragon raised sabo more than he did luffy, thatd be kinda funny


countries will be like “nooooo our birth rate is falling exponentially and it’s effecting our economy” and immigrants will be like “hey can you let us in so we can boost your economy and fill your empty jobs and raise our children here” and inevitably the country is like “the only thing worse than a large scale collapse of our population is letting foreigners live here”

America’s immigration policies are difficult enough but I read the immigration policies for some countries and it is batshit insane. they’re straight up like “we hate disabled people, we hate people who don’t speak our language, if you don’t have a $85k a year salary lined up for you, we don’t want you to move here. if by some miracle you jump through all the hoops and move here, it will take you 20 years to obtain citizenship and during that time we will not rent to you because you’re a foreigner.” damn bitch. fuck you.

In the UK we complain that asylum seekers are a burden to the economy while also REFUSING to let them work even though they really want to (they don't get enough food and money to really live).

Can't have it both ways

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