
hey it's ben


staff / stay a while, and listen

so i have this mug and my wife hates it. she says it's hideous

but Quark is an acquired taste.

I shared this photo with my friends' group chat with the comment "It's a Quark Mug kind of day" and one of them asked "Why don't you drink from it every day?" and i responded saying I only have one so I don't want to break Quark.

today my friend dm'd me and said i have a package. i had no idea what it was. turns out it was more friends for quark

what's the mood today lads?


sreegs cackling is what my day needed


Hey is anybody having trouble with those Captcha test things lately? Mine are getting kinda weird and I’m even not too sure what to click on

Hi, a few people accused this of being AI generated and I would like to point out I actually painted this— it was inspired by how fucked up AI generated captcha images look, of course, but the final result was hand-drawn. Don’t mind that I have over 200 layers on this thing haha my painting process is a disaster

I appreciate the people reassuring me in the comments so much haha but don’t worry I wasn’t upset! I found it funny + it was an understandable mistake anyway since I was deliberately trying to imitate that vibe, just wanted to clear up that it was art because I evidently forgot to when I initially posted it

Oh yeah, extra details: the rock/leaf litter textures I used for the ground are actually static grain taken from MRI brain scans I had done years ago

Achievement Unlocked:

Artificial Artificial Intelligence

You managed to mimick AI so perfectly that everyone thinks you're a fake. Whoops/congratulations!

After posting our original experiment here and on Instagram, we got a lot of comments saying things like: The glue won’t hold. It will only last a couple seasons of moisture exchange. You’ll get ants. Bugs will eat the glue. To all this I say: Shut up. You don’t know. You just love to hear your tongue rattle in your cake hole.

– Christopher Schwarz, on discovering that you can make viable glue from gas station gummy worms


"What distress signal? I said no more adventures!"

All shot practically using figures and miniature sets. Only digitally added element is the little red light on R2. Be warned once you see the BTS there's no unseeing it 😂

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