

@elt / elt.tumblr.com

serial reblogger - shitpost connoisseur - love 🥦 - staff - he/him

welcome to my blog, i like reblogging stuff

my firmly held beliefs:

  • the reblog button was meant to be clicked


Source: tumblr.com

garfield has a point. lasagna is fucking delicious


unironically people need to learn to say “they haven’t done anything wrong i just find them annoying”

I personally think people need to understand that if someone hasn’t wronged you or anyone else, you should NOT dislike them. You don’t have to like them; just remain neutral.

nope! this is the kind of attitude the leads to you picking apart every little thing a person does digging through their past for dirt and problematizing everything about them, exaggerating harm, assuming the worst about them, putting words in their mouth, etc, to justify the fact that you simply don’t vibe with them when the truth is that you will not get along with everybody you meet in life and it’s extremely possible to be civil to someone you don’t like. you don’t have to be friends with everybody its fine. it’s certainly nicer than falsely accusing them of some heinous shit rather than admit that you’re not some Disney princess who’s never had an unfairly mean thought in her life and loves everybody and sings with little birdies and is never bitchy or irritable. sometimes you get annoyed for stupid reasons and understanding that your personal feelings about a person aren’t necessarily related to their morals or worthiness as a human being is the first step to being a civil adult.


see 0 note flop posts aren't that bad when they're personal but 0 note fandom posts feel literally so bad. like if you don't wanna play toys with me anymore just say that. i'll pack up my super cool awesome things and go and i'll sit on the other side of the playground by myself and i won't even look at you. fuck


Twitter users will not survive the winter

What do they mean it’s impossible to have conversations there’s at least three different ways to do so here

"It's impossible to have conversations there" -person coming from a website where DM'ing is now paywalled behind Twitter Blue.

"Your timeline hasn't moved in 45 minutes" Then follow people?????


skill issue


THIS is a conversation RIGHT HERE

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